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Posts posted by Shimozukachi

  1. 29 minutes ago, Cornholio said:

    From the look of it you poured gas on the flame to keep it going. Steep is alright. Played the beta but it wasn't for me.

    i know. i was bored of it after the second beta, but do i have a reason to hate a game just because i'm bored after 2 betas? no. same for you, @GeneSmith.

  2. 15 hours ago, GeneSmith said:




    I still have faith in the game considering they're still hinting and teasing it. It's not dead, it'll come soon.

    skate 4 is not even steep. you don't want to talk about the most realistic wintersportsgame that's available atm? then go and talk about those arcade games in another thread!  this topic is about steep, not about skate and not about ssx. get it or leave. you're doing that on purpose.

  3. 13 hours ago, Oddball1 said:

    10/10 xD- i like the video; it reminded me of some childhood memories, like the goalpost table game and sword-fighting, (which i knocked out one of my front teeth doing once)... n yer, anyway, - I heard this yesterday listening to a Turkish playlist while the match was one and thought it was a really good song - the video is a bit soppy like but... the songs cool. 


    6/10 no hands no rating



  4. 1 hour ago, The1TheOnlyGonzo said:

    Adding kids adds a whole new level of possible problems for the developers and therfore will never be added. 

    I believe devs said that pets would be an option available to players, however from what they mentioned, there will be limited interaction to avoid claims of encouraging animal abuse.  

    glitches that lead to the apartment being overfilled with cats?

    • Like 2

  5. 2 hours ago, Melgore said:

    Richtig! :D
    Wird aber schwer gegen die ganzen Amis "anzukommen". :) 

    wird nicht schwer. wir wissen ja dass wir deutsche sind. alle anderen schreiben auf englisch ohne zu wissen ob der andere nicht aus australien oder afrika kommt.

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  6. 52 minutes ago, Jaydenzalez said:

    Ok, so I own an Acer Aspire E5 with 6 gigabytes of ram, an Nvidia GeForce dedicated graphics card, an Intel(R) Core i5 processor, and 900gb drive.

    Could I run this game at a decent FPS?

    can it run crysis?