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Everything posted by Broccoli

  1. Hello everyone! I'm from the United States of America (nothing special) and I have never been more excited for a game release in my life. I'm currently majoring in graphic design and I look forward to putting up some art work for people to purchase once the game picks up. I know that may sound a bit silly, but I think it'll be fun and enjoyable for myself and others. I also work for a company in Florida that designs logo's for peoples companies, so I could definitely help make some logo's for anyone's ideas or businesses they start in the game. I constantly hear people claim that this game will be impossible, and I highly doubt it. With enough ambition anyone can do anything they want in the world, and I have a good feeling that the developers can do the same. I'm excited to see what this game brings, and what the community brings with it. Thanks for having me!