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1 Opportunist
  1. Greetings from Germany

    Hello everyone, I am really, sincerely exited for this game. Basically it is exactly what I have always dreamt of in the MMORPG-Genre. I´ve been part of several RPG since I discovered it as a hobby of mine. There have been text-based forum-RPs, Chat-RPs (via IRC), the ARMA-Life ones and a couple more. While Altis Life oder Sarani Life came somewhat close to what I was looking for, it´s never been quite the serious, immersive style of roleplay that I was looking for. I´d probably never consider myself as a hardcore-roleplayer but I guess that term is coming quite close to fitting perfectly. Almost.. To see a standalone MMORPG like that, programmed by a dedicated crew and supported by a just as dedicated community is giving me high hopes for this game and will support it wherever I can. If you care about some personal information: I´m from Germany, male and will be turning 21 this month. At the moment I am employed by a large company in my area and I´m in training to become what boils down to be a secretary in the end. As it was kind of a last straw, I am trying my best to get out of this profession though. When it comes to hobbies I am really into writing, I play airsoft every now and then and gaming is quite a big one as well. If you got any questions of any kind I would be more than happy to answer them! Last but not least a special thanks to the Asylum-Crew for dedicating themselfes to such a wonderful project! And to all the other citizens of the community: I hope to see you all on the streets of this beautiful Island when the time comes! - Prudii