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Posts posted by Frisky

  1. 32 minutes ago, LuckyDuck said:

    The minimum / recommended system requirements for the 1st Module could change drastically for the full game. The First module is a small piece of the game and there will be lots more to come including the entire map at Beta after the 3 modules. 

    Q: Recommended/Minimum System Requirements?
    A: There is still a lot to optimize and stress-test, so we don't yet have the data to support a proper conclusion.

    While a lot of the game's textures and models will be highly detailed, we still plan to offer lower graphical settings for those running older hardware.


    Thats good to hear that we will be able to turn down setting and such incase we can not run it at full boar. It would be a shame to only be able to play the first module just to find out you can't play your final product lol.

  2. 36 minutes ago, AstraQuinn said:

    I am also fairly new and am super hyped!! I really hope it's not delayed. I did check how far in advanced they announced the delay last time and it was around 20 days so I'm really hoping that if they had to delay it again they would have already mentioned it. :) I also feel like today is a very important day as it's the last week before module one and am hoping they release either a trailer or something to verify date is still correct.


    Agreed hopefully something will get posted. I just hope my comp will be able to run it lol. I can run arma 3 and dayz and gta 5 so I hope I can


    39 minutes ago, LionKingGamer said:

    Been following since around start of 2016 hoping for Town Square. I think you should get excited


    I am excited to see what TS has to offer I hope it shows good signs in what the whole game will be

  3. I have just recently pledged to play the beta, even though idk if I will be able to play since I have like a 5 years old alien ware.


    Yeah I know buying pre-built gaming rigs is dumb but I was young and excited. Anyway I haven noticed a lot of setbacks being talked about and the worry the game is going to be pushed back again. I know it is only TS but I am excited to at least see how this game plays.


    As a new person in this community, I want to be excited but I am also very skeptical with all these posts being so un sure.


    So Should I and everyone else be worried in this final week of waiting? Or chug along on the hype train?

  4. 4 minutes ago, Winther said:

    I got kinda pissed off when I found out that you were going to have micro-transactions for cosmetics in-game.

    Why would you make this game more simular to Club Penguin. I just do not get it, please explain. Did you not raise enough money?


    As long as it is cosmetics who cares.. once they start letting people buy advantages in game... then there is an issue

    • Like 1

  5. 17 minutes ago, DARUMAH said:

    bro do even PERP players still live?

    Btw perp is based on  base wars narcotics edition. You raid, kill, alliance, etc... This community is straight up Rping, no competitive shite whatsoever. Its all fun n stuff unlike PERP

    Bruh perp was defs fun if you knew how to make it fun... and if you think this game isnt gonna become competitive and have groups ruling it you are wrong...

    17 minutes ago, DARUMAH said:


  6. Hey everyone I just found this game.. and the concept seems very familiar to a game mode in gmod called perp. It is basically same concept. Rolepalying as cops bad guys (drugs and shit) or just being other civilian money making options. Also able to rent properties and buy props and stuff.


    I am not dogging on this game as it looks super fun and I loved the perp idk it just seems like this game is very similar and i would love it to be what perp was and better. If you know what I am talking about did you see the similiarites too?


    If not look up gmod perp and you will know what I am talking about.


    Anyways i am super excited to see where this game goes.