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Posts posted by dagtag

  1. 9 minutes ago, Raja said:

    okay bud,  just remember the last thing they posted on twitter was actually an asset they bought and added additional lighting so I don't believe shit and you can stop trying to convince me. I'm just here to warn people of the future who are looking at this BS.




    if you are talking about the weapon insider, really compare those two things closely, both of them are modular barns, so it is normal that they share some similarities in color and shape, but that is really where the comparison of the two end.

    as far as I know, those assets are not the same.

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  2. 6 minutes ago, Raja said:

    still ongoing with no updates since 2018 https://www.identityrpg.com/devtracker

    Very honest of you lol


    those updates do not reflect the progress that has been made so far since the website hasn't really been updated in a long time, especially that link.

    the last update that got released on steam was January 25th(yes, in retrospect that is still a long time ago, but if you read the newsletter that is understandable).

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  3. 3 minutes ago, Quinine said:

    So i want to buy this game on steam, but everyone says devs stopped wordking on it and scammed everyone, is that true?


    The development still continues but its a bit slow atm. What you can get on steam right now isn’t a completed game.

    the choice is up to you, if you want to play a finished product i would wait.

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  4. 11 hours ago, Crash_171 said:

    What will the next update be? What kind of fixes/additions will there be? And if you could tell us when it’d be nice as well 😁

    P.S i’m constantly checking the game out for updates 👍🏼


    there is no specific when yet but the swat module is being replaced with guns, character development, map expansion, police systems. I can't tell with certainty that this will all be one update, but this is the information we have so far.

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  5. 2 hours ago, Raja said:

    lol what a bunch of bs, That's why he runs the Kickstarter and owns the company.  if he isn't working on it and has a separate dev team that means he deployed them to work for him and paid them wasting budget and time for $500 on Kickstarter.



    that's speculation from your end. Noone said anything about money being spent on furballs that would have gone to identity. because this is not the case. no money from identity's budget was used for the development of furballs. just because paratus owns both companies doesn't mean they are the same company and it doesn't mean they are working off the same money.

  6. 8 hours ago, Raja said:

    Paratus is too busy working on furballs instead of identity.

    Phony Games Scammer


    Phony games has a separate development team and isn’t being developed by paratus himself. The only impact that the development of furballs can have on identity is a bigger budget for its development, which is a good thing.

  7. On 29/1/2020 at 1:57 AM, ZanderiusMaximus said:

    I mean...i don't think you should call something like this a "Hobby". They've made well over a million and a half dollars and have this community with 100's of thousands of backers waiting...its kind of s spit in the face to all those backers to merely call it a "Hobby"


    I didnt refer to identity as a hobby project, i refered to furballs as a hobby project. however I do understand the confusion so I went ahead and edited my post

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  8. On 1/28/2020 at 11:21 AM, lamona said:

    The indication that Asylum is merely the publisher for the game implies that development for Identity has not been affected by Furballs. Unless John spent literally 0 hours on Furballs, this just isn't true.

    the development of identity isn't affected by furballs the same way spaceX isn't affected by tesla. Furballs started out as a hobby project that paratus worked a couple hours a week on. He can do what he wants with his free time, everyone has hobbies. 

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  9. 8 hours ago, CyberDexter said:

    When I bought my founders pack back in Dec 2016 I kinda expected to have access to this game by now. Apparently that's not the case and the reviews on Steam appear less than promising. I should probably do a segment on this in one of my streams.


    if you have the founder pack you should be able to download and play the town square.

    if you havent already, be sure to read this: 


  10. 9 hours ago, Soulphite said:

    A budget issue, eh? Oh, because they spent all of our investment money on a luxurious office and high end crap they don't need? I knew that was the biggest mistake they've made back when they posted pictures gloating of all the shit they bought... that is something you do when you finish a complete game so you can continue to make a steady income. You don't blow your whole investment income on nonsense before you even make a product, bad business practice through and through. Amateurs. 


    as we have already explained to you before, that office was a budget office, and they havent had the office for a while now because everyone is remote...

    they didnt "blow" their whole income on that office, and getting an office like that isn't bad business practice at all.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, DonaldClinton said:

    They haven't said anything on here in months stop trying to make it look like the game still has a chance.

    Paratus was in the discord two days ago answering a couple of questions.

  12. 1 hour ago, BobbyL said:

    At this point I'm assuming the game is cancelled.  I don't think the devs were intentionally trying to scam everyone.  I think they really gave it their best effort and realized halfway into the development that they didn't have the resources and ability to deliver what they were promising.  Fortunately I only spent $15.  This will be my life lesson never to fund another unfinished game ever again.


    the game Is still being worked on, nothing has been canceled/abandoned

    • ver.1.22474487139 1
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  13. 8 hours ago, Jason__Pruitt said:

    Basically what he's saying is to fuck off. He knows the game is done for, but he won't say it.

    They want everyone to forget this happened.


    (this'll prolly get deleted, because it's negative of the game)


    he is merely clarifying that estimates and release dates aren't the same, and that they shouldnt be seen as the same thing. estimates can shift and change over time and shouldnt be taken as actual release windows. the project isn't done for and is still being worked on, and we dont want everyone to forge this happened.

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  14. 14 hours ago, Shadow765 said:

    How are people still defending the devs? literally not responding to their playbase makes them a SHIT devs, oh and not to mention the game hasn't changed in over 2 years! this is a lost cause.


    The game was released a year ago, and in that year it received countless of updates. Sure, the updates werent huge, bur they were there.

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  15. 8 hours ago, Clipclop said:

    Was told in 2015 this game would have beta access in 2016.

    no you weren't, the packages displayed "ESTIMATED delivery" which yes, they still didnt meet, however there is a difference between saying "estimation" and straight up saying you will release it then. second of all, kickstarter only allows one year of development time for the estimation date, so that's why it says 2016.

    8 hours ago, Clipclop said:

    It took how long to come up with this crap?! No excuse.

    took them 4 years, however keep in mind that they started out with 2 developers, and that they did redo the first module a couple times because of certain plugins not being supported anymore.

    8 hours ago, Clipclop said:

    EVEN if these jackasses come up with all 3 modulus , it would probably be 2030 and we will probably have ps6 by then. I'm sure THEY at Sony will have developers that could handle this. "Checkers game".  Or walk around and talk till you fall off the map cause these devs have no clue how to make a game even with a million dollars....

    a million dollars is nothing in the game industry... look at how much a game usually costs to be made, the scale of this game is massive, and yes it is possible to accomplish it with a million dollars, but again, a million dollars is nothing in this industry.

    8 hours ago, Clipclop said:

    Even "IF" these guys made this game......do you really think they have the time or knowledge to stop hackers or anyway to SAVE your toons from being hacked or deleted from their servers...can they even hold enough toons on their servers...

    of course they can, just because it is taking them a long time to make the game doesnt mean they cant develop some sort of security system. their development team isn't huge.


  16. 11 hours ago, Shadow765 said:

    Ok so how exactly are they spending this money? We must take into account that they raised over $1million dollars+ (by the way, that's alot in terms of a kickstarter)

    okay and from all that money raised there was also a lot of money that they didnt receive... because of invalid credit cards etc. 

    11 hours ago, Shadow765 said:

    and look what we get. This project took 4 YEARS to make and $1M Dollar just to make this crap module?

    yes and no, yes it has been 4 years since the kickstarter, but its not as simple as you are making it out to be, there are a lot of factors playing into why it took them 4 years... the first year they were with a smaller team than now, also they redid a lot of stuff because of software not being supported anymore. it also didnt take them 1 million dollars to make the module, they raised a million, that doesnt mean they spent it all... the way you are formulating everything you are making everything seem so black and white, when in reality its not, tell the whole truth, not the partial truth

  17. 28 minutes ago, Shadow765 said:

    If you actually read some of the reviews, most of them reflect on the basis of the module, not the game itself.

    I read through all of the reviews and I can say that the majority of reviewers are writing about the game as if they thought it were the finished product, and as if it wasn't mentioned ahead of time that the town square would be a very small module with very little to do.

    28 minutes ago, Shadow765 said:

    Example: Wierd animations, people teleport through walls, people fall of the map, lack of gameplay, lack of anything to do ect

    while I can agree with the animations being a bit weird, which is completely fine as they are placeholders for the time being and they will be replaced, the bug where people could walk through some walls was a bug that was in the game the first couple weeks if I am not mistaken, and this was fixed relatively fast. and yes, its a strange bug that people sometimes spawn under the map, and it is being worked on. but when it comes to lack of gameplay or "anything" that was said way ahead of time, we knew there wouldn't be much to do, and it is also stated on the steam store page that it isn't big gameplay wise yet.

    "The Town Square module does not contain much of Identity's full gameplay, but includes all character creation and customization, player housing (including furnishing), NPC shops, the cinema, karaoke and more social features. The Town Square allows you to get your character into the world and meet new friends."

    as this is literally stated on the store page I dont really see how you can negatively review a game for not having much to do.

  18. 11 hours ago, kareem said:

    Well here is my question. Is the staff working on developing the backbone of this game or just the modules. If the modules are it, then it will just be a game without proper mechanics and wont be truly open world.


    that's not true, working on the modules is working on the backbone, a couple of the most important parts of the game are the character customization, apartment decoration, gun physics and the car mechanics. yes they will need to work on an economic system as well, which they will. after all the modules are done they will combine their mechanics into a beta... its not like working on mechanics one at a time will leave you without proper mechanics

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  19. 1 hour ago, Theezakj said:

    dont forget that we would be able to shoot guns ourselves for over 6 MONTHS right now, a few months ago we got a video about shooting, again claiming we will be able to shoot "soon", we still can t shoot 


    as I have mentioned before, there was talk about guns being added to the town square on the roadmap, but that roadmap never mentioned anything about "soon". they mentioned it was something that was being worked on for town square.

    "- Guns, guns, guns! The shooting range in the basement of the police station will be opening up, giving you access to a few guns to try out (like the one pictured here).
    This will give you a taste of how guns will work and feel. We'll show you how awesome the gun systems are with a video when we come closer to this release. "

  20. 4 hours ago, Theezakj said:

    LMAO guns were supposed to be in TS, announced by the devs OVER 6 MONTHS AGO!! they are saying for over 6 months that we'd be able to try em out ourselves SOON. now 2 months ago or so we has a video about it but still no guns. 


    as I have already said in one of your previous posts, they didnt. they mentioned that guns would be added to the town square eventually but there was never a "soon" or any other timeframe mentioned, that what was mentioned was a to-do list for town square.

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  21. 4 hours ago, Theezakj said:

    why do u think they made the gun video? we were supposed to be able to try guns out "soon" MORE THAN HALF A YEAR AGO. now they could not make that true, so they gave us a video 2 months ago. still cant try out the guns ourselves now, probably will still take aloot of time. but hey, we all know asylum their "soon"


    yes, there was talk about guns being added to the town square on the roadmap, but that roadmap never mentioned anything about "soon". they mentioned it was something that was being worked on for town square.

    "- Guns, guns, guns! The shooting range in the basement of the police station will be opening up, giving you access to a few guns to try out (like the one pictured here).
    This will give you a taste of how guns will work and feel. We'll show you how awesome the gun systems are with a video when we come closer to this release. "