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Everything posted by TOPGUNGUY123

  1. When do you think the town square will be availabe?

    the packages with cars and aparments may be removed but you will still be able to pledge,
  2. Pranks on people

    I know there's going to be some people who think this doesn't deserve to be here, however I think some of these things would be pretty funny to see in iddntity and opens new possibilities SWAT somebody, would be really interesting if you can do fake 9-1-1 calls on people inside of identity, one reason would be the test police response times before doing bank robberies or drug deals, to people's reaction to see a bunch of cops randomly pull up on him with guns out screaming to get on the ground Number 2 be able to hide in trash cans and other crops such as behind bushes and down alleyways jump out and scare people, also be kind of interesting if you could cause heart attacks by doing this in identity Number 3 do magic tricks and if you do enough of them and become a magician pull pranks on people who own shops in people's houses, could do things such as make shop owners think that you stole things or go to someone's house and hide a radio or a laptop on them, Those are just some basic things I think would be pretty funny to see an identity and be able to do to people, what do you guys think about these and what are some that you guys would suggest? Also sorry for any things that may look odd in some of the texts I'm currently on my phone doing talk-to-text and it's been kind of iffy
  3. How movie theaters could work

    I've read online that the movie theater will have random movies playing period but at the same time a owner can pick what movies will be playing. My suggestion is to have the cinema work with a Netflix or Hulu subscription. And allow you to use those movies or shows in the theater or if not those because you have to pay for them maybe something like Exodus. Just a suggestion anyone else have recommendations or ideas on how this could work?
  4. build a house or apartment?

    i dont know if the devs have covered this already but i couldnt find anything on it so here we go. will we be able to build houses and or apartments and sell or rent them? be kinda interesting to have rent rates, and possibly evict people if they cause problems like blasting music, being rude etc... id mostly like to see the option buy land somewhere and build a house there or something like that.
  5. When do you think the town square will be availabe?

    honestly, id just like a trailer of some basic driving a wreck, how arresting would work, shopping something.
  6. how drugs could work?

    so i know the devs haven't gone into to much detail about drugs and how they work accept you can get addicted. i was thinking about some things drugs could do to make the game a little more interesting, first off if you do to much you could od and go to jail (if you live). now for what each drug would do. cocaine would give you more health for a short time, meth could make you run faster but gives lower health, weed could maybe just let your player relax and maybe give you a small amount of health compared to cocaine but last longer
  7. When do you think the town square will be availabe?

    same here but i highly doubt it im thinking june or july at the latest
  8. How movie theaters could work

    Well hopefully in the movie theater we can put YouTube videos up there. Especially with so many people who are creating Machinima videos and movies in video games
  9. how to get higher rank?

    so right now im a immigrant but i see buglers, citizens etc... how do i become a citizen?
  10. hello everybody

    so from what i understand this is where you go if your new to introduce yourself so here it goes, so my names Dustin, im a volunteer firefighter in myrtle beach (where turtle beach is modeled from) im a small YouTuber with 20k subs and pledged for identity in December but just started using the form. very excited for identity and plan to hopefully start a server once it is fully released. in the meantime im planning on running for Governor asap and basically MAKE THE ISLANDS GRATE AGAIN! jk
  11. things firefighters could do

    ok so im a firefighter in real life in myrtle beach and excited about turtle beach sense its modeled after my town. here are some things i think firefighters should be able to do if a dev reads this i hope this gives some cool ideas about things we could do. 1 go to entrapment's, a entrapment is basically a car has become unable to let the passenger out (door gets jammed) 2 in Forrest fires allow players to have special forestry vehicles, exe... a brush fire i was at a while ago the Brush fire team came in with a backhoe and started knocking down trees around the fire to stop the spread 3 allow building fires and have the ai shop keeps act as victims where firefighters can get them out 4 allow the firefighters to vote in station on things like customization colors of the station and truck colors, or just let highest ranking firefighter customize the fire station 5 have a realistic action to putting wrong things on fire, like if there is a grece fire and the firefighter puts water on it make it get bigger and more spread, 6 allow fire rescue to request police to accidents for traffic control and go to fires to help block off areas i have a ton more but dont want to fill this up with pointless other things oh i dont know if i broke any rules on here this is my first post so if i did my apology
  12. things firefighters could do

    @Mentality have you heard anything about wrecks?