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Posts posted by TPlays

  1. 35 minutes ago, dagtag said:

    no hate but, "I know for a fact" and "probably" don't really work in a sentence. passing opinions as facts is not right :/ next time just say, "like this the devs can just be sitting at home watching youtube."


    My friend. It was just a mistake on my part. I wasn't trying to spread it as a fact. I simply am trying to have people understand that the workfow is bein affected by no one monitoring  who is actually "working" from home.

  2. Ok. The poll yesterday went well. I was able to put together a good Idea where most of you stand. I am going to say the most votes was in 100% which is like to see. But we did get a large number of No Hopes, and 25%. Which I am not surprised about. While going through the comments all of you made (and again thank you for them I get to really see what everyone is thinking) I saw that Lucky Duck said a lot of the devs don't work in the office.Which concerns me. Because I know for a fact we probably have most of the dev team sitting at home watching youtube and eating ramen. if there is no way to monitor the work flow how are you going to get anything done. I would like to hear what you guys have to say about this topic!! Thanks!

  3. Just now, Barendd1975 said:

    I can't do anything about the idiots harassing you, you might need to contact a staff member. Though they have to be new too because if you've been with the community for a while, you'd know that the pledge site has (or had; don't know if it's still the same) a different account and login from the forums. So you can still own the game for months, or even a year, before making a forums account. Lastly, thought i'd let you know something messed up and you accidentally double posted.


    i already know this I am just explaining t people that they dont know me by a date on my profile.

  4. Hey Guys. Well I am here again but let me take my mind of of Town Square and talk about me for a bit. Over the past few months i have been getting msgs and topic responses saying I don't know shit about this game. Saying I have only supported the game for a few months. Well let me tell you all about how I learned about Identity. My friend one day came on our discord server and told us about a new game that had hit kickstarter and gave us a link. I didn't immediately give money cause I wanted to wait a while. A month later my friend said he pledged so I did the same the next day. Then eventually the website came out. YAY. OR so I thought. Delays after delays. I was still loyal to this game. Like I still am today. But Then All the way to April 23rd when the module was supposed to be released it didnt so I joiined the forums to speak my mind. THAT is why my date joined is April 23rd. Thanks 

  5. On 17/08/2018 at 5:18 AM, Stealthfuel said:

    Yeah and around 300 people to create and 250.000.000$  for development and advertising.  But dont try to explain it to the kids here.  


    exactly. They had way more resources so this is a big project with less people.


    On 17/08/2018 at 1:09 AM, Flakeleey said:

    People like me are upset because we have been waiting for YEARS. not 3 Months like you, Personally I have been waiting for 2 and a Half YEARS. I created my Forums account a while after but still. 


    I have been here since kickstarter days my friend. I only recently signed up on the forums. because I didn't find it necessary to join. So before you say how long i have been here learn your facts.

  6. 4 hours ago, YouGotGot said:

    You're so fucking delusional, I hope someone fucks you over in life so you can stop trusting people. GTA V took 5 years with the budget of a small country, Identity will be released when we go to Mars, that's if we're lucky.


    Ok one. I have been fucked over in life plenty of times buddy. Two I like to keep things happy over here. Plus you need to understand that things are hard to make a game cant come out in 1 year. The amount of stuff identity is offering is going to be great once it is completed. So One please dont talk to me with that tone. and two see you in the Town Square.


    1 hour ago, Valtorix said:

    I'm Canadian, and I pledged in the Kickstarter. I don't bitch and complain like i'm 5. The game will release when it releases, "There's no transparency" "Delayed AGAIN" all this whining. Unless you're gonna develop the game stfu, sit down and actually contribute instead of flapping your gums every day that goes by fuck.


    Thank you I agree 100%%%%

  7. 2 hours ago, Oroborous said:

    People are upset, Do you blame them? There is 0 transparency.  They are not stating any issues they are facing to be clear why are they so behind.  Stating that they had to start from scratch does not mean they lost the models,  they may had to rewrite the code but then again it would put them behind but how far behind nobody knows.  Also no developer is ever alone in, a lot of technical stuff is being helped out by the unreal team when you have the license they will provide support.  In 3 weeks we have not heard from the dev team giving us some kind of answer and if they are so confident everything is going the right direction why don't we hear anything from them about it? 


    I agree with you that we need transparency but again look at the work they have ahead of them. 

  8. 1 hour ago, ShiEksdee said:

    No matter how you slice it, a competent development team would have more to show in 3 years time OR have an explanation as to why they do not. This is pretty irrefutable in the real world of game development. So I can understand the frustration of those who have poured money and faith into this game for so very little transparency in return.

    This is especially true if they are using Unreal engine or any pre-made engine for the backbone of the project. I'm not saying a game isn't being made, but comparing it to an actual competent team developing AAA games is beyond asinine. There's such a thing as a middle ground where people can be in the reality of what's happening. You have people with their head in the clouds going full support, pessimists screaming "scam", but there is that middle ground where we can both see a product is being made, but it's definitely not up to scratch for something with this amount of funding behind it and 3+ years in.


    I see what you mean. I like this.

  9. On 14/08/2018 at 4:34 PM, Masa said:

    Not surprised at all, i said that before that last few tasks going to take longer than previous 50 because task tracker is just comfortable tool to manipulate release date. 




    Sorry but 1 programmer for 3 years and 3 of them now + 20 artists isn't a way to develop any game


    I see what you are saying But GTA a game that if you look at it consists of not as many things Identity will have took 5 years to develop and release. We are on year two of identity. So please hold your Horses


    18 hours ago, Frostybeans said:

    if Tplays, the dude who annoyed me purely for the fact he always seemed so blind due to the love of this game is complaining, theres a big issue


    I support this game because I know how hard game development is. Also I do believe there are problems I just liked people to look at the other side of things. I hope I don't still annoy you my friend.

  10. 13 hours ago, PsiSyn said:

    Can confirm I am alive again, thanks Identity mod team!


    You truly should look at my forum posts because they put stuff into perspective. Honestly you need to think. We are goin on year two for this game. GTA V which is offering way less than this game took 5 years to make. Pls look at my topics I have posted they view both sides and do very much help people process whats going on.

    • Like 1

  11. Everyone please. I get angry too but we cannot let that get in the way of this game. I say we give the Devs more time. I know how hard it is to make a game. SO all we have to do is give time. Also like I said yesterday GTA V took 5 years to create. FIVE YEARS. You guys need to understand that this game is offering a lot more than GTA and the fact they are actually getting us something to play is great. You guys need to understand that staying loyal to the cause will help the Devs. We must show that we still support the game. I would like to hear what you guys have to say please reply and I will be checking the forum hourly!

    • Like 3
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  12. 11 minutes ago, LuckyDuck said:

    Yes, they do have artists working from home mostly but they want to tighten up the schedule and keep the team communicating frequently instead of having lots of messed up timezones and so They want to employ locally so they can communicate better and get things done faster as people working at a distance causes delays and they cannot always get hold of those developers at long distances.


    Lucky, Just so you know. I still 100% support this game and I always will. But I just wanted answers which you brought to the table so thank you!

  13. On 15/08/2018 at 12:41 AM, thevopia said:

    this game took 3 years to publish a module. Don't you dare say that the tracker is transparent. its NOT ! the Devs wanted to do the new website, Get the paying company to the website , finish a small task that took 1 month. And not publishing the Module?. we have got 2 Delays in the past. the artists are non-stop making 300+ clothes and not making the second module Lol show us the guns , the cars, the real stuff, not clothes. "if you Don't believe me check their twitter most of their tweets is about clothes and hats and furniture". even the CEO said the artists are actually working on the second module. Ok show us the work you did on the second module not clothes * SMH *. we begged the devs after we saw the horrible Police&Criminal video to change the animations, and then they showed us the Twitch stream WITH THE SAME WALKING ANIMATION ?!?!?! SMH what is this ? they never listen to us. most of this game is ART not coding and mechanics. and im sorry to say this but the devs really love to talk a lot , even Psysin which i dont like him , i kinda agreed with his complains. even the devs in the gaming stream were like WOW , thats cool, i like this and that.???? lol devs its like you dont see the work and probably acting and fake cheering for the ceo when he speaks on the stream.  sorry to all but i kinda think that people shouldn't invest a single dollar to this project until FINAL release.


    I see what you are saying but you have to understand art is a big thing in the gaming industry. Now the amount of clothing items yes a lot. But it is realistic which means clothing stores will be filled with different styles and stuff you can buy. Second back to the art. The game needs to look nice the game needs to have a sense of realism so when they are spending days to make thee renders we shouldn't blame them. GTA V was in development for five years. FIVE YEARS. And compared to Identity it is going to be nothing. You have to understand that Identity is going to be adding a lot of stuff to there game. WAY MORE stuff than GTA V SO the fact that we are only on year what three doesn't bother me one bit.


    On 15/08/2018 at 3:42 AM, thevopia said:

    i had patience from kickstarter, btw your hated in this forum lol shovel your opinion some where else


    Yo man I have been here since the kickstarter too. I just never looked at the forums until the day they said the module 1 was gonna be released. But I am still here for the community and for the game I pledged for.

  14. Hello everyone. Yesterday I posted my first post back on the forums. Now I am going to be active on the forums but I am here today to tell you all that I am still proud of this community. Wether we are arguing or begging for answers we are banded together. That is what will hopefully make this game succeed. Now IF anyone has any questions they would like me to bring up pls DM me or just comment on this post. I hope you all have a great day and I will be checking the forums all day!

    • Like 1

  15. Ok. So If most of you wonderful community members remember me that is good. But for the rest of you who don't let me introduce myself again. I am TPlays. I have been backing this game for a long time. I mean a long time. Now the thing about that means I have seen the ups and a lot of downs. But I have always been on the dev teams side. But today I bring my first formal complaint. Why on God's Earth have we been at one task remaining for more than 2 months. I mean come on. I have done nothing but fight for this game and fight for people to know that I love and support this gAme. But devs you are making me look like an idiot. But none the less. I am still going to support that the devs deliver the game we were all promised a long time ago.

    • Like 9

  16. 16 hours ago, Wasili said:

    I have never seen more lazy developers than Asylum. It has taken them 2,5 years to make 33 percent of this game. I have seen several clips from the game, and it's really not that good if you think about the time that it has taken for them to make it. I really want to refund it. Take a look at Far Cry 5 for an instance. The Graphics in Far Cry 5 are better than identity's will ever be. And if you think for a second, you will know that identity's full game probably first comes out in like 2023 compared to the time it has taken identity just to make the town square that isn't even finished yet.



    They are not just working on TS. There is a ton of work that goes into something like this. For example I am also a game dev. It doesnt take me two months to build a game. Please if you really want to complain about this pls make a game for your self.

  17. On 6/13/2018 at 4:04 AM, Theezakj said:

    modules wont be popping faster and faster, there are only 3 modules also. We will (or we should) see Module 2 and 3 faster than module 1, but they wont be popping out faster and faster, u make it sound like there are alot of modules popping out like mushrooms or something:p 


    Well, I explained how module one if the base of the game. So let me re word it. The other modules will be extremely faster because now hey actually have a framework they can use to build them.

  18. On 6/6/2018 at 5:34 AM, SunDiego said:

    This will be the best game ever made. We know that Module 1 gets released soon, but what about the most fun module 2? With that module the fun will raize to another level with the police if you play as one.


    I cant wait for module 2 to come out. So what do you think how long after the first?



    4 hours ago, BridgetKV said:

    There's a disheartening amount of votes for "Never.." 


    Ok so. Module one is the ground work for the whole game. Once this is done then the other modules will be popping out faster and faster. Understand what I'm trying to explain here.

  19. 7 hours ago, dagtag said:

    look, I might have come over a little harsh in my comment(I agree it wasn't the best approach) but these forums get more hateful the more time passes by, some people cant be reasoned with and shouldn't give the devs such a hard time.


    I do understand this my friend. I Know what you are feeling. See you in the TownSquare!!!

  20. On 6/7/2018 at 5:19 PM, ECorp said:

    Don`t put word`s in my mouth what i said was.
    If they don`t have the paper needed in order, giving issues with payment provider.
    Then THAT scares me, try to read the entire post next time mate. 



    On 6/7/2018 at 6:15 PM, matrwrbstr said:

    He did that with many people before, 



    On 6/7/2018 at 7:08 PM, dagtag said:

    And you know this how? There is one major element missing from your accusation, proof. You are accusing the devs because you want to accuse them, these things can take time. As far as we know the fault IS with the payment provider and there is no use in spreading false accusations.


    Guys Can we all just get along. Pretty soon we are finally gonna ab e able to play the town square. I have been quiet on the forums for a little while but it is time for me to come back. We must all do the same and come together to keep supporting and pushing the devs.

  21. Just now, MatthewLittleBoy said:

    trust me if you're new, the website wont come out next week.

    mark my words.


    Not new. I am hearing multiple sources say this. Everything on Asylums side is done. All they need now is payments or something.