Welcome to the LPU (Liberal Progress Union) ! In this party, we care about the people and the economy, but it is our duty to make as many people happy as possible all at once! As our name suggests, we care about bringing people together as well as progressing our economy to the highest it will ever be! With a dedicated team of staff, we will lead you and all of your friends into the future that you want! What we offer We offer a fair society, everyone gets a fair trail and a free decent lawyer to go with it! Our team of dedicated lawyers will lead you through the tough times and will try as hard as they can to ensure your bail. We want to increase the amount of Police to ensure your safety on the walkways and in cars. We will keep taxes to a minimum to keep our economy thriving and so all of you people out there pay an equal percentage!   ( This of course will need to be checked with other things first to ensure this, such as if we wanted to add free healthcare and education as well as free transport for the working class then taxes would most likely rise by a large %!) We wont be stuck in our offices all day, we will be out there talking with you to see what YOU think, and how we could improve things! Our website :  www.lpuparty.wixsite.com/homepage We are open to discussions and are looking for new members to push our ideas forwards! We will see YOU on the other side! Thank you - Pineapple and Team