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Posts posted by JACKFACERP

  1. Just now, Stealthfuel said:

    1. Is it possible to create games for the in-game computer?

    No, and why should it be? 

    2. Food Delivery?

    I know theres a lot of delicious looking food you can consume but especially a food delivery, dont know.  

    3. Uploading Videos on the          In-game computer?

    I think they telled us you can watch Live Streams so you can probably watch Youtube  Videos.

    4. Diseases?

    Why?  You can have diseases in the RP way.  

    5. Custom in-game consoles and games for them?

    I saw a screenshot with an console (PS1) and an old TV but maybe its just some cosmetic stuff or it never be full released in the final game, but qhy you want play games in a game  lol?  


    Sorry for my bad english or grammar im german    :P  


    Thanks for feedback, and I don't care about bad grammar.

    I'm not American either.

    • Like 1

  2. Just now, Cstove said:

    Well we’re still waiting for module 1 of 3, then beta comes out, and then full game.  It takes a long time to make a game, especially one this big with such a small dev team.  Plus they’ve started over twice, and they just got the amount of funding they needed a year and a half ago.  


    I bet it does take a while to make a game.

    Thanks for letting me know.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Cstove said:

    Well the full release of Identity probably wont be until 2020 or maybe 2021, so if a console version ever did come out probably would be like 4-5 years from now. (Again this is all personal speculation, none of these dates come from the the Devs here.)


    2021!?                                I hope its not that long

  4. Just now, Cstove said:

    Not currently, the devs said they want to look into a console port after the full release of Identity, but that would be years down the road.  However Identity will have full controller support.


    Oh, how many years...

  5. Just now, Cstove said:

    Noo, you can not be an animal lol.  And you can't be a kid, all the characters are "adults".  Now nothing is stopping you from RPing as a 15 year old however, but your character will look like all others.


    Woah, that's pretty interesting.            Thanks for letting me know.

  6. Could you be a kid or an animal?

    Because in my mind some kids could be playing as an adult, and they have a high-pitched voice.

    To me that's pretty weird.

    And the animal feature.

    Someone might want to be a dog, cat, shark, etc.

    This is an idea and a question.


  7. 37 minutes ago, shadowkiller said:

    Why should they despawn? If they are owned by someone then why should it be removed if they would need it after 30 minutes? so It shouldn't despawn at all.


    My idea for this would be if nobody is using it at all or if it's owned and/or stolen.


    19 minutes ago, JACKFACERP said:

    My idea for this would be if nobody is using it at all or if it's not owned and/or stolen.