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Posts posted by Stealthfuel

  1. 21 hours ago, Tiiniito said:

    Siento que me están tomando pelo, siento que mi plata no vale .. hace mas de medio año que tendría que a ver salido .. pero eso no es lo peor desde julio que no dicen nada .. me parece una terrible falta de respeto a la gente que aporto plata para que el proyecto cresca



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  2. 9 hours ago, mm96631 said:

    Is this not exactly what we were told two months ago in a dev blog? Personally, I'd prefer to have my $150 back. We are at the same stage as we were over 2 years ago when I decided to back this project. What a mistake that was. How do I go about getting a refund?


    Middlefinger Fuck You GIF - Middlefinger FuckYou FuckOff GIFs

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  3. 45 minutes ago, JoelKeys said:

    Guys come on. We were told apartment customisation was going to be a thing in the TS module, I know for a fact we were because it was the feature I was most excited about. I have talked about it before. Now we are being told you won't be able to customise anything in your apartment but you can explore the base standard apartments? This is just going back on your word AGAIN. Come on!




    • ver.1.22474487139 2

  4. 1 hour ago, Micky_Tohmpson said:

    Apaches forever, it's pretty simple to understand. Hell's Angels are not a thing in Identity and if they were we are not a support club. 


    Are you aware of irony?  

  5. 24 minutes ago, JoelKeys said:

     I find it very hard to locate food. I find more can openers than actual canned food.

    Thats what i said?  ^^  Its hard to find enough food to survive.  No hate about this game, it looks great and all of that but it wasnt what i expected and saw.  

  6. 7 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    My friend told me it is just basically a walking simulator right now. 


    Its literally true. 

    I bought it, played it, got bored, refund it.    9/10  will do the same.  

    Ok lets be serious its nothing special in this game. Ok you can see a lot of metabolic stats the most of the gamers dont understand but theres nothing special.  

    The loot system is really bad and with luck you dont die of starvation.  

  7. 15 hours ago, TPlays said:

    Everyone please. I get angry too but we cannot let that get in the way of this game. I say we give the Devs more time. I know how hard it is to make a game. SO all we have to do is give time. Also like I said yesterday GTA V took 5 years to create. FIVE YEARS. 


    Yeah and around 300 people to create and 250.000.000$  for development and advertising.  But dont try to explain it to the kids here.  

  8. I do:

    1. Create my Char (I hope there will be more options then in the shown stream)

    2. Investigate my Apartment and look what i can do there then furnish it until im satisfied

    3. Testing the Emotes 

    4. Go to the Hotel Lobby and look around and search for everything i can interact 

    5. Go to the Karaoke bar and do the same as in the lobby

    6. Go outside and investigate everything i can find

    7. Go to the bike shop and look around cause i like the style of the interior

    8. Go to Fashion Store and dress up my char

    9. Looking for other players from my country 

    10. Light up my pipe and play chest like an old grown man :D  

    11. Maybe start some light RP  

    12. Repeat until module 2 comes out  xD  

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