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Posts posted by Smooth

  1. 2 hours ago, Hatoful said:

    I'd assume that the more minor crimes, like the ones you named, would result in a fine rather than jail time, so that the jails aren't overpopulated, like you said. I think jail time is primarily reserved for the more serious crimes like homicide, theft, and selling drugs. I'm not 100% sure on whether or not this is true, but I think I remember reading this somewhere on their twitter, I'm not sure though. About losing your license for going 2 over the speed limit, I don't think it would automatically suspend your license. A police officer would have had to witness you speeding in order for them to do anything about it. Again, I'm not sure if this is entirely right, I'm just basing this off of what I vaguely remember when skimming through their twitter.  

    I have yet too be inside of a arma 3 life jail and seen it overpopulate. I doubt there would be too many people in jail but we'll see