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Posts posted by xVAULTxDWELLERx

  1. 2 hours ago, Kickapoo said:

    Again I find it quite amusing how you've hinted for a second time that had this happened in a real life encounter things would of turned out differently

    They would have.

  2. 1 hour ago, Kickapoo said:

    the only reason I put on the whole PC Master Race thing is to piss people like you off

    Doesn't seem like a very smart thing to do. Of course since this IS the internet and there are no consequences for your actions I guess it doesn't really matter.

  3. 2 hours ago, Kickapoo said:

    That console gamers are peasantry, what do we have? We have the Playstation 4, the Xbox One, the Nintendo Wii U, which one do you have?

    I prefer to play on my Xbox One. It is my preference and that is all that matters in my house. I don't feel the need to degrade of harass others for their choice of system just so I can make myself feel superior.

    I have a gaming laptop that I use for PC only games, but the vast majority of my gaming is on XB1.

    So feel free to keep up this "PC master race" bullshit. Continue discriminating against and putting down console players so you will feel better about yourselves. As for me, my wife and my daughter we will continue enjoying our Xbox's.


    BTW isn't internet anonymity awesome? Nothing like being a supremacist when no one can lay hands on you physically.

  4. 20 hours ago, Kickapoo said:

    On Xbox one it will probably be locked to 30fps with peansantry graphics coming as the only option, so peasants can't complain about the optimisation then.

    Peasants? What exactly are you insinuating?

  5. 2 minutes ago, facade said:

    That's just a closed minded assumption. Why do you have an issue with that but not anything else in this kind of game?

    I didn't say I had a problem with it. I simply said it was weird and I wouldn't be doing it.

    Also, why is my opinion "close minded"? You have to be tolerant of my point of view just like the law says I have to be tolerant of yours.

  6. 2 minutes ago, facade said:

    I would ask this same question. It's a roleplay game. Why limit people's imagination to their real life sex? I guess it's a matter of opinion but I don't see an issue with it at all.

    Because guys pretending to be women is sad and weird.

  7. 11 hours ago, NutterButter said:

    This is great stuff to read, however I am gonna be a probation officer so that if you are found with drugs(for the first time)- you're to pee clean or I will find you(: and you'll have to prove you can drop drugs even more times before I close case. And each meeting costs about 65$

    Oh for fucks sake. Now people think they can be a probation officer? I got a feeling there are gonna be a lot of disappointed people when the full details of this game are released.

    "Hey guys! I totally cant wait to play as a code enforcement officer! I am totally gonna ticket people for not cutting their grass so HARD!!!!1!!1!"

    Also, the dollar sign ($) goes BEFORE the numbers.

    • Like 1

  8. Ok im seeing people on these forums talking about SWAT training and warrants and courts and evidence and detective work and fingerprints and all that stuff. Guys this is NOT a police simulator. I don't know what you think this game will be like but i HIGHLY doubt the police work will be as detailed as you guys are imagining. Im betting most of what the police will do in this game is drive around and answer minor calls. Those of you who are looking for immersive police work should check out "Police 10-13".

    Or you could, oh I don't know, become an actual police officer (like me :) )

    • Like 1


    4 hours ago, AlexanderDeLarge said:

    This game will not work on consoles. How can developers expect to port a game that is literally based around player interaction and have it be successful?


    4 hours ago, JackBlade said:

    I hope it never reaches consoles because PC MASTER RACE RULES!!!:D

    I hope neither of you gets to play this game. Ever. Your narrow minded attitudes make me sick. I am just so tired of you PC elitist douchebags looking down on us console players. You are not better than us in ANY way and we deserve the same gaming experiences you have.

    Elite: Dangerous ported over to XB1 and is doing great. Ark: Survival Evolved ported over to XB1 and is doing BETTER than the PC version. DayZ is coming over and it will do fantastic as well. Stop acting like a console port equals the end of a game.

  10. 53 minutes ago, NutterButter said:

    two days after uniform change and your crew is blue while your wearing black

    Im sorry. This is just a small pet peeve of mine. I really hate when people refer to a police unit as a "crew". A crew is a group of criminals.