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Posts posted by jaylenclyde

  1. On 7/20/2018 at 5:12 PM, Blackcobalt said:


    I'm new to the forums and Identity. I like the concept of the game from what I've seen and read in the last few days. And yet I don't know a great deal of what the game offers or the goal of Identity when relating to players exploring the world of Identity. Is Identity a sandbox mmo that allows the players to build and run the server as they see fit. Are there resources supporting a player to be anything they choose to be in Identity. Does Identity support decay player crafted items to rot over time.


    I have a lot of questions I hope some players can explain what Identity is and what it can offer for a player like myself.


    leave while you can

  2. On 7/1/2018 at 10:26 AM, LuckyDuck said:

    No one wants the game rushed. 3 things or 100 things, people don't want them to rush. The 3 tasks there well they are the biggest tasks. Also there were 4 tasks and one was completed a week ago. Yeah they are taking a bit long to complete these tasks but there is not so many working on them. Also they have to submit the module to Steam for verification before they can launch it.


    LUCKY DUCK I know your a long lasting member but really by now we aren't rushing them you know that. Especially since it is an alpha prototype to the game it is OK to release it since it is an earlier version so they can update , do you understand what i'm saying at least.

  3. On 12/19/2017 at 4:27 PM, Preston_bodhi_343 said:

    i've tested on system requirements lab for both gta V and arma 3 and i can run both on minimum requirements but ark doesn't meet the minimum requirements, can i play and run identity? bearing in mind this is on a windows 10 laptop not designed for gaming but i can run certain games

    ark is a heavy game you should be fine


    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  4. On 7/18/2017 at 2:31 AM, BeastWarrior said:

    Before i start i know some of them will hate this but its i need to be honest if you played a RP  like samp Dark RP  you know how its barely playable because of so many kids and immature  i know most will argue that not all kids are immature but mature kids is rare and they all  do is cause  trouble . and in every game there is ban mute kick etc but still its not stoppable so we dont have choice .. we either need to make seperate server for kids so many of kids will join there so others left to enjoy the game without them or like a guy said  about subscription in another thread  to avoid this or any new method   ... so what do you guys think

    actually get your facts rights kids don't cause most trouble immature adults do that have no lives but kids might have squeakys thats all really

    • Like 1

  5. 27 minutes ago, MoonPxe said:

    Okay, so as a lot of my friends aren't going to be playing this game, I want to create more friendships before the game is even released. 

    Here are a few questions if you are a roleplay fanatic like myself. 

    1. What do you want to do in the game when it comes to social life? 

    2. What do you want to do as a career?

    For me, I want to be a little social butterfly, and host parties, and maybe some fun nights with friends and such. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do as a career yet, and I probably won't know until the game is launched, because I want to experiance the game and choose that way, because it just depends on what there is, and how much money I make, and things like that!

    Much love to all the Identity fans!!

    -Moony <3

    1. I want to be rich but no stingy rich I just want to be known on the server also I want to have a lot of friends like you

    2. if there is aa career that you can make a business and sell furniture I want to be the first so i will be the most know like the Amazon of the server

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  6. what are the main reasons you bought identity/ What are the features that interested you and made you click that PayPal button

    my answer= the freedom to be rich in different ways more freedom that one of the best games such as gta5 that will never be forgotten. Basically, I think that this game has the potential for me to do a lot of features that I wish I could do in other games

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  7. the reason im so hyped is because i want to famous in rich like I am in gta5 online I have all the cars you can get in the game almost but I definitely have all the new cars and I want to be famous in a way that makes me be the center of attention like people in the server will always know my name and there will be rumors about me

  8. On 6/30/2017 at 5:35 PM, LuckyDuck said:

    It was the progress of the Library/ Gallery which was shown and also on the live stream, they said that they want to surprise us with things instead of give us everything and have nothing for us to not have seen. e.g. Showing us everything we are excited for means no more excitement for it.

    Yes a video will be out soon enough and we just have to wait for it which is the combat video.

    also, the 3d objects were hand modeled even the phone took forever. also since I'm a game developer from experience in unity and blender it would probably take me 5 years to make all the assets custom made in blender by myself for town square let along the game so don't hate this jizz is hard and they are making a lot of progress for such a heavy load on a small team luckily they are pros at this type of stuff and they have experience with this so they're going faster than they should.


    ps: im not trigger with you

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