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Posts posted by The1TheOnlyGonzo

  1. 45 minutes ago, Norway174 said:

    @The1TheOnlyGonzo Amazing you picked up on the references. :D 
    However I will respond in-character:

    "Scully?... Scully... Oh... You mean Dana Scully? She was a legend back at the Academy. Unfortunately, she graduated a few years before me.
    Last I heard, she was working with Special Agent Fox Mulder. Solving some... Rather unusual cases, to say the least. From what I've heard anyway.

    Assistant Director Walter Skinner is my superviser, yes. And I'm not quite sure what you mean by 'No Smoking Man'."

    " I met Agent Scully and Maulder back in the 90's. I was a young blood in a local motorcycle club, and they stopped by the local bar the club owned.

    Agent Maulder started asking some odd questions to one of the Patched Brothers about a UFO tattoo he had. He acted like my brother was a lunatic when my brother informed him that you can get a wicked sunburn in the middle of the night, and told him to ride with us sometime.

    Agent Maulder seemed like he knew what my brother was talking about when my brother showed Maulder his burnt right ear. He may act like a skeptic, but we could tell, he believed just like we did. 

    Never saw those agents after that event, mind you the local Air Force was pissy your agent friends were around.

    Later we heard about this bad ass Supervisor named Skinner, who was nearly assassinated for his apparent ties to those agents. 

    We also are subscribed to the Lone Gunmen website, and they spoke of a Smoking Man who works in the CIA for a Private Blacklist Group. Figured if you were attached to those agents and that supervisor,  you may also have Intel on this "smoking man".

    Something I could potentially sell to the Lone Gunmen."

    • Like 1

  2. 12 hours ago, Hanshi-Toshiro said:

    okay sorry for the long response. I was too tired to process your response.

    I had a conversation like this with a good freind were he regarded the fact that men and women that lived in poverty had an equal chance no matter what. Like you stated in your reply. My problem with that though is why give every single person a chance if their are people who who don't need a chance. Hence a person who is or has the capability to be a multi-millionaire. In which my further statement is that communism will work better when the greater majority of the people are struggling. That's why with capitalism everybody has the chance to make it big. You have to be smart. When you have a country were everybody makes the same exact amount of money, men and women with potential to possibly make millions of dollars, do not have to opportunity. This leads to a downward butterfly effect spiral.


    With Capitalism only those with impact on the market truly have the opportunity to peruse happiness and will most likely attain it. 

    Capitalism is only a system to create a Consumer mass public with a Supplier upper class. This makes a Consumer class a mandatory need for the economy, forcing the mass population under a dollar value, dependant on an inflating market. 

    Thus you get Bubble Economies that pop when they inflate to an unstable point, and forces a depression and/or a recession on the market. Examples of this is the Automotive Bubble, and the upcoming Mortgage Bubble that is reported to be popping anytime. These Bubbles were made through grey market moves and exploitation of the Capitalist Market.


    Millionaires can happen within Communism, however this would become more a reality for a Communist (True Communist) when the economy became self sustaining and stable. The true reality with Communism is to break the concept of need class within a society, not to force a blanket pay amount to everyone. A doctor in Communism will still be respected and paid for his work, he is just no better than a labourer, each are vital in their own field. The "Democratic" governments of North America have just done the most they can to taint the ideal of Communism, and the "Communist" Governments of today aren't actually Communism, bit actually Dictatorships or Totalitarian Governments hiding behind the tainted concept of Communism. 

    • Like 1

  3. 14 hours ago, DLimit said:

    Younger audiences are capable of distinguishing the difference between a 2-dimensional image and a 3-dimensional image considering that geometry is taught within elementary/primary educational institutions throughout North America and Western Europe. Your image appears to be extremely misleading considering that "Freedom" would indicate that a failed state that is undergoing a state of Anarchy, such as Somaaliyaa, is more liberating than the pure Marxist-Leninist ideals that provides individuals with universal food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education.

    P.S. The DPRK, Venezuela, modern-day Russia or Stalinist Russia, Hitler-controlled NAZI Germany, Angola, The People's Republic of China, or modern-day Cuba are NOT representations of either of the ideals of Karl Marx or Wladimir Lenin.


    Marx and Lenin were visionaries and unfortunately their ideals are manipulated to the advantage of the government bodies that "share the ideology". Unfortunately after Lenin's death, we never saw true Communism or Marxism. Stalin and his obsession of power really screwed that, and China's "Communism" is a joke. 

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  4. No sure where all your GTA information came from but most, if not all is wrong. 

    Rockstar has no issue with PC Performance mods, however they hate with a passion any mod that manipulates the online servers and potentially fucks with their micro transactions.  

    Last I checked Rockstar was working on legal ways to shut down 5Reborn and 5RP, due to the fact it messes with the online transactions, and fucks with Rockstar and their dedicated servers.  The only reason why they are still around today is because the modders have had to dedicate their own servers to it. 

    To save they don't care is redundant, considering online is a majority of their profit right now. 


    As for SAMP. GTA SA had no online capabilities so Rockstar wasn't paying any dedicated servers, and thus didn't care when SAMP launched. Since the launch of GTA 4, Rockstar has paid for dedicated servers and thus go after those who fuck with it....


    To say Rockstar is fine with people messing and modding GTA V is not fully true. The Housers aren't fans. 

  5. 16 hours ago, JonathanTaylor said:

    *searches up Bonetown*

    I honestly find it odd that many "pro-sex" gamers have never heard of Ron Jeremy's attempt at GTA...I call Bullshit you had to look that up. Lol 

  6. 4 hours ago, JonathanTaylor said:

    Then again, nothing can be stopped. If they plan to allow mods to be created for the game there are bound to be things added that werent originally planned. I mean have a look at the sims for example. No nudity or visual sexual interactions and yet, a couple of mods later and youve just had a sex ed lesson. The same can be said for games such as skyrim. All it takes is a reskin and some animations. 

    That's all well and great except they DON'T plan on mods at all. The devs see no point to mods, when they, themselves can implement modules to the game...

    • Like 1

  7. 5 hours ago, jose said:

    America is stupid you can kill but cant have sex or drugs

    Not to burst your concept of "freedom" but Roleplaying Sex with minors isn't in my wheelhouse. 


    This entire concept would break the immersion in the RP,  want Sex in a game where you can be a criminal too, go play Bonetown.

    • Like 1

  8. 2 hours ago, Norway174 said:

    "Well, Mr. @The1TheOnlyGonzo,
    I assume you have nothing to hide towards the FBI?
    Surely you won't mind me poking around a bit, asking your members a few questions?"


    (( For real tho, very well written post. Looks neat! Looking forward to any potential conflicts we may have. All in-character of course. :P ))

    We are just a Motorcycle Club and have nothing to hide, I am sure if you did talk with any of my brothers, they would assure you we are just a MC full of MC enthusiasts. 


    ((Thank you very much, and any IC conflicts will be very interesting and entertaining. Hopefully we can really have some fun with it :D))

  9. Holy Hell what a OP. Good luck to you and your political career Left Hand, hopefully you can accomplish what you set out to and not get outed by the underground, the authorities, or by one of your members. Remaining anonymous in Identity I imagine will be no easy feat 

  10. On 16/04/2017 at 10:55 AM, KiritoKun said:

    Well i'm thinking about this clan is for every kind of player, you can just play as a solo player, but we can do orginisted drug runs and other crimes whenever you like with who ever you like (with people of the clan). You can call the clan for back-up when ever you need. Its just like a family. 

    I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't think the underground markets in Identity are going to be something one can simply jump in an out of. 

    This a RP based on player control and impact, therefore it is safe to assume that the underground markets will be controlled and monitored by specific groups that probably won't ake kindly to fly-by-night crews attempting to make a little profit on their market, not at least without a take. 

    Furthermore you have the authorities to deal with as well, which if crime isn't going to be major portion of your group's income, probably isn't worth the risk. 

    Crime is about connections and planning, especially with RP, jumping in and out will most likely just be more damaging than helpful for your crew. 

    Just my thoughts tho. 

  11. 8 hours ago, patrickaq100 said:

    if they are closeing then i guesss wew can be allies ?

    Like I stated earlier, FNF normally only set up alliances with those we have actually met, and have had some positive history with. 

    We are fine being friendly, however we do not jump into alliances. Thank you for your interest in an affiliation with us. 

    • Like 1

  12. With BCR closing, FNF would like to welcome any of the former BCR members to FNF if they need a home. 


    Also we are going to redo our history because we had some character development since 9ur last update. New patch is coming too! More based in RP

    • Like 1

  13. I think for Asylums sake, real trademarked logos/brands shouldn't be allowed to be brought into game, just out of the concern of a lawsuit being thrown at Asylum, which would probably cripple them. 

    The idea of creating a brand, and then suing another for trademark infringement in game is really cool tho! I am curious what "trademark and patent laws" will be established in game to avoid infringement of character artistic or creative rights.

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  14. 22 hours ago, patrickaq100 said:

    Yeh lets hope we can. shall we be Allies ?


    I am not sure about alliances. 

    Normally FNF has to meet the organization, and have some positive history with them before we will consider them Allies to the club. 

    Also your open declaration against BCR will put FNF in the circumstance of having to take a side. We have some history with BCR, so I am not sure where FNF would end up in this war. 

    I could even see this effecting our ability to be in some form of business together. 

    • Like 2

  15. 2 hours ago, Herzog said:

    No no, its fine. Its just we wanted a way for non crims to join us and still keep it within MC lore. We didnt have plans for a proper nomad chapter anyway so it sort of planned out that way. 

    I can understand that, and ultimately it is your club, you make how you want it. I hope that the nomad Charter works well for BCR 

    • Like 1

  16. On 09/04/2017 at 11:58 AM, Herzog said:

    All national chapters of the club are one presenter chapters. The nomad chapter just gives people the chance to join the club and not get involved in any illegal activity. So the nomad chapter is not a 1% chapter and is more chill where you aren't expected to complete operations such as gun runs 

    I know it isn't my place, but that is an odd rendition of Nomad. Normally Nomad is almost a legacy charter, only governed by Mother/National, with no internal heirarchy. Odd approach to Nomads, interesting tho. Normally Nomads are called into illegal activities with their respected head charter, normally to stay out of 1% you join a RC. 


    I not telling you how to run your Nomads tho, just making observation. Respect to BCR 

  17. Can we get a definition of "outlawish"? 


    Also most of FNF MC's information isn't very public, but normally our patch in ceremony is similar to that of Sons of Silence.

    The Probate has to fist fight the Charter and literally take their patch from the Charter. This is the only time a Probate can hit a Patched Member, even the Officers.


    • Like 1

  18. I may want to hire you in the future, but I have a question. 

    Can you represent a collective as well as the individual? 

    Depending on what you are willing to represent, I may use your services as my primary legal source.  

  19. I am going biker (I may have answered this before, but it may have been a different thread) because I finally get the opportunity to really do it properly with Identity. 

    I have been RPing a biker since 2009 in TLAD servers, and I have never gotten the real opportunity to truly RP a Biker. Identity is going to give me that true opportunity.

    I am hoping to live the life that my old man took my family out of in 2000-2001, when I was a kid. I wanted to go into that lifestyle but my old man showed me the dangers of that lifestyle, so I will RP instead lol. 

  20. On 28/03/2017 at 1:49 AM, YoungOne said:

    I think GTA 4 has the best throttle response etc , I doubt many you know but on gta 4 you can change gears almost when you want by releasing the trigger, and pressing it in at the right times,, I know how to change up a gear an down in gta 4, I love it, and the best thing is, when the car changes gear it changes like a Manuel, but you uses the trigger like your driving a automatic car, its amazing I am currently playing gta4 atm. the best way to try this technique is in the sultan RS but can be done in any car. This was changed in GTA5 because they wanted it to feel like a racing game.witch I think is really stupid, you cant cruise in gta5, you try cruise around but it holds 3rd gear n shit, gta5 you can cruise in like 5th going normal speed. I think gta 4 driving is best , the cars just have to much body rolls that's all, but that's part of it being real you have to slow down otherwise you will fuck your self up. its simple learn how to drive in the game. and again I believe the body roll was a too over rated. the damage in gta4 is better than gta5 as well, who likes all there windows smashing from tapping a wall, or driving through a wooden fence? and having to crash you car 10 times in the front to make it look fucked in gta 5, also fighting and hitting into people is better in gta4, I think this was because gta had to be simmer down the realism in the violence

    They did take out manual shifting via hair triggering the throttle, however you can activate your Turbo via hair triggering the throttle, although they made it more of a challenge to time it. 

    I do have to agree the driving physics were way better in GTA IV, even driving a motorcycle in IV felt more realistic. 

    You can drive at a normal speed in V, however you have to find the right position on the throttle which takes time because you have to find the specific spot.