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Posts posted by Sicario

  1. 34 minutes ago, LeSteff1927 said:

    You guys forgot some thing important when talking about how many servers there should be: Not every person on this planet speaks english and not everyone that speaks english speaks it good enough to play a RPG. 

    There will be official servers released in each continent, so the non-English speaking players can play with others who speak their language.

    • Like 1

  2. 12 hours ago, jcdock said:

    I hope the economy will remain close to IRL value but after seeing so many in-game currency's go to shit it will be interesting to see

    Motown has posted a tweet about economy values and in it said they'll be relatively close to real life pricing.

  3. 10 minutes ago, jcdock said:

    Keep at it! You made some good points! 

    Just thought of another down side and that would be having to pay someone to fix your car/house which you might not be able to afford and that might negatively impact your gameplay so thinking about it I doubt they will do this.

    Time payments might be an option you could come to an agreement with the person fixing your car. :) 

    • Like 1

  4. Police cadet training is automated through a system on official servers, once you complete the training/test, you're certified.

    I think the Governor should decide or go through the applications of those who've completed their cadet training and if need be interview/screen them before approving the application. Then, the incoming officer already has a relationship with the Governor and feels compelled to serve him and the state - but it also allows the Governor to read the character and find out whether that player is serious about a career in Police or not.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Arlmar said:

    I should think that players will start out with some money or else the economy will be unable to get started. I feel that the economy will start out with simple and common products such as clothes selling for low prices, and items such as weapons being very expensive, however as time progresses and players gather resources, it is likely that the prices for custom designed clothing will rise as more varieties are made, and that the price for guns and other weapons will decline as more are brought into the world.

    Players will start out with what they want too - if it isn't a pre-pledged amount, then it's zero. This is a life sim after all and nothing is free, unless it's stolen. Clothing and common products will be set at a price where it's affordable and makes the business owner a profit, otherwise it's pointless.  Items of clothing, furniture and other items may be in demand in other areas of the map, so for example: if you bought an executive lounge suite for 600 ɀwet - someone in another town (apart from the city) may be willing to buy it for ≡800 ɀwet, making you an easy profit of ≡200 ɀwet - you've just got to get it and yourself there and make a quick sale.  Supply and demand :) Weapons won't be easy to acquire unless dealing with illegal weapons dealers and underground/black market players. For clothing - I believe this is a great business to get into, because as popular a brand gets the more demand there will be to create more that people want.

  6. 43 minutes ago, NutterButter said:

    If like to think that you get 3 in game days to rack up enough money or contacts to be able to gain either a room mate or your own house- but until then, that you have 3 in game meals as you only need to eat once a day- but I'm gonna pull a gtaSA and hit the burgershot, and end up spilling ketchup all over the drivers back seats.

    And then I'm gonna walk around quoting other games but talking to other people.

    Aye, yo, waddup fanklin!

    On average, the most (I stand to be corrected) you can make is up to ≡1,000 (≡ is the symbol I've associated with Zwet currency) a day, working hard at your job. How a day in real life translates to time in Identity is another story. It'd take quite a while to be able to save and afford a house of your own. For meals, if you aren't employed, then you have to find alternative means to feed yourself and survive; dumpster diving, begging, busking to make ends meat, or eating someones left overs at a restaurant. And three meals a day should be compulsory, or to eat enough to last you an in-game day - however you'll need refueling if you're doing combat, robberies and strenuous tasks that require more energy.

    I couldn't understand the rest of your post... "~ but I'm gonna" etc.

    • Like 1

  7. I understand that you will be able to have multiple characters in Identity, so if by (in your timezone) day you play cop, by night you could be the cop killer! I think I'll start writing names down now... xD Keep (snitching on yourselves), the creative name ideas flowing people!

  8. 3 minutes ago, DanDud88 said:

    GTA Online has an in-game mobile phone, but it took up the whole screen so you could tell if someone was shooting at you.

    I wouldn't want to "play" Identity via smartphone - just handle my affairs via an app. Check messages, spy on the markets (and maybe invest over a cup of coffee), read the news feed etc.

  9. 1 hour ago, Fabulous said:

    Police officers in real life have really shitty aim due to the fact that they are simply afraid

    Interesting thought... what if; during a bank robbery the hostiles get a slight advantage in awareness, stress and other factors to help them... as opposed to then attending officers both Police & SWAT receiving a similar disadvantage in similar cognitive behaviours. Ultimately, the onus is on the officers, negotiators and SWAT to get everyone out alive, including the robbers (in order to convict) and without money leaving the building. This allows the odd mishap on the side of the justice department to occur - and could hold up in court. Sure after a while officers would get used to the same "feeling" and those disadvantages would decrease over time because X officer has attended so many similar call outs and having to deal with such situations. It'd be a learning curve that's for sure!

  10. On 1/3/2016 at 1:59 AM, Harrigarno said:

    Here's the go with the cinema movies:


    Perfect, so that essentially means, if it's streaming online albeit a movie, tv series or radio station - it can be ported/shown/heard inside the game. I can't wait to see all the YouTube videos flagged for copyright though :D 

  11. 1 hour ago, Vix said:

    I just don't think there will be so many users interested in paying someone a big amount of money to shoot another player who'll respawn at his house after few minutes.

    And as a hitman; it'd be discouraging because once you've completed the job - you're flagged and if seen or captured will be investigated by Police into the death/murder of X player.

  12. Just a question about names that players create during character creation; will it be a First and Last Name format, or can be just one name? If going through the police career, I'd be known as Corporal Sicario. It's got a ring to it...

    What would your in-game name be? 
    First and Last name OR just one name.

  13. I do hope there is a stock market of sorts, somewhere that players can invest in startup businesses and help it grow to its full potential not just with financial backing, but advice and assistance.