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Posts posted by KenBlackout

  1. @PrezLegend since when was being sarcastic such a bad thing I once wrote a sentence with some words so now I consider myself a "Famous Author". To be honest I think my point flew right over your head which is understandable, I'm being as polite as possible to not hurt your youthful experience.Youth today believe what they think; they should be. They make themselves believe they are such things when in fact its a false truth. Maybe you will understand what I was trying to do a bit better now if not then get some years on yourself.

    2 hours ago, ThomasHetch said:

    You are not a police any more


    @ThomasHetch I am not a police anymore? You're running for Governor if you want to start firing people already with improper sentences you're going to have a long road ahead of you.

  2. 5 hours ago, PrezLegend said:

    Actually it is voted on by the sitting counsel! Once you fill out the needed paperwork you still must be placed in front of the counsel where they vote yes or no on you representing a chair, you also must be sworn in. As I was at the UNT Health Science Center at the Tarrant County Executives Meeting! 

    @PrezLegend I once seen the moon very closely through a telescope I am going to run for head of NASA since I am now a "Astronaut" 

    • Like 2

  3. Just so everyone knows what a Precinct Chair is:   Precinct Chairs are the backbone of the Dallas County Democratic Party. A Precinct Chair is the local representative of the Democratic Party and its candidates at the neighborhood, grass-roots level in each voting precinct. Each of Dallas County's 775 voting precincts can have its own Precinct Chair (though many have few or even no voters, and are covered by their neighbors).

    Above link are actual young politicians.


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  4. 7 hours ago, Arum04 said:

    i would love to become a police officer if there is anyone with an open position please put me in thank you

    Currently there are no set positions/leadership, with that said once we find out what positions and what leadership will be introduced some of us will run for certain positions and then begin making a application to bring in a "core" server launch team.

  5. 20 hours ago, Lil_Fish said:

    I myself am also an LEO in the STL area near where the Ferguson riots were. I've had to go to riots, drug raids, pursuits, resisting arrests, and undercover jobs as well. I think it would be cool to have a team of real-life LEOs start the thin blue line in the game to help others understand how such a tightly knit community works even when you don't know each other personally. I'm not saying I know everything, because you Military guys are in a different world than me. lol, but it's nice to meet you all and I look forward to playin some Identity with you all.

    Nice to meet you Lil Fish and thanks you for you're service as an LEO it a very difficult job and thanks is not given enough for what you all do for us here back home. I love the idea of real life experience officers being involved with the start of the police department but I also think experienced PD role players and just plan old civilians should all be involved with the PD launch. Reason I say this real life experience would bring more of the structure, roles of officers, and communication of officers. The experienced role players would contribute their knowledge of what has worked in the past, what does not work, and what they have experienced in other places. Civilians with no experience are essential mainly due to the PD's demand sooner or later we run out of the experienced officers and will rely on training new people in hopes that one day those new officers will be the ones training new recruits to keep the cycle and the PD going strong.

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  6. On 3/4/2017 at 1:38 PM, NOE said:

    Is it just me or is everybody now saying they are a police officer just to get into the police force?

    I don't meen you @Kracken

    In my opinion if it were up to me the force would be made up of all different people IE: Real life Experience, In Game Experience, and No experience in either area. Reason I say this is everyone will come up with new and great ideas. So if you have no experience there is no need to make something up you're chances are just as good as myself and others with experience. And who knows some with experience might not even make it on the force when launch comes. We all would have to meet with developers to find out what they want to see the application process to be like. Also to think about everyone, we have to weed out the possible trouble makers and dirty cops. To do this its going to be a learning people type of situation. Some might enjoy the idea of being part of the PD but on launch might stray towards other content. To avoid an early tarnish to the PD I think the process needs to be lengthy, trying, and very carefully considered. If an applicant really wants into the PD it should be worked for and focused on rather then being a second thought. Also just in case forums are to be used for applicants screening be careful where you post and what you post. As possible Police Officers you're conduct on and off duty can be looked down upon.  

  7. 1 hour ago, TheLeGeND97 said:

    Hi Kracken,

    Yes i feel like there are many crazy laws within the UCMJ and not all of them would pertain to being a civilian cop haha. Thank you also I've been assigned to a company in Germany and have absolutely LOVED it. 

    Thats awesome dude I am glad you are enjoying you're time in. Also I wanted to say sorry to everyone for not being so active lately.

  8. 19 hours ago, Kaitlyn said:

    As far as policing goes, I'm pretty sure there aren't any guilds per se, at least not yet. From what I have seen, criminal and business organizations are gathering together people, though I haven't really seen this elsewhere. Perhaps there will be as the game progresses and we see a light at the end of the tunnel, but nothing major right now. Most of us are simply scoping out players we'd like to play with. 

    I have been attempting to get a Union started but currently we don't have a big enough community to fully complete it. 



  9. 21 hours ago, xVAULTxDWELLERx said:

    Kracken I agree completely that being a police officer today is FAR more dangerous. Not only from violence coming from entitled young shitbag millennials who think they don't have to obey the law but from lawsuit happy minorities who will sue you for saying "hello" to them. Ive done this for a long damn time down here and Texas and its gotten so bad that im actively looking into other careers.

    I also wanted to mention the random cop killings that have been happening, its very sad and unneeded.

    3 hours ago, Triggered said:

    I want to be a officer aswell. 

    Well welcome we will love to have you.

    15 hours ago, jackstacs said:

    I'm new to the forums myself, but it's awesome to see some blue representing here! I'm a Correctional Officer at a state med/max facility. I'm excited to see how corrections plays out in Identity, but I feel like my character is going to end up on the other side of the bars at some point.

    The job of a CO is by far not an easy one but as mentioned by the Devs there will be no player CO's so maybe joining the police force might be a good idea. Also I think all of us might make a mistake in game at some point lol. RPing is much harder over a computer then in RL and somethings you do will be interpreted incorrectly.

  10. 17 hours ago, BobbyCruz said:

    Hey Kracken!

    Thanks for using our conversation as an example! I think this is a great thread you've made to help connect the members of the police community with those that are running for government positions. In my opinion, I think you'd be a great moderator if we ever had some kind of debate between the candidates for Governor!

    All the best,
    Bobby Cruz, Candidate for Governor

    Thank you so very much Mr. Cruz for you're kind comments I would be very interested in moderating election boards.

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  11. @GeneSmith

    Thank you so much for the responses and yes they were answered very well but in return a few more questions:

    Probation? (What do you mean by this will we now have to hire probation officers or will the governor have staff for that)

    What is you're idea for police funding?

    How will you bring the businesses and the police together? (community growth)

    • Like 1

  12. Hello fellow officers,

    Just wondering if there is enough interest in a police union, a place we can all connect. Allow new and old members share their experience, politicians come and talk to us while also getting questions from u. Would this be something you all want?

    • Like 2

  13. Thank you Mr. Smith for posting here.

    Its an honor to meet you and be able to ask you some questions if you don't mind answering:

    In case of a huge increase of crime would private security companies be considered?

    If Elected would you request a police escort?

    How would you determine who becomes the police chief/would their be a vote?

    What are you're views on low level drug crimes?



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