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Posts posted by DLimit

  1. I would not mind expressing that one cannot possess a "Communism State Party" since "Communism" involves completely abolishing the state, indicating that it is a "stateless" society.

    Question: Does the party believe that "Private Property" should be abolished? If not, then it cannot be classified as any where near a Socialist party. The correct terminology would be "Social-Democracy" rather than "Democratic-Socialist".

    P.S. I would recommend altering the abbreviation for the party since it would be confusing for "The People's Revolutionary Party" and "The People's Republic Party" to consist of "P.R.P.". By any chance, would it be suitable to alter the name of the party without losing it's meaning?

    "The Democratic-People's Republic Party" would be one of my suggestions.

  2. 1 hour ago, dagtag said:

    funny thing is, the module isn't even a beta, but an alpha. and its still in first week of release :P people are treating the alpha like a full game/beta and that is a huge mistake, they all just gotta wait for the next patch to roll around, it will fix a lot of connection issues.


    I had initially typed "Alpha" and then switched it to "Beta". You are right on point with this response and had even furthered my point.

    Thank you very much!

    • Like 1

  3. 1 hour ago, Chase said:

    That's called rationalization. It's a method people use when making excuses. The excuse, in your case, is for disregarding someone's opinion. 

    Proof? Twice you set a standard for disregarding someone's opinion. The first was under 10 post; you then raised it to under 30. You will keep raising it until the person has more than you. This is inconsistent and will lead to cognitive dissonance, eventually. Once you reach that wall, you will switch to another method to rationalize your actions. 

    The best route you can take, in this situation, is a Rogerian argument. You start by acknowledging his or her concerns and providing an alternate way of thinking. By not compromising, you're showing a lack of interest in their point of view. You are advertising yourself as an obstacle rather than a source of knowledge. Thought, you don't care. You will never care. Your reactions to any similar situation will be the same and you will not mature.


    As I write this fifteen paged essay assignment and ten-paged essay assignment, I clearly am not heavily concerned about his opinion on the matter since it is located amongst countless other individuals with hardly any activity within these forums prior to the release of the Town Square Module. One must understand that it's extremely challenging to take any of these individuals seriously when they refer to this module as a game, to begin with.

    It's one-third of the "Alpha" version of the original game.

    P.S. How does one rationalize with "IT'S A SCAM! THESE DEVS ARE SCAMMERS! IT'S A SCAM!".

    These posts are produced by newcomers that are not even aware of the stage of the game... it's an "Alpha" rather than the full-game.

    Examine the correlation of the posts within this topic. The individuals with over one-hundred posts are calm and aware that it is an alpha module while every one with less than fifty posts are screaming that the "Developers are scammers" for "Producing a broken GAME".

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  4. 21 minutes ago, lamona said:

    I'm not sure you know what shoving your head in the sand means. It means to ignore an obvious issue, in this case it's the launch that's resulted in negativity.

    If you're worried about productivity, perhaps you shouldn't be perusing forums like this or trying to disregard people's concerns. Because, like I said, it isn't going to stop any time soon, as we're very much in the midst of a bad launch.


    In my eyes, presuming that spamming the forums with the identical posts, repeatedly, will result in attaining a refund or increasing the quality of the game at a much more rapid rate is "sticking your head in the sand".

    It is not any different from a prayer when one contradicts one's self by requesting for a refund from a set of developers that one deems to be scammer.

    In this case, I am referring to the multi-accounts of players spamming the forums.

    P.S. I do not believe that the developers are scammers.

    • Like 1

  5. 2 minutes ago, lamona said:

    Sorry, but people aren't going to shove their heads in the sand, and it's crucial for potential future investors to understand just how much of a bad state the game and its development is in. Nice Donnie Darko quote, though lol.


    Individuals are literally shoving their heads into the sand by dedicating their time producing countless of anti-Identity posts within this forum when they could focus on other objectives.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Missmatchgaming said:

    Not even close, considering he contradicted himself massively by saying people make "hundreds of posts" threatening to not play the game when he just criticized me and denounced my validity by saying I have under 30 posts. 


    I had stated that "people" produce hundreds of posts. You are one of those people, contributing to thirty of those posts.

    You've already admitted that refunds are highly improbable due to technical issues. Thus, your solution towards attaining a refund involves spamming the forums, specifically when you've stated that the developers were scammers? It does not make any logical sense.

    I cannot image running up to a scammer while stating "Hey, give me my money back"... of course, it will not happen. 

    P.S. I am not referring to the developers as a scammers.

  7. Identical to "ARMA III: Project Life", players were capable of possessing the identical first name with different last names or the identical last name with different first names. However, since a "Damien" already exists within the module, I cannot classify my self as "Damien Malik". I have been identified as "Damien Malik" for around two years. However, due to the current system in place, my character is currently known as "Damieno Malik", which is extremely ridiculous.

    Damieno Malik, Founder and Chair of The People's Revolutionary Party.

    Should be "Damien Malik".

  8. 6 minutes ago, Edikosh said:

    So I just have seen PsiSyn "playing chess" but actually he can move anywhere he wants. You can even move a piece in between two squares. Is it that hard to do a matrix of 8x8 over the chess texture so you can check the position that the player wants to move in and tell if it is a legal move or not? CS101.



    It is much more realistic when players and observers are expected to ensure whether any of the players are cheating. Hence, the reason as to why the current chess model is formed in such a manner. In reality, a human being is capable of putting a chess piece on any square-inch of the board. However, other human beings are expected to identify whether it was a valid or invalid move.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Missmatchgaming said:

    Maybe its because I came here to play a game, not argue about one. How many of your fucking posts are responding to people like me and shutting them down for having genuine frustrations towards the developers because you simply WANT to start arguments. Im willing to bet 80% of your posts are exactly that. 


    99% of my posts are either within The Podium, Ideas & Suggestions, or The Pub, discussing the actual game that shall be completed in the future. The other 1% involves responding to individuals that are either too impatient or possess an inaccurate understanding of the purpose of this game.

  10. 29 minutes ago, Missmatchgaming said:

    Lmao, sure thing friend. I can't get a refund, and I paid for the game, so i'm showing up for EVERY PATCH. 


    Have fun wasting your life waiting for this game to be a game. 


    Question: How is life wasted when one is waiting for the game by engaging in their daily activities outside of the game? The only individuals that are wasting their life are the ones threatening to never play the game while producing hundreds of posts on the matter.

    P.S. Long live white-listed private servers.

    • Like 2

  11. 30 minutes ago, Missmatchgaming said:
    • Blatant ignorance of what everyone is complaining about
    • Blind devotion to the game

    How much are they paying you, friend. 


    Not at all, one is merely suggesting that the module shall be updated frequently considering that a vast majority of games undergo updates in order to resolve bugs and issues. Unlike the complainer, I am much more patient with this game.

    You possess less than thirty posts within this forum. You're more likely to be a paid troll than my account.

  12. 13 hours ago, whitehorn said:

    The good news is all those who are flaming right now will not be in the game with us. I am willing to wait more. 


    A large variety of these individuals with less than ten posts producing these "It's a scam!" statements are less likely to even be aware of the intent of this game. They shall more than likely presume that it is a "Grand Theft Auto"-like game rather than an in-depth roleplaying game.

    "Why care, it's just a social module!" - Person who presumes that it is G.T.A.

    • Like 1

  13. On 11/24/2018 at 7:19 PM, LordBenji said:

    Apartment customization, shoplifting, drug consumption (no effects yet), jumping around (animation is funny). There will also be added features like the shooting range at police station for example.

    But at the base, it's a social module, and it's to try the features that you'll find in Town Square.


    It would be the perfect opportunity to roleplay interactions within Town Square, in order to prepare for operations and objectives for when the game is released.

    • Like 2

  14. <br/><a href="http://oi67.tinypic.com/m9uh4g.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a><br/><a href="http://oi67.tinypic.com/m9uh4g.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a><br/><a href="http://oi67.tinypic.com/m9uh4g.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>


    Welcome to "Mine-Ore Deposits Inc.", a mining company that mines, extracts, and delivers minerals, ores, or deposits to manufacturing businesses throughout Identity Island. Our company heavily specializes in mass-extracting minerals of numerous sources of metallic and non-metallic minerals throughout the island, ranging from copper, iron, coal, gold, silver, clay, salt, and petroleum. The amount of ores are nearly infinite. 

    What separates our company from it's competitors? Consumers shall be capable of receiving a massive-supply of any given ore in exchange for a "Mine-Ore Deposit", indicating that the cost of any category of ore decreases depending on the amount of ores that one desires to purchase.


    Does one desire to mine ores in exchange for some wealth? If so, contact "Dimitry Tsarnov" (DLImit33)


    Labourers shall be paid according to the amount of ores that they've submitted to the company during the day or week.

    Prices shall be determined after "Town's Square" has completed it's construction.

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  15. DLimit33
                                                     Jeru Jones
                                             Yes, I possess a microphone
                                                   (Age): I am 27 years old

                                           (What position are you trying to get?): Fighter
                                                                       (why do you want to join the team?): My character desires to engage in a recreational sport as a boxer. 
                                                                                         (How active are you?): At least 4 hours for three out of four of the days during the week. 
                                                 (Tell us a little about yourself): Not much to discuss at this moment.

                                          (Anything else you would like to tell us?)