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Posts posted by Cstove

  1. 9 hours ago, Norway174 said:

    So again, I'd like to see the source of this notion where you can't rent out pledged apartments.

    Go watch any stream or QnA where devs talk about it. You can not rent out pledge apartments.


    10 hours ago, lamona said:

    Kind of like how you can buy better cars with real money then? 😐 

    I'm honestly a bit lost by all of this DLC costing real money, especially regarding vehicles. I hope there's plenty of content available outside of their digital store, otherwise it's like the worst of a free to play game in a pay to play!


    There will be tons of cars you can buy in game with in game money.

  2. 31 minutes ago, Order said:

    The artists don't make code; even if they stopped making assets, it wouldn't change the process of bug fixes. They don't have experience in that, so it's up for the coders to fix the bugs that they're working on.


    Exactly! It’s funny to me how so many people don’t understand this lol.

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  3. 13 hours ago, Joe said:

    what do you mean competition ? no offence to identity but they did everything plus more done in 2 months then what idenity has done in years.. 

    if you watched the video.. took them 2 months.. id loved to see 3 years of there work.. if thats what they got done in 2   

    as for the arcade comment, thats 2 months of work only of course its going to look arcade lmao it took what years to get this identity to show off something that looked exactly the same 

    its a shame though they went and made there own game they should of joined forces with this game and they could of had more dev's and could of made a pretty good game.. 

    Its unfortunate though i don't think 9 to 5 will get its funding but to see what they got done in 2 months compared to identity years its kinda lol 

    i like there ideas and its going to be somewhat a sim to i kinda hope they get the funding but i doubt it they got all the cool sounding jobs as well and features.. 

    but i'm still loling they got more to show in 2 months of work only lmao..  


    I disagree.  If you watch the originally identity overview video. They show off the same amount of stuff if not more. Plus identity’s graphics are on such a different level from this game.  This game has arcadish graphics.  Identity looks insanely real.


  4. 1 hour ago, Theezakj said:

    uhmm, he meant the CARS cost a whole day salary, and he is right with that! To me the prices for appartments, cars are just ridiculous x D 


    Just wait and buy them with in game money then.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Negan said:

    Starting to feel suspicious. Both about the game and about he people making the complaints.
    Most of these people don't even have a profile picture. I know it may be irrelevant, but it's fishy either way. 


    Idk what point your trying to make.  I’ll tell you my guess for why they don’t have profile pics, because the people complaining aren’t very active on the forums and they don’t follow the games production very closely. They’re impatient and come her to vent and complain.

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  6. 5 hours ago, Norway174 said:

    Source? Not questioning you, just curious.

    You're not gonna be able to rent out the apartments on the TS module. There's not even gonna be any currency.
    And by the time they're adding renting mechanics, I'm pretty sure they're gonna stop selling apartments.


    Yea subway is right.  The devs said that you cannot rent our pledge apartments because they don’t want you to be able to make money of pledge items.  Just like you can’t sell pledge cars.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Cstove said:

    You can steal vehicles, I’m not sure if you can steal everything in a delivery truck. I’ll ask


    Asked a mod he said most likely no.

  8. 4 minutes ago, stripedalucard said:

    I was wondering can you hijack a stores truck and take everything in it?


    You can steal vehicles, I’m not sure if you can steal everything in a delivery truck. I’ll ask

  9. 30 minutes ago, itsDuncan said:

    So I was wondering how you would control all the players who want to turn to a life of crime, in many games in which crime is an option, people like to do so. So some servers would most likely fill up with criminals and everyone but hardcore RP players would continue to rob and steal. I'm just saying, the game seems great, but people love to play the "Bad Guy" in games and everyone will want to become a crime boss or something. I know you can't fix this but have you or anyone at all thought about this issue to?


    I think it will be more balanced than you think.  I know a lot of people who want to be cops.  And also a lot of people want to be civilians and work normal business jobs.

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  10. 26 minutes ago, quentiam said:

    I don't have a lot of cash to spend, and im looking forward to the release of the first module. I've only got the access to the game, but im really looking forward to playing with the housing bits. Decorating an apartment and such. Will there be a means of obtaining money in the first module? Can we work for an apartment instead of spending real cash?


    You can work for $ and spend in game $ on an apartment, but only in the full game, and maybe beta as well.