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Everything posted by Weeman1206

  1. Pilot

    I know the discussion has already been started but i feel like pilots would be great in this game. Private pilots or commercial. Business or pleasure. im not sure how big the world of Identity is going to be but im pretty confident there is room for a small municipal airport, whether it be a grass/dirt or paved runway. Aircraft wise can be as simple as a small Cessna 172, Piper Cub for pleasure to Cessna caravans for cargo and C-295's. There is so much opportunity and freedom with aviation if it was introduced into the game. Business wise, people could work to purchase an aircraft and pay to keep it in a hangar or tied down on a ramp. The aircraft could be used to transport cargo from one end of the map to the other, or it can be used for sight seeing or planning routes for trucking. Also those who peruse it can in turn make a business as an instructor teaching others how to fly. There are alot of jobs that can open up from adding aviation into the game. whether its and airport operator, to pilot, to aviation maintenance personal. You could even go as far as an owner of an aircraft renting it out for business.
  2. Pilot

    I can completely agree with you on the younger crowd getting a hold of this game and miss using aircraft. That I totally understand. I hope there won't be to many young people playing this game and tearing the fun out of a legitimate MMORPG. This game has So much potential. Kids better not ruin it. Hopefully having to buy your character will slightly push that crowd away.
  3. Pilot

    How will the game appear small if there are aircraft in the game. That will only make the game feel bigger and more open. Being able to fly from one airport to another. If you ask me, the devs keeping the game on ground level makes it seem small. Don't get me wrong but I love the idea of the game and I'm excited for it to come out. But if they are going to go all our RPG with it they might as well put the icing on the cake with aviation.