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Posts posted by The1TheOnlyGonzo

  1. 7 minutes ago, njayminsim1115 said:

    I'm glad that we could agree about taking down large organizations. I will change our blog, since I have seen your point about how it is fair to people who spent money, and they are entitled to their benefits. Although... we will not hesitate to do what is equitable.

    I can respect that. Anyone tries to take advantage of the system and gain off of others misfortune,  should have some fear of an anonymous hacking group exposing their acts against society. 

  2. 50 minutes ago, njayminsim1115 said:

    Ok well first of all our goal is to take down players with big egos... As well as anonymous in real life takes down big companies with egos. Also real anonymous has WAY better things to watch some forum post about a game that is not seriously insulting their group. Last of all Identity has ways where in the beginning you can pay to get a head start.


    I am positive every person who purchases the game will get some advantage to it, it is all determined by what the player wants to spend. Furthermore couldn't this ruin the experience for those that want to start with a disadvantage? I for one want to struggle in the beginning to gain my ground within Identity, and I won't really care if someone else has an advantage in the game, they payed for it, why shouldn't they be entitled to it? Who are you to make that judgement for them?

    As for taking down large assholes in game, that could be very interesting depending on how your organization goes about it, and how your target reacts. 

    I get that Anonymous may not have any care or concern for you using them in a game, however there is no absolute certainty that there couldn't negatively impact Identity. 

    I just don't see a point to copy a real organization and take no creativity to make it original yo you and the game. I understand with some groups out there, it isn't easy to parody or emulate, but wouldn't it be more rewarding to make a group like anonymous that is original to your concept and emulates what you admire in anonymous? 

    Just my thoughts, and concerns I guess. Hopefully nothing negative developes from people copying real organizations

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  3. 35 minutes ago, njayminsim1115 said:

    Hey NARC, you can buy start up benefits. I'm pretty sure you are aware of that. That's what our goal is. To make it fairer for people who didn't spend massive amounts of money for this game.

    The only advantage supporters have in Identity is beta access,  early module access, and some cosmetic advantages. There is no financial gain in game, as Asylum doesn't want this game to become Pay-To-Win and have mircotransactions take focus away from in game earning. 


    As for your statements regarding having a similar focus as Anonymous, yet I don't really see that. You focus is on creating and maintaining a "Fair" game experience. Where the real life organization's focus is on a transparent and a public controlled government. They also focus on unjust business and government practices, exposing them for the public. 

    Furthermore my concern for bringing this to Identity is not just for the possible hacking if the real life organization disliked the reputation and attention from an online community (anonymous and other hacking groups have done this to GTA multiple times), but also the potential legal trouble it could bring to Asylum. 

    No one can argue that it could never happen,  because it can, and has happened to MANY other games throughout history. 

  4. Why bring this to Identity? Doesn't Anonymous have a history of shutting down those that imitate them? This seems like a very bad concept to bring to a game that they really don't want Mods or Hacks....or retaliation from real organizations.....

    • Like 2

  5. 17 minutes ago, Mikeybeast9 said:

    I 100% agree that their needs to be salary cap, but I need to play the game first and determine how the money/economy works in Identity before I can make that decision

    I get that completely, and hopefully the game allows for player based leagues to be built and grow. 

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  6. Like I stated before, even a port of the game may be a waste of time. Consoles limit a game, and remove content for the sake of DLC. 

    Asylum probably won't want to diesect their game to appeal to Sony or Microsoft's contracting. Why release part of a game, that will be reduced in ability, to appeal to the console players? If they want the full game,  buy a PC and buy the game. Play the game how it is meant to be played.  


    Hell they may not even port, which I think is a good idea. Instead they can focus on bettering the game even more. 

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  7. One thing needed is a Salary Cap, or you will have the same bullshit that currently happens in futbol of stacked teams due the financial backing. 


    Also I am not sure what other sports you could really do, Boxing, MMA, Golf, etc, as I would think most equipment heavy sports (hockey, American football) will not be playable sports due to not having the equipment in game.

    I am not sure if you will be able to make the proper equipment either. 

    • Like 1

  8. 10 hours ago, Narc said:

    I will be running in America most likely brother, but yes that would be good.

    FNF will also be on the US server(s) too, perhaps we can do business with each other in the future. 

    • Like 1

  9. Since the criminal presence of Identity is growing and tensions seem to be rising some what with the influx of new criminals being introduced daily. This thread almost seems like an evil necessary for the criminal underground of Identity. 

    Some ground rules;

    1)Keep all smack talk within the regulations of Identity Forum. 

    2)Keep all smack talk within the RP itself. Don't be RL drama into the smack talk. 

    3)If your character is racist, make sure those you are talking smack to, know it is In Character and not a personal Out Of Character discussion. 

    4)Don't spam this thread with nonsense smack talk. Make your posts insightful insults, regarding actions, observations, etc, with some substance to it. 

    5)Have fun. This is made to blow off steam, and let our characters have a bit of fun. Let's not forget that. 

    6)Organizations and criminals are both available to target, enjoy both. 


    Let's see what our characters are truly thinking about each other. :D

  10. 6 hours ago, deadasdisco said:

    BeamNG Drives soft body physics are super CPU intensive and all this happening on servers in real time, it would be really network heavy so for an equivalent i'd say it's unlikely, but i'm no systems engineer so I could be wrong. 

    I didn't even take that into consideration... lol thank you for pointing that out. 

    • Like 1

  11. How can you confirm you are the richest, when the game isn't out yet?....

    To many wannabe Al Pacinos hoping to be scarface....

    Every mob promises the same "ultimate control,  power and money" but none of you can confirm any of it, because you don't have the ability to prove any of this in game..

    Also, just a heads up, but mutiple threads about the same thing, scream unorganized, and poorly thoughts out and executed. It hints at how your organization will operate (much like most other "big mobs"). I would suggest maybe thinking of something not so cliche bud. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Justin said:

    so that means most people will probably not follow them?

    Most likely the exact opposite. 

    In every RP I have played in, most follow the traffic laws, and a minority don't.  

    Most players want to avoid tedious charges, fines, and possible jail time over little traffic violations.  

  13. 3 hours ago, Narc said:

    yeah probably, otherwise the first module would be snowy :P since its a part of ash hill.

    Yeah probably. would be sweet if we can ski and shit though

    I believe they do plan on adding skiing, tubing, etc, in the future after launch. It would make sense since they have specified a mountain with snow on it. I also believe it was referenced there would even be a resort there. 

  14. 12 hours ago, Narc said:

    Ash Hill is a city based around mountains, but isnt in the snow. There might be a town in the snow though, dont think ive seen any info on it yet.

    Oh my mistake, I thought I had read that there would be more winter weather there, but I very well may be mistaken, or reading too much into it. 

    I do imagine there will be some sort of lodging on the mountain somewhere that will have snow probably all year round. 

  15. On 04/03/2017 at 3:41 PM, Justin said:

    Also all the gauges will work properly inside the vehicle? 

    Most likely all vehicles will have working gauges in their dash (unless your vehicle is too damaged for them to work properly) to insure you can follow the law if you wish too. 

  16. I don't see it being a possibility in public servers, as it may be hard to regulate and maintain. Although I could be wrong. 

    With that being said, I imagine private servers will mostly have their own regulations and outside systems to oversee and maintain laundering of any kind.  

  17. Well there is a city in the mountain area, but I cannot remember it's name at the moment, so there may be a good possibility there will be snow there. 

    Same with there may be some cabins on the mountain itself too, which may be more of what you are looking for  

    • Like 1

  18. 3 hours ago, facade said:

    I'm getting the obscure feeling that you're not a fan of Rockstar.

    Lol I am actually a fan of Rockstar and I look foward to RDR2, and enjoy the GTAO2 rumours. 

    I just can admit they botched GTAO and essentially released a beta version. Even today, it is not what they proclaimed GTAO to be. Instead they (The Houser Brothers) settled for micro-transactions and over pricing the in game market. Making them cockheads to me, and many other long-time GTA fans. 

    I am truly hoping that Identity lights a fire under GTAO's ass and makes Cockstar step their sluggish game up. 

    I loved Bikers DLC, but I am not waiting another 3 years for Part 2. Or another year for sub-par heists that were promised since launch. 

    Thus Cockstar until they step up. Maybe RDR 2 will make them Rockstar again, but without Leslie Benzies, I do have some concerns. 

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