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Community Reputation

3 Opportunist


  1. Hello Everyone.

    Can't wait for us to become a part of this community. - Prescott
  2. Hello everyone.

    Can't wait for us to have fun and to all the stuff we can create. - Prescott
  3. Hey there

    Hey there everyone, I'm a huge fan of RPG's like Fallout and Skyrim and I've been a dedicated fan of SA:MP and the Sims for years now. As far as real life stuff goes, I'm pretty normal. Just a small town kid with big dreams of being a writer. - I'm also a graphic designer and have worked on a lot of art and gfx for people. I'm really looking forward to seeing this game and community grow and I hope you all will accept me with open arms. - Me and a few of my friends will be pledging and registering soon as we hope to have a lot of fun in this game and community. Best wishes. - Prescott