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Posts posted by Ubbe

  1. 20 minutes ago, Gwiilo said:

    HOW cool would it be if you could get a tattoo to symbolize that you are in a gang?! Also, that people could give tattoos and stuff, that would be just purely AWESOME! Thanks for listening, and you should allow tattoos in prison, as that seems really epic. (The tattoos should be permanent and require a lot of money to remove)

    I believe reading in the FAQ that certain tattoos will only be acquirable if you've been to prison etc.

  2. On 2016-12-25 at 3:24 AM, XUnknownX said:

    Thanks For Your Advice And Opinions. Of Course i dont want it to be an offline game. I would just like the game to no feel empty. Like Picture this. This game (when i comes out) after time the game will gradualy lose players. and what happens when no one happens to be playing that day?? The game will be lonely and i just wanted to basicy inform the creators/ developers about this problem on solely relying on players. But Its Just My Oppinion. And I know that not eveyone will agree with it.

    Damn, you are afraid that this game will die that fast? I'm sure this game will stay active for at least like 5-10 years.

    • Like 1

  3. On 2016-12-24 at 4:16 AM, ghhoooooooooost said:

    it would be performance issue because that would be a lot(A LOT) of calculations needing to be done for every single character in a given server. now if they kept it static but say every month or every other month they grew it just slightly that would be a lot more capable to maintain since it would literally just be checking a date once and if it's been like 31 days then it grows it, if it's been less than 31 days then no more checks need to be done.

    Still don't think it would be an issue. It would be nothing compared to calculations of bullets, car damage etc. The calculations could be held clientside and then the server checks every 10 minutes, unlike things like gun fire which it has to check every few milliseconds. It would be such a tiny thing for the server that it wouldn't be noticable.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Honestii said:

    I would also like to see what I'm buying if I'm pledging a few hundred dollars. (CURSE THE CANADIAN DOLLAR RN)

    All they said was that you'll get a studio apartment and you have to make sure before buying that you are want a thing that isn't finished yet, no matter how it'll turn out.

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  5. On 2016-12-20 at 1:30 PM, Stelland1234 said:

    Arent houses saved server side? So that, you buy one house, then you got it avaliable at other places, because otherwise houses are going to be broken, since most people (from my expectations) will putchase their houses on server one, which is going to cause people wsnt to only go on server one, which then means people wont want to play on other servers...

    This will also cause there to be too little supply, and too much demand on houses. So literally everyone who dosnt get a house, will forever be living in apartmemts.

    I don't see your problem. If you buy a house on server 1 you will only have that house on server 1. Since the playercap will be like 300 there will probably be twice as many houses to buy, and players who doesn't play for a certain amount of days will be thrown out of their houses. So I don't think that there will be a huge problem finding houses.

    Also being thrown around servers would totally break the immersion and roleplay since it's always nice to get to know the people on your server.

  6. On 2016-12-19 at 8:42 PM, JamesLuck01 said:

    I only say houses because, they can only have 1 owner per house in each server even though they are instanced! The apartments however if fully instanced like gta e.g. unlimied players in one place then it shouldn't be able to happen.

    That might make sense, but It would still be cool if you would be able too walk up the stairways and see all the different players apartments, even tho they are the same inside, which would allow for robbers to rob them individually.

  7. On 2016-12-18 at 1:37 AM, JamesLuck01 said:

    @Ubbe I think your idea is good, but I would only say it can be done on a "House" and not the apartments as I think there should be one Absolutely no way for it to be robbed. Thats what i think would be better.

    If you mean high-end apartments they should already be equipped with enough security to make robbing them almost impossible, but it should still be possible. This only to keep every door open, if the robber/robbers are good enough when planning the robbery they should at least have a slight chance of succeeding which would both add to the immersion and realism of the game.

  8. On 2016-12-11 at 1:23 PM, Bigboy said:

    so if theres no robbing that will happen maybe we could get a modder to make a mod for that on a private server or something


    That could be a possibility but I still think the feature is such a fitting one that it should be implemented into the game.

  9. Personally since I love perma death in games, this would be a great idea to have as a server option. The owner of the server can choose how long it would take to earn another life and how many lives you start out with. Or if they want to use normal respawn or permadeath.


    It would also be cool as a serverowner to be able to choose how many days you wont be able to play if permadeath is turned on.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    No, I picked those games specifically because every time a dev answers a "system requirement" question on twitter it concludes with if you can run ARK or Arma 3/ or any unreal engine game you should be fine.

    Ohh well then you did pick them because they were confirmed similar specs xD

  11. I do like the idea of consoles since it would give the devs more revenue and exposure, but they wouldn't be able to make the PC version as polished as it will be now because of the increased development time. Also I don't really think this game is very suitable for consoles because of the big server and focus on voice chat. Not to mention the developent team is very small.

  12. Personally I don't think that this game will be very suited for children considering the ability to kill civilian players, cops etc. But adding subscriptions or high hardware requirements would be very bad solutions, expecially since I'm sure there will still be a lot of adults with mediocre computers and it would only result in bad reviews of the game. I mean why add potential frame drops just to keep kids out, it's silly.

    Other solutions could be to make the game M rated or just disallowing kids to join your personal server. But people also needs to remember that kids will always want to do things they aren't allowed to do yet. That's why games like GTA still have tons of kids playing.