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Posts posted by Some_Lemon

  1. Welcome to the LPU,

    What you are about to read will be happening whether we are in or out of office.


    A lot of the city will be going to jail at some point in their lives. This can leave a very bad impact on their records. To help save you from these troubles we have created a Lawyer Firm. We have a team of highly trained Lawyers (All have been taught and taken through tough training). Whether it be for pity crimes or mass murders we are here to help. Follow the link to our website for prices and more!


    The loan system works differently. We allow any loans to be taken for a specified amount of time. When the loan is paid back we will add a 10% starting interest and then 9% for every day starting then. 

    e.g A 10K  loan is taken for 10 days

    the expected return price is 26K

    However a loan can be paid back before the date specified and you will only be charged the amount needed for the amount of days you borrowed for.

  2. Dear Readers,

    I am the co-founder of LPU (Liberal Progress Union). We are looking for people to fill in jobs as part of the party. You  will be paid as long as you get your job done. the following are the Jobs Available


    Candidates - @Pineapple

    Head Of Law - @Some_Lemon

    Head Of Public Relations - @Tomato

    Head Of Research and Marketing - @Pineapple

    Head Of Security - @Avocado 

    Head Of Education - OPEN

    Head Of Events - @Simply_Ethan

    Head Of Transport - @K9_GAMING


    Bodyguards - @K9_GAMING OPEN (4)

    Lawyers - @Some_Lemon, OPEN (2)

    Catering - OPEN (3)

    Teachers - OPEN (2)

    Private Chauffeurs - OPEN (6)


    Project Lead - possibly OPEN (1)

    Marketer - OPEN (3)


    Researcher - OPEN (4)


    Appliance Form:

    Name -

    Age -

    Job applying for -

    Why do you want to join LPU -


    Thank you For reading, if you have any questions PM me. We have a website in progress.

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  3. 16 hours ago, ThomasKillah said:

    just to clear things up, i don't have a problem with using taxes to pay for the lawyers, in fact, i think they should be used for paying for the lawyers. Just wanted to clarify where the money was coming from, since i can think of multiple ways funding could come from. 

    Oh, and it may be difficult to provide free lawyers and other necessary government services to help care for the people, if you have taxes at a minimum. Low taxes can be fine for to pay for a few government based programs, but that is even less with minimal taxes. 

    Thank you again for your feedback,

    As a representative of this party I am pleased to say this has been thought through. We will have to taxes on a minimum for what needs to be done. This does not mean they will be at an all time low however you will be receiving various perks. By voting for us you will receive free healthcare, education and Lawyers. Unlike many governments we are not here to steal your money, they are all going to your cause,


    Thank you for reading

    • Like 1

  4. 20 hours ago, JoelKeys said:

    I am a wealthy businessman looking for a suitable political party, however they all spurt the same nonsense. I dont need the standard lines such as "I will lower taxes!" and "All we care about is the people!" because that is a major turnoff. I don't want lower taxes, I just want them to be contributing to society. I want to know what you will use the taxes I pay for, not how much I am paying. If I am paying 30% tax and in return get a government but no free healthcare or free mailing services, ill be pissed off. If I am paying 60% tax but I get free healthcare and 3 free public transport journeys per week along with a free mailing service and a trained government with a low crime rate, I'd rather pay the extra 30% for all of those bonus features. I don't need to know you care about me, I know you do, your my government for christ sake, I want to know what all of your priorities are. If you only care about me, the economy will go to shit and crime rates will be through the roof. This is your opportunity to create your own Identity, dont copy everyone else by spewing out recycled keywords. Be unique.

    Thank you for your comments,


    Our Party - The Liberal Progress Union - Has explained exactly what you want. Please follow the link for more information - .


    Thank you very much for your time

  5. 37 minutes ago, ThomasKillah said:

    If you are providing a free lawyer, I assume that you are paying the lawyer using taxpayer dollars

    As a lawyer and speaking on behalf of this party,

    While we do use taxpayer dollars to pay the lawyers, we will keep cheaper taxes by reassessing the amount of funds which is assigned to each service. The government will pay a fixed rate per suit that is reduced for the government to the lawyer.

    • Like 1

  6. Idea - JOB ARTICLES

    I Think it would be cool if someone looking for a job could go to a building which contains articles for jobs around the area. These articles could be placed by business owners looking for new employees or the game could generate jobs every once in a while. This would allow People to easily spread news that they are looking for an employee. They could also have specific needs on that CV where people would be rejected if they did not have them (e.g Driving licence, Experience) You could also have it where multiple people could give in submissions and the owner of the business could pick the person that they feel would be good for their job (they may be able to organise interviews). I feel like they could also add Training where a specific person would need a certain training licence on their 'CV' to do that job. The Employer would need to pay a fee to put it on the article so it would be a fair system.  This would help the employer , looking for people, the employee, finding that job.

    It could also open up illegal activities like CV forgery so they could get that job or people could hire an employee and take them hostage. This is just an idea, if anyone has any other improvements please let me know.


    - JT

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