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Posts posted by Cstove

  1. 6 minutes ago, Frank said:

    Right now its about $1500 canadian. The thing im most worried about is being able to play well on a server with many people doing different things. I want to be able play on the high populated servers well when this game comes out. (Im not too sure which component here would help dictate this. [Server connection issues aside.])

    http://www.ibuypower.com/Store/Intel-Z170-Core-i5-Configurator  Check this out I just customized a PC for you: Includes: Intel i5 6600k, Nvidia gtx 1060, 16 gb of ram.  It also comes with a free keyboard, mouse pad, wifi adapter, antivirus, and headset.  PRICE is $1119 US which equals to $1446 Canadian.  Right in your price range!  Im positive this PC will run Identity good!

    • Like 1


    4 minutes ago, Frank said:

    I guess the GPU would be more important for good gaming than a slightly overkill ram and processor. The problem is I just want to buy an out of the box pc and they mostly come in strange configurations of the aforementioned specs.

    What is your budget?

  3. 1 hour ago, Frank said:

    Hello everyone,

    I am looking to buy a new PC sometime in the near future to play identity and other games in the future. Do you know if I'll be able to play identity at a relatively high quality level with these specs?


    16 GB RAM

    Nvidia gtx 960 graphics

    Intel core i-7

    It also would have 2 TB HDD and a 128 ssd. What do you think?

    An i7 is unnecessary for just gaming, you should get the i5 6600k processor.  Also for your gpu wait until the EVGA gtx 1060 super clocked is back in stock, its only $260 and is 80% faster than the gtx 960.  Lastly you only need 8 gb of ram, but 16 wouldn't hurt  

  4. Well from some Arma 3 life servers Ive played on and Some Gmod servers,  I would say no parking infront of fire hydrants, red/no parking zones, private property, and just straight up leaving your car in the road.  I'm sure there will be a government tow truck job where you can tow cars who violate parking rules.

    • Like 2

  5. Lol why are Luca and Frank getting so into it the game is still 6+ months away.  How can you say one mafia is bigger and better than another when there has been no in game action yet, because the game isn't even out yet.  Everything you guys talk about so far is fake it doesn't actually exist yet because the game inst even out.  It makes sense to recruit now for you mafia/family, but all this beef and commission stuff I don't understand, if you haven't actually been in game yet.  

  6. MoTown and Paratus talked about this in an interview with Markeedragon on YouTube.  They said they do not have an official number yet but servers will be somewhere from 100 - 400 people.  My guess is around 300 will be the final number.  But they have to run more stress tests.

  7. On 3/7/2016 at 1:46 PM, JamesLuck01 said:

    1. There will be a test for high ranking cops which have access to the good / heavy guns and police equipment.

    2. If they just walked in the middle of the public, depending on the area safe zones are around. but otherwise if a cop was say rdm'ing they would maybe be blacklisted/ banned from the job temporary or permanently.

    3. Random searching is not a big of a deal but does it happen IRl. yes it does. so it is a real life rp thing for the game. 

    4. Abusive police may get punished by maybe say suspension from job/ jail time with demotion.

    5. Guns will be very hard to get and so why would someone risk that much to lose one of the hardest things. (Mass murderers will get punished in some way as they stated.

    6. There will be safe zones and so that means there are places free from crime/ muggings.

    7. Houses and apartments are not able to be broken into, you must have permission to enter from the owner.

    8. The jobs will be player driven, a lot of them and well they stated its going to be like real life.... with earning money.

    9. Well firstly corrupt police in official servers would probably get a temp blacklist and/ or politician.

    Hey James I understand you cannot break into homes, but can police raid homes if they have leads that there may be drugs in that home?  If not I'm sure police are allowed to raid meth labs if they find them.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Narc said:

    yeh thats how rp works bud :P

    Ik bud the main focus of this was talking about how its cool there will be actual courts and judges who will decide your verdict.

  9. On 1/11/2016 at 10:49 PM, Mike8789 said:


    Clout ® PLLC: Law Firm and Lobbying Services

    When you need the very best, remember Clout ®


    Clout PLLC is the company for all of your law service needs, including criminal law defense, corporate law services, personal legal counseling, and even lobbying! Our teams of professional attorneys are trained and ready for any challenge in today's ruthless world of law and politics!



    Criminal law defense is one of the primary services Clout provides, giving you a sword and shield to protect yourself from the oppression of the attorney general's office! Every citizen is innocent until proven guilty, but with a Clout attorney on your side the law doesn't stand a chance! From drug dealers to traffic offenders, Clout can protect you from serious jail time and outrageous fines.



    In today's world of big corporations and even bigger government, every company needs a guide through the treacherous legal landscape of owning a business! Clout attorneys are here to help with countless services to protect your business, including corporate merger facilitation, product specification legality, and drafting employee contracts, just to name a few.


    In some cases, the law simply isn't a good fit for the real world. That's where Clout lobbyists come in! Our expert teams of lobbying professionals can help to pass laws that benefit your business and grease the gears of progress!


    Apply today if you want to join our ever-growing team of law professionals and bring justice to our clients! We are currently hiring for all positions, which include:

    Senior Partner

    Senior partners are battle-hardened lawyers that know all of the ins and outs of the law process. While this position has the highest pay, it also has the highest commitment and responsibility. Responsibilities include leading teams of partners, serving on the board of executives to decide the direction of the company, and in some cases working directly with our most important clients.


    Partners are certified attorneys-at-law that have studied the law enough to pass the bar exam, an entry level exam for all law professionals. Moderate pay and commitment. Responsibilities include working alone or with teams of other partners on client cases.


    Associates are not yet attorneys, studying under the watchful eye and helpful insight of the partners and senior partners of the law firm to pass the bar exam. Minimum pay and commitment. Responsibilities include clerical tasks and client initial interaction and interviewing.


    Fill out the application below and send to Mike8789!

    Age (InRealLife):
    Character Name:
    Character Background:
    Why you want to join Clout:
    Rank preference (Associate, Partner, Senior Partner):


    *Keep in mind that the character name and background sections may be changed before the release of the final game.

    Hello, just wanted to say this looks awesome!  I can tell you put time and effort into this.  I will most likely need a lawyer in game and I will definitely be using Clout!

  10. I think it would be cool if after you get out of prison you have to be on probation for a little while.  Now if you only went to jail and not prison and your sentence was only like 15 minutes or so then probation would not apply for you.  I think probation should range from 1-3 hours.  One hour for lower offenses and less time spent in prison, and three hours for the murders and hardcore drug dealers.  My idea was like once a hour while probation a cop would have to check in on you to make sure you had no drugs, alcohol, or weapons on you.  If a cop catches you violating your parole you will be sent back to jail or even prison for a certain amount of time.  Referring to this thread on the forums:  I also believe 45 minutes is too short for a max sentence, I think it should be 1 hour 30 minutes or 2 hours.  Thank you for reading my idea, I would love some feedback.  Hopefully the devs will see this!


  11. 8 hours ago, Chase said:

    I'll try keep this short. Make substance abuse fun. Think of how doing drugs affects you in real life and add that to the game. Maybe make ghost pop up on your screen to exaggerate it seeing as though it's a game and the affect affects won't be possible to reproduce. I used to be an avid drug user, and speaking from experience. Being a drug user is a lifestyle. The game should be drastically different when on drugs so that people who do drugs will want to continue. This will make more profit for the in-game drug dealers. The problem with role-playing being a drug dealer in arma3 life servers is the fact that no one actually does drugs religiously. When there are active drug addicts and recreational users, people will be more willing to role-play. " I suk yo dik foe a hit mayne!!!" I don't advise adding bonuses to drug use seeing as though people would just use it out of role-play. An example would be a stamina bonus or a fast health regeneration. This will make people Not feel the need to use it in role-play. 

    From an economic point of view. There should be more incentive to sell to players rather than npcs. NPCs should buy drugs a t a huge discount so that thugs will be pumped out to the streets. In real life, you would make more money selling a pound of weed in eights, quarters or ounces. Same going for most other drugs. This will create a distribution chain for gangs. In reality, gangs are a means to distribute large quantities of illegal substances in a large area. Sell drugs to gang leaders in bulk and his subordinates will sell in smaller quantities.


    Manufacturing will be very annoying if it all happens in one place. You should be able to purchase a meth RV or just chip in with your gang to purchase a house where you cook. Weed farms can be in open fields but also in green houses on private properties. You should be able to plant weed everywhere to be able to plan better and maybe frame someone.   

    The devs confirmed on Twitter that you can get addicted to drugs.

  12. On 7/24/2016 at 8:29 AM, Shimozukachi said:

    this has been asked too many times. please use the search function an search for tags like "murder" or "court"

    I wasnt asking I was just saying this is gonna be a cool cool part in the game and i created a little scene that ik will probably occur.  IM tired of you literally replying to everyone saying use the search function.  Ik courts are in the game I wasnt asking.  Your so ignorant I cant stand it, everyone here is just trying to share the ideas as they are excited for the game.   

  13. I had an idea to be a manager for musicians, singers, and rappers.  I hope the idea of being able to put your music on CDs and even get your music on the radio would be awesome!  I think it would be cool if musicians or singers could also get gigs at like bars or what not.  And my job would be to help get there name out there.  I would get all there gigs set up, get their CDs produced, and even get them radio time, the stuff managers do in real life.  So if your planning on being a musician, singer, or rapper hmu and I can be your manager!

    • Like 1

  14. On 4/27/2016 at 7:30 PM, DeadBryson said:


    I have produced two tracks, and I am intrigued and interested anything involved with music or tracks. So seeing as music is such a wide interest, I would love to see this implemented and worked upon. 

    I feel as if a record label could be to overwhelming though. I feel like it should start slow. Having CD's and being able to sell them and play them in ones vehicle or bike. Then we could go from there. I believe we have bigger things to worry about right now atleast, than music, but in the future. I would love to see it. Good suggestion!

    I think this would be an awesome addition to the game!  I would love to be your's or other musician's manager, i think that would be cool.

  15. 28 minutes ago, FunnyCunny said:
    On 3/31/2016 at 10:45 PM, TrueCrazyMan said:

    Great for them. It's still murder. They can get arrested, not banned.

    You're not understanding the point. Their is no rule that states you cannot randomly kill. Officials servers will not have that.

    If they say they're a hitman, fine by me. They still killed someone and they will get arrested for it.

    Killing someone as a hitman and being paid to do so is not RDM, as you were playing your role.  Although the one placing the hit must have a valid reason why the want someone dead.  On the other hand randomly gunning people down for no reason is RDM, and the devs have a system in place to stop it or control it.  

  16. 22 minutes ago, FunnyCunny said:

    So if you murder someone you go to jail? Can't I set someone else up and they go to jail? How do they know who murdered who?

    Police and Detectives will have to investigate to find out who's the murder.

    • Like 1

  17. 6 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    Yes the gyms will be there before the weight gain/ gym changing your appearance which will be after launch.

    Either way it will be in Identity and that is what the first person was asking.  I answered him correctly.  You don'y always have to bud in like a smart ass.