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Posts posted by Ubbe

  1. But weren't livestreaming video already confirmd?  


    "A television you can actually watch streaming gameplay of other people playing Identity at any given time".

     (Taken from the Identity Overview video).

    So if it's possible to watch livestreams in the game, players could actually livestream the news footage instead of having to pre-record them and upload to youtube. This would also mean that we would be able to watch ongoing live cop chases, which would be pretty awesome.

  2. 1 hour ago, QuannTann said:

    I wouldn't think that they'd have it for a while after launch, but hey here's hoping.

    If regular Police are able to do this, then here's another idea: Give the regular cops some all-terrain vehicles!

    Especially since we won't have any helicopters to help scout the woods and if criminals decide to hide out in the thick of it, it will take forever for our cruisers to try and crawl out there. So in comes the idea of giving the regular law enforcement a few ATV's or some Gators (Or a Polaris, whatever you want to call it).

    Damn helicopters would have been so amazing, nothing is more frightening than trying to hide from a helicopter in the woods. Too bad that they have confirmd that there will be no air vehicles tho.

  3. 18 hours ago, BluePandaIta said:

    Every occupant needs his bed (Not counting double beds as it's obvious that two people can sleep in the same bed). I think when you buy a new house it will say in the info how many people it can "hold"

    Yes I know that this is the case. Tho I'd love if you would be able to stick even more people in there, I mean it's your property after all.

  4. What they could do is so that you sell the drugs to the local drugdealer, which is pretty much confirmd will be an NPC.


    Will there be AI (Artificial Intelligence)/ NPC's be roaming the map?

    No, this game is a player run game, but will have a few NPC's filling up the boring jobs which you and I would not do for hours on end e.g. standing at the tills of a shop, also they will be in the un-ownable shops too and they will be around in back-alleys to represent a (Black Market Dealer and Drug Dealers).

    It would certainly be cool if you would be able to gain certain possitive effects from drugs when using them, but I don't think that would encourage enough people to buy them. So to still make the drugmarket a valid source of income they could just make it so that the NPC drug dealer buys most of your drugs.

  5. 2 hours ago, HairyGrenade said:

    Yes cameras will be on the smartphone for pictures and such but there isn't going to be a FaceTime feature. When he says that, he's talking about watching other streamers on your computer.

    Are you sure he isn't meaning watching footage from in-game? His words were "A television you can actually watch streaming gameplay of other people playing Identity at any given time".

  6. 10 hours ago, HairyGrenade said:

    Sadly that won't be available because camera assets are very expensive to network. 


    Actually the camera feature will already be in the game. In the Identity Overview video they say that you will be able to stream live videos from other players playing Identity. 

  7. Since the first module will be the town square, the developers have already stated that the second video will be on that. And since there will probably not be any vehicles in the townsquare there might not be any vehicles in the next video.

  8. I'd be cool if you could have more roommates than bedrooms making some of the roommates having to sleep on floors/sofas, which would then give them backpain the next day. Imagine sleeping like 10 people in the same 1 bedroom apartment. xD

  9. 42 minutes ago, Gefergrut said:

    That really sucks being prior military I would love to have that in this game. Why wont there be military or at the very least National Guard?

    The only reason I think for not featuring military is because there will never be any kind of war or situations which would need them.

  10. 1 hour ago, RexProcer said:

    It's a great idea.  Maybe down the road, who knows.  The only caveat I would say is that the player who is being robbed has to be online.  IF they're able to handle the performance issues, otherwise what we have for now will be sufficient.

    Yes, this is what I image. The only way to rob someone should be if the player is online and outside of his apartment.

    • Like 2

  11. 5 minutes ago, Zeus said:

    Yeah I figured there's around 300 people, if I can some how send a message to 1/2 of the people on the server Id get atleast 15-30 people. Tbh cruising and racing with 3/4 people would be cool.

    Haha yea, imagine all the cops trying to catch you desperately without any success. Also undercover cops are confirmd to not be in the game.

    • Like 1

  12. 5 minutes ago, DROSE said:

    The developers already confirmed over Twitter that graffiti would be a thing, but I'm wondering if they're going to do more with it than just have a couple places to tag and that's it. I think it would be awesome if graffiti was a little more involved in that you can create a community around it, rather than it just being a thing you do for 5 minutes then forget about. Since I follow that culture in real life, it would be awesome to see it in a real-life simulation game like this.

    I think being able to draw on every structure would be way to heavy on the servers, so I think the devs will have to make some sort of limits. But still glad it's confirmd.

  13. 5 hours ago, BluePandaIta said:

    Listen guys, I need a place where I'll feel safe, allowing players to rob houses will just be an exploit and a pain in the ass. I can already see my house getting robbed every 10 minutes and it's not fun. Also, houses will be like a safe spot where you can relax after a long day of avoiding muggers and murderers, so don't try to take that safe place away from me.

    As I wrote in my post, "Houses are places where you are able to just chill out with friends and such, without any action or robbers. How to fix this problem is to only make robbers able to rob the house if there are no players inside (which includes the owner and the players invited)."

  14. 14 hours ago, Shimozukachi said:

    did he write without remembering how he offended multiple forum members without any given reason because they didn't like the same browsergame as he does. because that thread got deleted he thinks he's allowed to act like he's the white sheep that didn't do anything to anyone.

    there is no reason to argue if the devs literally wrote that you need an invite to another players apartment or house just like you need in gta online LOLZ

    that sadly means i can't even shout fuck off my lawn because you can't damage it at all xD

    here's some home invasion footage 

    if it's possible i'll raid ya how i've written multiple times. same with your friend that literally just thinks about being retard and sticks in butts.

    Still don't understand how you can think that the things I suggested are even close to the invasions in darkrp. Leaving the robbing ability out of the game is like leaving out the ability to start a business. It fits the gameplay of an modern day MMO where you are free to do anything, and since what I'm suggesting will make the robbing incredibly hard (if you make sure to secure your home), you probably wont even be able to notice a difference which means that you wont be affected and criminals will have one more interesting activity to do. There is only a plus side of this addition. 

    And the reason why I made this thread, even when the devs already said that they wont add robbing because of technology reasons, is because I wanted to share my ideas about how to make it work even with the techonogy difficulties and how to make the feature balanced.

    What you could do is to contribute to the discussion instead of intimidate people.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Shimozukachi said:

    and when you try it i'll create a heist crew with other people. some of them threat you to shut the fuck up and the others get into your house and steal all your shit. because you weren't there not even the cops will help you because noone hurt you and because your cameras and sensors got shot there's no evidence at all. then we'll steal your car and drive it to the next chop shop. after that we'll rob you out and make you give us all your money on your bank account and your house because we'll else stalk you on every server and do the same thing continuesly until you stop playing identity at all! now fuck off and get back to darkrp and non whitelisted arma life servers! roleplay doesn't mean to be a criminal and rob out every other player until everyone does the same. it means you live an alternative life (roleplay, not cops and robbers). if everyone would play identity like you'll most probably do it will end like dark souls (you try to do something but it will be successful after hours of failing because there's always someone who kills you on sight without any reason that makes you lose everything in your inventory) and gta online combined. not reading this = you're a dubass that thinks dayz is how humans would live if there's a zombie invasion so fuck off.

    You don't know to argument do you? Instead of telling me valid reasons not to feature robbing you start to threat me in-game.

    Robbing is certainly not everything I'll do in this game, I want to host radio channels, be a cop or start a business. it's just a feature that fits the universe of identity where everything is possible. Please don't assume that I want this game to be darkrp just because of this one feature which will be entirely different to the one in darkrp.

    Also don't tell people to fuck off just because they don't have the same opinion as you.

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