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Everything posted by csmit195

  1. Hey I'm currently saving up to buy the $500 usd VIP Pledge, and that'll take me until 19th of December, and I was hoping that the pledges will still be discounted up until the end of this year? I don't make a huge amount of excess, but me and my mate would really like a shared apartment, so i'm buying this for us. Cheers, C
  2. Create your own website

    Well actually, this isn't as hard to implement as one might think. On a static and basic level, you could use UE4 Render Targets and a framework like BLUI to implement a HTML5 Rich UI. I think it's definitely something they should look at implementing. As for a Dynamic website, they could create their own JavaScript API to interact with the current players details, or allow access to virtual Visa card payments.
  3. Hey Guys, this is the first game that has ever made me seriously consider spending $500usd on a game, the most I've ever donated was $250. I have a few concerns and I hope you can address them. I have a lot of friends interested in playing on this server, but we're all Australian. I understand your giving us the option to host our own servers, but I'd rather not throw too much money into a dedicated server. So I'm going to list my questions and yeah Will any of the official servers be based in Australia? and if not, will my donation benefits be available on private servers? How is the economy strength? Aka, how far is $4000 in-game expected to take a man? I can't make a donation of $500usd until Febuary 14th, can I expect these shop items to remain the same price around then? Oh, and is there any a possibility of including player designed clothes? One of the main reasons I loved APB: Reloaded was for its design-able clothing and cars. I'd definitely love to design and sell clothes in game Will servers have a modding API? and if so, what language/s are you looking at using for any modifications? Thank you for taking the time to read my questions and I hope to see you all in the future on the streets of infinity