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Posts posted by Deathblow_Georg

  1. I was thinking about it earlier. I'd like the ability as a person who just killed a person for whatever reason to be able to move the "Body" of the person they killed. I know with respawn that's a weird thing but with crime scenes in the game and all. I think alot of people would like the ability to move them so that when the police get notified they're in a location that's not the actual murder scene thus making their jobs harder and the killers job a bit easier as he cleans up his house or wherever he killed the person.
    I imagine when you die something like a "Bodybag" thing could be there at your body while that person respawns  given you can most likely rob a body when it's dead I think being able to put that bodybag in your inventory or move it to a car inventory )would weigh as much as expected) you could set the bag down where you want it. or dump it in a river and no signal or whatever makes the cops eventually know about it pop up (say in an ocean_ if it's on land, give it a timer before it becomes a crime scene and you can't move it and cops get notified. If you dump it in water give it a longer time, if you dump in a dumpster give it a lil bit of a timer but not as much as a lake until the signal goes up.  Just..something so not ever gangster or ruffians house or business is constantly getting checked out by cops.

  2. See the thing about a Serial Killer and why I think it could be really interesting is this. If they're role playing as a serial killer they should never put that anywhere in their Bio. hell they should straight up lie outright in any bio's they make, The character they portray is just that a character. So in game you could have your character be Johnny Busdriver right. spend the game being friendly. driving your bus. making friends role playing your ass off.

    But...some nights you take yourself away from your friends, your family, your day to day. you go to a different town, you dress completely different you get your hair done or dyed temporarily. You act how you don't act "at home" you meet people out and about, you gain their trust. maybe you have a spot outside of town. you get them drunk or high )however those systems in game work_ and you take advantage tying them up, trapping them away from home, they don't really know you, don't know your face, the voice you're using now is completely fake till you get them alone. And it's still different from the voice you use "at home" yourself. You take your time you finish them off at your leisure. maybe it's a few "days" in game later of you actively RPing with this person. If you did it well the "Victim" could have just as enjoyable an experience as the killer. then the victim is killed. you dump the body or evidence (which I really hope is somehow in the game. so your hideaway isn't just a blinking murder scene to the cops) and the police find the evidence.   A case for them to inspect. They never find you. it goes cold in the months as Johnny Busdriver has BBQs with his buddies back home.  Till a few months later when a new case pops up for the cops in a different town, or the same town who knows. I don't know the killers M.O   There's a LOT you could do with a serial killer character. I've never once thought of it as just an excuse to RDM. I mean really. why would a killer even use a gun? it's not personal enough for them usually.

    Just imagine after months of real time of the cops not finding this killer. In game years can pass and his list goes up. the killer gets braver leaves notes, enjoys hearing about himself on the player run radio shows all types of things.

    Then imagine the cops thinking they found the person and a big uproar happens. But ti's not the guy. It'd be the OJ trial from back in the 90s big following. strong RP. make use of reporter characters, judges, politicians would go nuts trying to spin the capture and imprisonment to their name.

    But then imagine if they put away a guy and the killings keep happening. In a strong RP server a character could be in Jail for a long time in game. is it a copycat? did they get the wrong guy?

    Fun times.

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  3. 12 minutes ago, Cornholio said:

    You're a country boy that listens to rap? That's a new one baby.

    Aint' no country round here. We in the Swamps got our own thing going. We'll listen to what we please if it makes the toe tap. Just so happens Dem Buffkin Boys enjoys a good wordsmith and beat. You'll see I'm sure, pickup truck will one day come rounding that corner, dead deer in the back, fish in the buckets, Tanktops Dirty with grime, and speakers blaring. You'll appreciate it.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Cornholio said:

    Jethro should swing on by man. I'm always playing Ted Nugent and Lynyrd Skynyrd baby

    Throw in some Frank Zappa, Alice Cooper, and some good ass rap music cus while the Swamp ain't the hood it is A hood and we hood as FUCK. Whatever bumps the truck and keeps the goddamn Mafioso fucks away. I mean I'll work with em...don't mean I'm ever gonna like em. Suit wearing no mud on shoe having holier than thou suckas.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Cornholio said:

    You're talkin my language now baby! I one time got so hopped up on dick pills and Xanax that four week of my life was just a blur. But apparently they made a weird movie about that shit. I woke up in a swamp with my toes covered in far and my back was drenched in honey. I was stuck to the wall of a cabin where I was given some weird pill that made me go all bonkers. Shit had me wrestling gators and taking their eyes as prizes baby!

    Sounds like a pretty decent weekend, shoot you and Jethro gonna get along just fine.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Cornholio said:

    I feel ya there man! But I've always had this strange feeling that what if a hot Alabama hottie comes through the window and she wants a little rustle tussle. I'm ready for the countdown baby. But just for you and your brother I'll throw on some boxers so I still get that cool breeze. And no gators comin to bite my pecker off in ma sleep. It'll be safer that way baby.

    Shoot the way Papa Buffkin told it anytime a woman came into his house while he was passed out drunk prolly just wanted to cut his pecker off. Can't say I blame him poor feller was a right asshole, but he got his work done. But fuckit. We coming dicks cover or dicks out fuck it. When in rome you gon have one odd ODD ass  radio show that day, and we bringing Gators. Let you see the fury of em before we grill them bitches up with some brew stew and have us a good ole fashion tailgate party after the show. Get us all Loaded up on Gas Station Dick pills and we gonna go fuck some strippers it's gonna be that kinda night.


  7. 6 minutes ago, Cornholio said:

    Listen feller. I like the cool breeze on my butt cheeks. It gives me a sense of power. I live in the thick of it my friend. Swamp ass got me good. But at night my breeze takes over and I get overwhelmed. Brings a damn tear to my eye you know what I mean. 

    I sure don't fella who sleeps out here with no johnnies on fixin to get his pecker bit off by a gat damn Gator you best believe I'm covering up at least a little. Don't need no danglies hanging about, them some sneaky sumbitches, Had one crawl right up through the floor one time bit my daddy straight on his nose chomped it almost clean off, Mama Buffkin had to sew that shit back on Vietnam style!

  8. 1 hour ago, Cornholio said:

    Jesus man, Ol' Yeller ain't THAT big man. I just don't want him looking at my twig and berries and come on to me man. I'm just sayin man. I broadcast in the nude. Don't wanna get a unwelcomed sight man.

    You planning to have guests on and you pitching a sight mid talkshow damn boy, even at crocodile radio I keep my boxers on, got damn swamp ass is real down here, ain't having everybody suffer just cuz my shed ain't got that fancy ass AC and I'm too goddamn lazy to send Jethro down to the corner store five miles out just to get more bags of ice for the swamp cooler.

  9. 13 hours ago, Cornholio said:

    Well he best be careful, sometimes I like to sleep there naked and just sorta air out. So if he looks at any of ma manly bits I'm gonna kick some ass. Nobody looks at Ol' Yeller and gets away with it ya know?

    Depending on how exposed you is he might just Shoot Ol' Yeller.  Mistake it for one of them Alien chest burster thangs.

  10. 8 hours ago, DJ-Bobby-Vee said:

    Sir what the heck are ya talkin bout. My radio waves are secure, you betcha. My CB, ham radio, wave meater and broadcasting stations are all under dec requirements sir. And tell your little brutha to come on down talk bout them grays. 

    Gotta be sure, Gotta be sure, Lil Jethro might do some nighttime checks after you boys have closed down he's gotta be sure. Sketchy boy that one, lots of things to be heard in the swamp, seen in the fog. Lots to say.....lots to say.

  11. Imma need yall to secure your radio waves and the surrounding area before I even think to let little brother Jethro over to your station to talk about his. Encounters.   will be a cold da in the swamp if i let him get picked up....again.  Had to promise him it wouldn't happen again.



  12. Well given a bunch of other things I plan to do in the game I also plan to have a small "Local" ((Swamp)) radio show, skits, songs if I can work it, and for all that Players giving me money to read ad scripts (that they write or I write for them at cost) is integral. Given that player owned radio is in the game at launch  one would hope


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  13. On 6/19/2016 at 10:25 PM, Luca_Santarelli said:

    I love this. I like the stolen car purchasing idea and illicit item storage, can we work out some deal? PM me if interested 


    On 9/12/2016 at 8:01 AM, Rekter said:

    Nice to meet you too. I also love the concept of this "gang" and i am willing to negotiate all sorts of deals with you people.

    Pm me if you are interested.

    Understood, sent messages out to both of you fine folk.

  14. On 6/21/2016 at 6:29 PM, Luca_Santarelli said:

    I think some of you should really think about this quote....

    "I am a kind person, i'm kind to everyone, but if you are unkind to me, then kindness is not what you'll remember me for" 

    Sure sure I hear you and it's a mighty fine quote I hope you adhere to,  but here's another.

    "A truly unkind man convinces everyone he is kind"

    Or another.  

    "Et Tu, Brute?"

    And those two fits the type of people I'm not one to do readily work with, or trust to make good on their promises of mutual gain, Bikers I can trust, straight up fact about their dealings show them respect you get it back and life goes on, but in my experiences men in suits will shake your hand while someone else readies the blade at your back, unless of course you're "Family"  Bad experiences is all I'm saying. If you prove to be a man of your word and you and your bring up your community and make your territory a better place by god I'll applaud you happily sir.  Till then.

  15. On 6/18/2016 at 3:26 PM, Herzog said:


    Pretty much what @Luca_Santarelli is saying is that his crime family is like a modern day robin hood. Committing crime to get the riches but giving it to those in need. 

    Shoot, I'll believe that when I sees it, It ain't too often men in nice suits who preach about family give money back without a whole Fishing Trawlers worth of "Catches".

    • Like 1

  16. Will update this and my other posts more and more as more information comes out on the game. Pricing, Location and the like. Will also put up Crocodile Logo once my friend draws it up. Because boy can I not draw.   Will be adding pricing once the game comes out most likely or if the modules help me get a feel for how money is going to be scale wise. how much poles and rifles might cost yadda yadda.  any ideas are welcome as well if you have any.

  17. Buffkin Boys Hunting/Fishing and Swamp Tours

    Do you so happen to live in a clean apartment, or have a nice cozy home with the wife together somewhere out in the suburbs, but you still want to be a bit more of a man, get yourself back to your primal roots and find, track and kill your own dinner, catch your own premium grade organic fillets that you can cook yourself up by the campfire But still have your nice traveling RV right there at the campground? Or do you just maybe want to take your beautiful lady or fella out onto one of the boats just to travel the rivers and see some critters and things you've not seen before? Come on down to Buffkins Boys newest establishment. The Kinfolk Crocodile and Alligator Farm!

    What we offer you:

    A structured and safe way to go through the swamps to sight-see,hunt,fish or Camp. The Buffkin Boys are well versed in the Swamps and they know their way around. Living there since birth these boys enjoy the humidity and allure of the murky waters.
    Swamp Tours:
    Via boat or vehicle, Dirt Bikes, ATVs, or Truck. Complete with a Guide we'll make sure you get to see all that you want to see and we'll stay out there with you for as long as you'd like. Or if you're feeling spry available for rental.
    There's some mighty fine meat and pelts to be gathered out there in the woods. Gators, Crocs, Deer, Beavers, Bear, Rabbits, Hell probably even a Sasquatch, that would be quite the find. Hunting Licenses will need to be procured before we are able to give you entry into the area legally. If you have Rifles by all means bring them but if you do not, if this is a new thing for you then by all means talk to one of the boys working there and they could set you up with Rifle Rentals, Scoped or Unscoped your choice whatever tickles your fancy. Sidearms as well are available for slightly extra if you're feeling a bit insecure and don't want a critter getting up on you all close like.  Identification, Phone Number, and Address required upon rental to discourage any theft of weaponry.
    The amount of fish you can find in the jolly good swamp varies year round but all of them are well worth the trek that it takes to get them. Hop on a boat and go upstream, or hoof it on foot, maybe rent a vehicle yourself if you wish to get there a bit quicker but We assure you, river fish are good eating and you just got to be patient. Poles and Bait for all your fishing needs available for rental and purchase as well just speak to one of the attendants.
    "Coming Soon!" Sea Fishing, take a trip down the rivers by boat to a waiting truck that will take you to a dock that will take you out to sea and fish to your hearts content. Deep sea fishing for as long as is viable. Fill that Boat up alongside some of the Buffkin Boys themselves and keep your portion of the haul, or we'll buy it off you for a fair-price to smoke/pack and use later.

    There's bound to be a few good camping spots out there in the swamp and you can bet Them Buffkin Boys know where they are. Set up in a cabin maybe? park the ole RV with the missus, spark up that campfire and roast some marshmallows and enjoy the crisp air and the stars above clear as day.  Pricing only pertains to one of The Buffkins guiding you to the campsite and nightly rates.

    Gator Wrangling:
    Watch the Boys fight the mighty beasts in their own element, murky water. it's a sight to see and if you have yourself a good time mosey on over to the gift-shop buy yourself a souvenir. The Kinfolk Crocodile Logo is emblazoned on shirts, jackets and more! Wood workings, foods,and other souvenirs available as well. Why not get a lil something to commemorate your time there?


  18. Not even just for Club Members or Gangs just having the ability to make custom clothing is going to be pretty wicked. And from what I've read it seems that's more or less going to be the case. And I do want that sleeveless Denim Vest look too so you're not alone.

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