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Posts posted by Cstove

  1. 4 hours ago, dagtag said:

    why do people keep using this as an argument? a million is nothing when it comes to game development... look up some statistics, the range can be between 15 and 150 million, does 1 million still seem a lot to you?


    I agree bro.  Like they think it’s a huge budget, but it’s actually a really small one.

    • Like 1

  2. 3 hours ago, ShiEksdee said:

    I'm glad they'll be different in-game........I don't want any of the breeds offered on the shop. ^^;; I wonder, are we able to breed pets in-game? It'd be cool if, even eventually, we had an extensive pets system where we can breed and sell pets.


    That would be something really cool to see them add in the future!

  3. 55 minutes ago, Rhino said:

    One week later and still nothing. Tracker still says last updated 2 days ago and nothing but crickets from the devs. At least their new website says the Town Square release is "very close" opposed to the previous "imminent."


    John posted a new insider today about gangs, and the dev blog is coming out tomorrow!

  4. 34 minutes ago, Oozle30 said:

    The Development tracker says updated every day or two but the same user interface task for the last 6 to 8 weeks has seen in testing im sure it doesn't take almost 8 weeks to test one user Interface thing.

    Im Sure a lot of people are wondering if this game will ever be released i mean they have raised over 1.3 Million US Dollars.


    Bugs with the apartment customization and the elevator. Devs are working hard to get it all fixed.

  5. 53 minutes ago, nexus said:


    Acredito que o policial quem vai fazer a ficha do criminoso, exemplo, Nome do Criminoso, Idade. Motivo de punição. mais a duvida é quem vai estipular o tempo que o criminoso vai ficar preso?


    Google Translate EN/US

    I believe the police officer who will make the criminal record, example, Name of the Criminal, Age. Reason for punishment. but the doubt is who will stipulate the time that the criminal will be imprisoned?


    There will be a system that determines how long you go for.  You can also go to to trial, to try and prove your innocent.

  6. 30 minutes ago, nexus said:


    A guerra de gangs com certeza é algo que vamos ver no jogo, porém o que todos nós estamos ansiosos para ver é como vai funcionar essas batalhas mortais !

    Esta publicação tem varias perguntas que para os olhos de um desenvolvedor podem ser ótimas ideias para implementar no jogo. 9_9

    Acredito que um RANKING com as principais gangs do servidor seria uma ideia ótima para implementar no jogo, pois iria despertar a competitividade dentro do jogo.

    também seria legal, se houvesse uma fase de aprovação para entrar em uma gang, exemplo: Assaltar uma joalheria famosa ou ter entrado na prissão pelo menos 3 vezes para entrar na gang.


    Google Translate EN/US

    Gang warfare is sure to be something we're going to see in the game, but what we're all looking forward to is how these mortal battles will work!

    This publication has several questions that for the eyes of a developer can be great ideas to implement in the game.
    I believe that a RANKING with the main gangs of the server would be a great idea to implement in the game, since it would awaken the competitiveness within the game.

    it would also be cool if there was a passing phase to get into a gang, for example: robbing a famous jewelry store or entering the prison at least 3 times to get into the gang.


    Well whoever runs the gang can make up his or her own requirements to join.



    RP Name:

    Carl Frazier 

    Description of character:

    Young African-American/Caucasian male.  Has short black hair, and no facial hair.  Has a good amount of tattoos on arms and chest.  Typically wears a white t-shirt with some jeans or shorts and some sneakers.   

    What job do you want to have in Identity?

    I will be working for Velocity Logistics as a warehouse manager and a driver.

    What city do you want to live in?


    What are your goals in Identity?

    My goal in Identity is to one day start my own jewelry business.  I want own a nice luxury car.  And own a nice house, maybe even a mansion if I can get to that level of wealth.

  8. 31 minutes ago, Genesai said:

    The fact that is has to take more than 11 days now to fix the tracker .... says enough about Asylum's professionalism. This takes ONE day at most if you put your guy on it. The site was finished months before it launched, yet it has so many issues I can't count them on both my hands.

    What is the issue? It's not like you need to order replacement parts from mainland China. No, you need to fix code. You can do that from home, and shouldn't take nearly two weeks. Whoever made the website, can come join classes with me. Perhaps he/she will learn how to manage errors properly, and most certainly at a decent pace. Don't make me open the source code and fix it for you. But I will ... if you'd pay me back the $250 (+2x $5) I invested in this development so far, I'd actually do something useful for you guys and fix the mess you cannot seem to get fixed.

    Asylum Entertainment and professional behavior are two terms you won't find near each other in the dictionary.

    EDIT: Still no dev blog as well btw. Says enough.


    New identity insider came out today: https://www.identityrpg.com/info/gangs  Dev blog tomorrow: https://gyazo.com/8ddf9b3821f4aea1edc409f3abe53048

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  9. 13 minutes ago, nexus said:

    The huds of life, money, energy, sleep, hunger should not appear at all times in the game, it would be interesting if we access these huds through a menu. because the huds on the screen decrease the immersion.


    There’s no huds like this.  You just open your inventory to see how much money you have.  And you don’t need to sleep. And you also can’t die from hunger. Sleeping and eating aren’t crucial to your character.

  10. 14 minutes ago, nexus said:

    the proposal of the game is to simulate life, it would be more immersive if we were sure that the player we are talking about has the same sex as the character.


    It’s not a life sim, it’s a MMORPG.  You can role play as whoever you want,  no matter what you are in in real life. It’s a video game.....