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Posts posted by stingerbee12

  1. I think I see what you're saying here, @fanchum102. So basically, (with money and permission of course), you can use it to own/start a franchise/club and then possibly hire managers that can recruit players and then a team league can be started depending on the sport. Following that, citizens could watch the live games on their television or possibly pay tickets to see the game up close at the stadium/arena? 

    I have a feeling this won't be an available feature initially when the game comes out but I hope I am wrong on this insight. Could possibly work but I think at first it would not be player owned, rather teams/leagues owned by the developers/(goverment?). 

  2. I agree with @Crafty, if someone were to go crazy and try and wreck the entire town, initially they might as well be put in the prison to recover. I think though once the game has been released, this could be a possible upcoming feature to add the spice. Great insight.

  3. Sounds great. I am very happy this game will not have instant teleportation or "virtual compass." I love the idea of the train that won't be instant but you can at least ride on it and it will be moving to get to your destination fast. 

    On a side note, couldn't they make citizens have to go through a driving school test and then once they get their license through much training become an operated train driver? If the citizen who had a license all of a sudden became a griefer, they could become arrested right away and locked up without their license? I'm new to the game by the way but if citizens can develop "injuries" the medical bill would be on the house? What do you guys think. Once again, just discovered this epic game and curious on the features I've ventured through. Thanks.