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Posts posted by ShiEksdee

  1. On 5/13/2019 at 10:02 AM, LuckyDuck said:

    The complaints are to help the devs change how they go about doing things drastically rather than change the game itself.

    The game itself absolutely has to change, at least in current scope, for it to ever have a chance at succeeding in any way, form, or fashion. They squandered the money AND kicked down their own backers' trust.........and without funds OR at least an adequate skillset (which they've shown is not really up to snuff yet), something of the magnitude of what they promised is never, ever, ever, ever coming. So it's absolutely a good suggestion to allow Identity to morph into something more feasible for them to create.

    The only other possibility I see is to sell the IP to a functional team that has a greater chance of finishing it.

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  2. Coming back to check here after the dumpster fire sham of a release and wow it looks like it's just devolved into something even more ludicrous. Please do not spend your cash on this until they release a full product.

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  3. 17 hours ago, Shaknown95 said:

    Yeah the game died when it released. A great concept, just in the hands of the wrong company.


    Exactly. It looks like a second-rate Second Life with only 1/100000th of the content Second Life has. > .<;; My main appeal was that it was like SL but in a more controlled/cohesive environment. Always thought Identity looked hideous with the character models, but at least they look like they come from the same game (because SL's gfx are too customizable making everything feel off cause you'll have clashing graphics and such) - same thing with gameplay. SL is a bit TOO freeform. I wanted super creativity but in a controlled way so everything gels together better. So yeah, the concept appealed to me too~

    And yes, this company is nothing but a troubled mess. I figured it'd do badly because of all the things dug up about them, but I didn't think it would bomb as bad as it did early on. I mean, they didn't even deliver the thing advertised as Town Square really? It's like they reverted back to the earliest build of TS rather than releasing the thing they even showed? It also brings to did they ever plan for April release when it is THIS BAD in December? Like how did they ever think an April date would even be possible? Pretty fishy. Oh well. The whole things gone to pot. I hope someone who is more competent in game dev and resource management picks up the concept and delivers something solid. I'll still try to keep an eye here, but it just seems..........beyond broken and beyond repair at this point.

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  4. I think you and I have a similar attitude and realistic outlook of the game and all of its many faults so far. It's like we continue to hope, but know that, realistically when looking at the facts, it's pretty damning against the development itself. I want nothing more that for this game to be the exception~ (because I like to believe in small start-up devs since I am one) so all we can do is hope it starts turning itself around.

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  5. 19 minutes ago, LuckyDuck said:

    They did publish it to steam in October. The rest is up to steam and no dev said Friday. Also them saying published in October, didn't mean it to be "Public" in October. Steam will make the store page public once they have done (and they probably can choose when they want to make it public or not.) 


    They've said the game page "WILL BE PUBLIC IN A DAY OR TWO" twice now since days upon days ago and it wasn't. A delay is still a delay. Just saiyan.

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  6. Mine's obvious as my husbando is plastered all over my avatar and signature. xD I'm an RPG kinda of girl, and a long-time fan of the most popular jRPG, Dragon Quest. XI came west on September 4th of this year and is seated as best game of the year for me. <3 (a lot in part due to my husbando, but it's an amazing game even outside of that)

  7. Soooo in other words it WOULD basically be up by the time we said it should be, but the developers could just be like NOPE and set it to come later. Exactly as I have said. That the only reason it shouldn't be out mid-November is that the dev's just............basically don't release it.


  8. I hope you're not saying it took a 25 man team years to make this module........unless they're just never showing us anything in Streams/Youtuber play/etc., there is nothing..........nothing to really do in it much. I've seen a 2-man team make more than they have shown in about a half a year to a year's time before. And that's with 0 budget and with only a design background (and them learning programming as they go along). That's why I'm just so taken aback by this project, and the hype they've garnered. It makes no sense to hook people with only words. Still only words so far, really.

    My only hope now is they can make the actual gameplay (not this "base") interesting and fresh. Once I see how the careers, combat, etc. will work, I'll know if I want to buy or not. Right now it's barely passable as a Free-To-Play game. But I'm still going to wait to see those aspects to see if the devs can start taking it a bit more seriously and try to semi-live up to the promises.

    TL;DR: I still have a lil faith that the game could potentially turn out decent (which is why I stick around), but the recent gameplay showoff and trailer has made my faith sap a bit, due to its groundless shallowness. I want to believe the devs are better than this.

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  9. On 10/17/2018 at 8:50 AM, Forcedchaos said:

    Lets keep politics, social justice warriors, political correctness and the rest out of video games. Games are where I go to get away from all the real world bullshit!


    Then I hate to tell you this, but you are playing the wrong game. This game is going to simulate life including politics. ^^;;

  10. I design games, although I usually design solo or with an even smaller team, but I think keeping a doable project is important (paying attention to scope) and based upon the team's actions and history on the development of this game, I don't quite see it ever living up to what is promised (and this is also evident of what we have seen in teasers/streams - it's just not exactly what's been promised). It's also unacceptable to bring out only what they've done so far when the length of time has been.........tremendous since they've cashed out on backers. It's just a very troubling thing and if people bail I wouldn't blame them, because it has all the makings of something that will never be what they pledged to exactly.

    That being said, it should be something for the team to learn from. I think it will be "an okay experience" for what it is worth when all is said and done. I've seen similar ideas done better and in shorter amount of time. :P But every little team has to start somewhere I guess! I'd just rather make a REALLY GREAT game with smaller scope than a so-so game that's "big" and "open". Because in the end the quality is what will actually matter, but often people get a bit sidetracked by how MUCH (QUANTITY) is promised. (this is common even from fans of already established IPs and it really shows their lack of understanding when it comes to game design overall)

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  11. People on this forum that claim to be game developers are soooo uneducated in game development as a whole that I find it comical. xD  Especially when they think one game will be better than another "because graphics". Can't tell if trolls, or just very...........ignorant.

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  12. On 8/22/2018 at 3:46 PM, nexus said:

    the proposal of the game is to simulate life, it would be more immersive if we were sure that the player we are talking about has the same sex as the character.


    That is hands down the most ridiculous request I have ever heard of a MMORPG/Sim...........ever.

  13. 15 minutes ago, MadApples said:

    c# is extremely similar ;) after moving from c#, when I found java, I fell in love with the syntax. This is probably why I don't currently have a girl friend.. :o


    I'm going to use this to ward off guys now. "Sorry I can't go out with you, I'm engaged to C# you see........." xD

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  14. 4 hours ago, JoelKeys said:

    I'm not suggesting this is the case, but they could be releasing false proofs to keep sales coming in. 

    This is actually more common than you may think with crowdfunded "projects". The entire project being to string people along and keep the money flowing in before bailing, having taken as much as they can get. Not saying that's what this team is doing, but it is HIGHLY possible because things like this happen quite a lot.

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  15. I too think it's more poor development choices (but with a healthy dose of some shady practices). After all, a game of this undertaking by highly inexperienced devs who are also few in number? Not IMPOSSIBLE to pull off, but near it. It's the trying to pass off actual images found online as their own concept art and other revelations that make it point more towards "shady". But blind followers claimed this was normal (it isn't by the way) and they'd "rather have them spend time on actual dev than conceptual art anyway" when BY THE WAY, conceptual art IS part of development and can very well be a crucial step in making smart choices when developing a game's areas. Now I agree you can cut and paste images from online to have "mood board", as long as you just use these things for referencing to make designs in-game..........but........

    They tried to pass it off as their OWN conceptual art. NOT COOL. I really grow wary of teams that leak this sort of deception, especially so early on.

    I also find it highly incompetent that they'd splurge all the backers' moneys on a fancy office while obviously pouring very little into actual development. And the tracker thing? Very deceiving as well. It lead people to believe that the tracker's tasks were direct in proximity with release date and that has now turned out to NOT be the case.

    And promising better/more updates AFTER Town Square..........well, that's good and fine, but don't stay mum in the meanwhile while your backers set out to rot. This whole thing stinks of terrible and unprofessional practices, misappropriated funds, and a pinch of things that are quite shady from a development standpoint. No means did I say scam, but IT IS SHADY and UNDERSTANDABLE that people may think it is a scam because of this shadiness  and there's no denying that it's a shady mess when the proof is there to stare you in the face. Unless of course you're a blind as a bat follower. And by blind I mean someone who likes to pick and choose what problems to ignore and pretend aren't there.

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  16. Just now, MadApples said:


    Currently Java and android here, you ?


    C# for me and I'm still learning and planning to make this my main language ultimately, but I know a lil Python and Ruby as well. Currently working on a small indie tactical RPG~ I'm mostly the CEO/admin who dabbles in all of the fields and not programming-specific (I do art/animation, writing, mechanics and level and event design as well). So more jack-of-all trades-y in the career instead of excelling at a thing. But I have studied game dev flow and know quite a bit about it since it has been my passion since the age of 2!

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  17. 1 hour ago, ColonelKimmers said:

    How many of these ranters actually have any background in game development?

    Me. I might not be a ranter, but I am a realist. To be honest, those who blindly praise this game seem to be the ones without a clue as to how development works to the point I physically cringe when I read the replies, but what do I know? I'm only a game developer myself after all. X'D

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