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  1. Would there be a medical career?

    Sorry I'm a bit late but I thought that I'd add my two cents. My local fire department has two "branches" if you will: patient transport and the "actual" fire department. Patient transport is manned mostly by EMT-Basic and EMT-Intermediates and they mostly ferry sick people from hospital to hospital. They normally do not respond to emergency calls. The fire side has its own ambulances manned by two EMTs, at least one of which is an EMT-Paramedic. Almost all of these EMTs are firefighters and EVERY firefighter is an EMT. Many engines at stations without an ambulance have a "fire medic" who rides on it to stabilize the injured before an ambulance can come from a neighboring station. TL;DR In my area EVERY firefighter is an EMT and ALMOST EVERY Paramedic is a firefighter.