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Posts posted by PsiSyn

  1. Hello, I noticed all the dev blogs have been deleted, I was just wondering if a mod or anyone else can comment on why this is the case?


    Here are a few examples:





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  2. 18 minutes ago, dagtag said:

    again they never said it would be up by then, publishing and releasing are two different words, when you publish something you make it ready for release. in other words you pass it on to steam to get it verified. that is what publishing is


    It's just semantics at this point, but the exact quote is "the Identity Town Square module will be published to Steam before the end of this month (October)!". Since it's "publishED" and not "will start the publishing process" (or words to that extent), I'd say the lad is right. It's not a big "delay", but it's still a delay. The game has not been published, it has simply begun the verification process to become "published".

    Something can't have been published, if there is no public substance.


    verb (used with object)

    1. to issue (printed or otherwise reproduced textual or graphic material, computer software, etc.) for sale or distribution to the public.
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  3. 8 minutes ago, Monsada said:

    Im sorry but I dont understand how to get beta on steam.

    I linked my steam account to Itentity.

    I search in steam for identity game but found nothing, how can I get beta on steam?


    The game is not out, only a trailer, the game will release in November of 2018.

  4. 3 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    Well since the new site/ store, there has been so many problems with the site that we never had before and I would guess it is because of that really because the new site broke more than it changed IMO. That is the best bet for the answer because we have more support request about the site/ accounts etc since the site was launched than we have in the past 2 years


    I could literally do it myself in 5 minutes by just editing the existing html and copy and pasting some shit in all updates page. It's just not a good look.

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  5. 17 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    Estimates are estimates because they are more than likely going to be missed but those who give estimates usually calculate the time frame but are not sure. 


    This literally makes no sense, that's not how estimates work. An estimate is a rough calculation of an actual release, they can be as open or closed as the developer wants, but they can totally be held accountable for bad estimates. Maybe one or two bad estimates, that's fine, of course. Estimates ARE NOT made to be missed over and over (by a year+). This could be "we expect release to be in the second half of 2018", "in Q4 of 2018", or even something specific going down to a month. If you include estimates along with "release dates", I think there have been something along the lines of 5 or 6 missed deadlines (if you count the complete abandonment of the development tracker).

    And no, don't compare this to RDR2 or some shit, this is a TINY piece of a massive idea, after 4 years. The "b-b-but they're making the foundation" doesn't mean shit either until I see something that actually works (player VOIP, player housing, submitting paintings, submitting books ALL WORKING IN TANGENT, even then, I don't believe this game is build as an MMO at this point, especially with no SpatialOS integration, as planned later). Until then, the "foundation" is as good as non existent.

    I'll ask you this question then, since you seem to find your way to get out of any question. Why has the front page not been updated since July for dev blog posts?

    I love Identity, and cannot wait for the release by the way.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, SlimmyNinja said:

    Was wondering why the Tracker still shows 1 task remaining in programming ?



    It has for 4 months, much like why the front page doesn't have dev blog 20 or 21 on it, someone clearly got too lazy to update the website xD

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  7. 14 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    You cannot get a delay if there is no date and so Only 2 dates meaning only 2 delays in the case of "Official release dates that were promised. There were no Other Time frames of promises.


    "When will closed beta begin?

    It's really too early to say with any certainty, although we feel that two years time will be quite enough to reach a feature complete state. We will most definitely not release an incomplete beta product; when Identity enters closed beta and your invitations are sent out, the game will be mostly complete with bug fixing and polishing remaining.

    Last updated: Mon, January 5 2015 8:08 PM UTC +00:00"

    Not sure if you wana qualify this one as a delay, but you're right, Kickstarter does only allow for 2 years, but this was said, and has nothing to do with Kickstarter's limitations. It does concern me a bit that "2 years until feature complete" has turned into almost 4 years for 1 slice of a massive concept, but we will see :).

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    On 8/9/2018 at 8:03 AM, Sorvete said:

    I don't know... if you are going to make a rant video about anything, at least get your facts straight... lots of misinformation in there.

    And saying "I love to be proved wrong" trying to be the owner of the truth in both cases, doesn't add credibility to your words.


    What was said which wasn't true?

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