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Everything posted by xENCRYPTx

  1. Fire Department

    Hi introducing a Fire Department would be awesome. You can have dispatchers dispatching both the fire department and police department to calls. I have been a volunteer firefighter for over 2 years and my station runs approx. 2500 calls per year. We stay pretty busy and I am an EMT as well. We repspond to medical calls too. Introducing a Fire Department would be beneficial for the community keeping them safe from fires, doing rescue, motor vehicle collisions, and running medical calls to provide care before the ambulance gets there. A fire department would be an awesome career considering they work on a ranking system and it is a popular one. I was the Fire Chief for the UCG gaming community on Arma 2 Island life, and I have to say it would be more fun to have it immersive as possible so that it is like the real thing, and not as boring as Arma 2 island life. Looking forward to the game. Nice work!