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Everything posted by Guiibest

  1. So, I saw that they already linked steam to game identity, some date to be able to test the game ?? Even if it is not released ??
  2. Any date to provide us with the Test?

    I'm a founder, yes, I've removed my KEY in steam, like access to BETA!
  3. Any date to provide us with the Test?

    But then, the movie really ended, the more you went into beta when ?? Any date for me? Well what they announced was the beta of a few months, and it was canceled !! I'm a founder of the game too, so I wanted to at least test it
  4. Any scheduled release date?

    It's been 2 months now with only 4 progress being tested! I wonder if the company has released any prior date for the release
  5. So I bought the game 7 months ago, and so far nothing has been released! I'm watching gamplay videos on youtube of people really already testing the game !! I want to know how we, founders of the game, paying too much in advance can play? I think it sucks, free game for YOUTUBERS to gain more fame for the game, being that we pay for it to be done! Any date planned?
  6. Last month was given the date of April 23! For the start of the closed beta! So I'm following the progress of the game daily! I wonder if there was any date revealed for BETA!
  7. Was the closed beta date confirmed?

    Yes, I'm following up daily. Reason I created the topic, and why I'm looking forward to the beginning of ALPHA, or BETA! KK Thank you
  8. Was the closed beta date confirmed?

    OK, thank you friend !! I'm looking forward to it!
  9. Good Morning! A 2 weeks ago, I started a topic asking the date that we can play, I was told on 04/23/2018 ... I would like to know where I can do this download! I look forward
  10. So, I bought the founder edition of $ 30.00 last year, I have the emails all saved, with proof of payment, the emails that they send with each update .. And recently I started to access the FORUM of the game, and I saw that my name is not founder .. I would like to know the reason
  11. Get out today? Who bought Founder Edition?

    I understood, thanks for the feedback !! I look forward to the GAME! Top Game of the YEAR !!
  12. So I already made the purchase, it will take 1 year, and I did not get any kind of demo, beta, !! I would like to know if it has already confirmed date with closed beta
  13. Buy the founder package of 30US .. day 27 will be released to play?