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  1. A few quick questions about Identity

    Hello, My name is KirkTheGamerYT (Known as Kirk Sanchez In-Game), and I have a few questions about the game. Questions: I. What types of jobs will there be? Will players be allowed to kill other players at will, or will there be a rule against RDM? II. Will players be able to create their own servers for Communities (Like in ArmA, or GTA IV/V Policing Communities)? III. Will the map be vast, where you can travel out into the depths of the ocean, and not hit an invisible wall, ETC.? IV. Will Players be able to fly in planes, either as Pilot or Passenger? V. Will communication be done through Teamspeak (Kind of like TFR) or will it be done through the game, if done through the game, how is the voice quality? VI. Will players be able to break into other player's vehicles, or apartments? VII. For movies, will players be able to request movies, or will they be automatically played? VII.II. Will Players have to wait for movies to begin before walking into the theater (such as waiting for the entry time) VII.III. What types of movies will be played? Newer or old (Such as recent block busters, ETC.) Thank you for reading, and answering my LONG list of questions, and I will see you In-Game! Best Regards, KirkTheGamerYT
  2. Police Information (A few questions)

    Hello, My name is KirkTheGamerYT (I will be known as Kirk Sanchez when the game launches), and I have a few questions about the Police Department here at Identity. Questions: I. Will there be an application process, or will players be able to join into the Police Department? II. As an Officer, are we allowed to have a "brother" or "sister", which will be an alternate identity for players when not on-duty, or will players not be able to commit crimes while in the police force? III. Will there be a player database, like in the A3L Community known as Life Studios, where player's criminal history will be stored, and if so, will it be in-game, or an external website? IV. How does the promotion system work? Will players be chosen by higher-ups to be promoted if they do a good job, or are promotions automatic? Thank you for reading and answering my questions about this game, and I will see you in the servers! Best Regards, KirkTheGamerYT