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  1. Tv and Radio

    Hey community, just trying to share an idea. I was thinking how television can be even better. I had an idea where a person can start there own television program instead of having to watch live streams. I feel like this would be cool because the players can be informed on accidents, shootings, politics, etc... or other shows could even be added and advertisements, the idea about how all this works is a player with a sizable amount of money can start a company which will be a television station, and have money to invest in cameras and to set up whatever they'll be recording. For advertisements I feel would be a big one because players can get their business to be known around the community and other players will know where to look and and know all the buisnesses around, also when a new mayor is being elected advertisement could be a really big help. I feel like if the players were to be able to create the television themselves it would seem really realistic and be really fun and lots more jobs would come like actors/actresses, anchormen/women, journalists, cameramen/women, etc...