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Everything posted by suiksuiky

  1. How is module 2 going?

    this game is already dea, they don't give any information, the module is out for a long time, and still 0 Information , don't expect too much
  2. TO The Dev And the Community

    okay, first when i get into the game nothing was working, and basicly it's was server side, asylum never try to stress test the server and it's hard without tester(so bug was expection). seconde the game should not be avaible to buy throught steam,it's not cool for people who pledge for 30 box and after that see the game on steam for 20 box, and worst is because steam user think the game is complet, so remove it from steam , for the player, why are you complain because you have nothing to do ? i mean we already know that before the TownSquare release! , we can see a lot of feature like the inventory, or the apparetement customisation, character customisation, seem like nothing but it's kinda complex, but let face it ,they have a lot of thing to do, like weapon system, economique system, drug system (effect), job system, for the car, i guess you're gonna use the ue4 phisque, so dev i've one question, how much programmer are on the project right now ? cause for the asset everthing look fine, but for the programmer part, i think you guys should hired more personne, and you guys says you have problem with the engine code, why you didn't ask for help here ? i mean i lot of programmer, game developper, grafique artiste follow your project i maybe we already have the solution to your issue ! so player: don't get upset dev : says the truth and feel free to ask help too !
  3. Realistic chess

    they want use to do that by ourself i think
  4. customize apartment

    midle clic and when your furniture is purple you can move it, if que press escape while moving you but it back in your inventory
  5. Different price

    Hello, i'm wondering why the game cost less on steam than i paid like 6 month ago, i backup the project because i tough the game would be a closed alpha , but now i see everyone can buy it on steam... and even worse cheaper, i paid 30 usd $ for the game and now it cost 30$ cad on steam... that kinda suck, i was expecting better from you guys, i'm disapoint now
  6. Different price

    for me it's more like 10 $
  7. Different price

    i can't accept it, i was sure the alpha would be avaible juste for the kickstarter backup
  8. DIfferent Name ?

    i was wondering why can't we have the same name on the game, that gonna kill the RP , i mean i don't want to call my character john22
  9. Game is out!

    i got 100 fps max 1440p , the optimisation is okay for me tho
  10. Game is out!

    i got in the game but every character are not render
  11. What is this shit

    //--Comment Delete By the User--//
  12. What is this shit