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Posts posted by Frisky

  1. 3 minutes ago, Kaitlyn said:

    Not disappointed, I expected this. The game is hugely ambitious, and the development team is inexperienced. If this had been a Rockstar game I would have been disappointed, but it isn't - it's a major game being developed by inexperienced developers, so many people have just placed unrealistic expectations on it. Frankly I think what has been created so far is beautiful and promising. 


    A game that doesn't run and has been riddled with bugs is very nice looking yes. 4 years of work, go look at the character customization and tall me you are impressed... it is pitiful at best.

    • Like 1

  2. 4 minutes ago, Nonala said:

    Ark turned out to be good. If I remember, they had issues at launch too but they probably had the experience and training to deal with programming structure and design at a more in depth level, though I do not know much about Ark it is a popular game and polished enough to release judging from the videos of people playing it.


    Im so glad i got ark for 15 bucks. Turned out to be a masterpiece and still is going strong. havent played in a long time but the time I spent it was great. Who can hate being in a world of amazing looking dino's

  3. Just now, Whosdaiz said:

    i can understand that it been a while for this to come out and it came out buggy but im saying what is there now is looking good and if they stick to there promise the game will be great in the future.


    Lol buggy is an understatment considering 99% can't even play it and it came out 9 hours late... and was up for less than 2 hours.

  4. Just now, Theclassicboys said:

    Bugs i believe its more than just bugs and you are accurate. im okay with bugs my self but with the amount of "bugs" this game has so far its more than a bug its bullcrap


    Exactly this just shows they lied about being prepared again, and from what i have heard from people who have played it is just horrible

  5. 1 minute ago, Whosdaiz said:

    im playing at the moment and im loving the look of the game its really nice. I have a 1080 and a i7 and the game doesnt perform great on high settings. but the overall look of the game is amazing and a great platform for them to build upon now the foundations have been laid hopefully the game will progress much quicker.


    You have to be joking to not understand why people are upset

  6. 4 minutes ago, Theclassicboys said:

    Can not even load into a single server after their "server connection Update",  Crashes, lags, menus crash on game, UI is trash For how long they have been working on the just the town square module you would think it would have been better and more well made. A game should be made by professionals, ex, Rockstargames of this size for many of us who have waited years to start the game and find all theses bugs i believe is unacceptable, don't get me wrong the concept of the game is wonderful but needs to be made by people who have a clue of what they are doing and getting them self into, that can make a single deadline. in my own advice i think they released this to have people quit whining, they obos didn't test their UI like they said in "Task manager", post they had, and the other bugs they took so long to get this far testing as they said. well if they tested their game wouldn't you think that the bugs that came out from us testing it wouldn't have happened?, especially for the problems in just making a player in the main menu before even trying to join a server. Wonderful concept for a game but i think it needs to be made by someone/people who have the technology and the knowledge of what they are doing in their game, theirs to many bugs in the UI, the start menu and god knows how many in game but i had never had a opportunity yet to test the game because they already took down their servers, when i downloaded the game last night, had server bugs and just went to bed hoping to wake up and it would be better but they shut down their servers


    What are your guys thoughts and opinions on the game, release of it where you  disappointed or what tell me your toughts


    Idk if I can be disappointed (tbh expected a shit show). A better wording for how I feel is infuriated. I knew we were getting a glorified chat room... but I expected the glorified chat room to work.. Im ok with bugs.. not this bullshit.

    • Like 1

  7. 9 minutes ago, asshole said:

    i made my character (sad that customization sucks) 

    i went back to the main menu

    i pressed news

    i crash


    i launch the game back up

    i press let's go

    menu doesnt pop up, just a close up of my character

    i also notice that the gloves arent big enough for my characters hands (i can see my hands through the gloves)


    then i realize the servers are still down

    thats kind of epic


    This game is a shit show that everyone expected

    • Like 2

  8. 23 minutes ago, Nonala said:

    They seems to have a bit of issue resource and time management and handling customer service and constructive criticism but it is their game creation, and getting their code together for structure optimization, server, database, rendering, then there's the security input issues, coming from ArmaA modding to full programming for a customized game with unreal engine is tough, all has to work and play off eachother to run a cohesive program, but all people can do after a mishap is take responsibility, move on, learn, and fix the mistakes, because I'd rather they improved than fail seeing as I bought their game. Games are a business but while it good to have passion about something gotta consider a balance between staying afloat and accomplishing purpose.


    fair point

  9. Just now, Nonala said:

    I'd at least like it to be a runnable glorified chat room simulator, but I will have to wait till they fix the runnable and security hole problems which I wouldn't mind. People come and go really that's the nature of business, but surviving as a business takes perseverance and hardwork to deliver good customer service.


    Yeah pretty sad they spend 4 years and so many false promises and can't get a chat room to work..

  10. 5 minutes ago, Nonala said:

    I'm of the minority that actually enjoy glorified chat room sims because it's relaxing and don't have to do anything grind intensive. It might get fleshed out later on if people are patient enough and it seems like they are actually working on it, but for now it's like I have an urge to insert memes. They say why so serious!?



    I wouldn't mind a chill chat room atmosphere like this every now and again, but if the game is literally just this for over even 6 months it will be dead so fast

  11. 7 minutes ago, Lima_43 said:

    ------ You sound like one of those in GTA using miniguns and rocket launchers on PVP. Calm the f*** down. I'm sure, they'll solve it soon. 

    I also have the problem, when I get into the game, I only see my closet with a dot in the middle.



    Lol calm the fuck down??? None of this should even be happening after 4 years of creating a pre alpha chat room basically. So you shut up and sit down.

    • Like 1

  12. 8 minutes ago, MinoPL said:

    It's a joke, it's not a game, it's not even the alpha version of the module demo

    1. The game usually does not turn on.
    2. A terribly poor selection of characters
    3. Sometimes there is no menu
    3. It is impossible to enter the game, it does not load
    4. Errors and nothing
    5. Why do I still have no money for returning the goods.
    I only received emails that I receive from Brandon Rodney
    I am waiting for a refund for 3 months. And nothing...$ 30

    email from Brandon Rodney
    Hello again Mino,

    Thank you for the information. I have sent your receipts and your PayPal Address to the person who can reimburse you. Refunds can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to fully process, but I will periodically remind the one who can send the refund to take a look at your receipts as soon as he can....
    paypal ....
    people you will not get a return, it's scammers

    Lol so pathetic

    2 minutes ago, Apocalyptos said:

    Lol this game is such a shit pile and we are stuck with it now.

  13. 1 minute ago, Kardlef said:

    I also thought that the character customization was for shit. Lame hair, lame facial hair and some weird freckles or something. Hardly any clothes and the ones that they do have suck. 

    No way to adjust your weight or height. 

    No scars and or tattoos. (I do know that there is a tattoo shop but that isn't the point)

    No way to be buff or a bean pole should you choose.

    I hope for their sake that these options will be worked in at a later date. (4 years wasn't enough.)

    No telling what the rest of the game will be like, and this is only thier first module. I paid for this game so like it or lump it let's all hold on and see where we go. Good luck to us.


    Yeah I couldn't believe after all this time... that was the character customization... like wth how after 4 years is that all you have to offer.

  14. 7 minutes ago, wiebley said:

    We havnt heard much from all the fanboys who have been loyally defending this amazing fuck up? I am really looking forward to what their new defense is going to be!! Such fun!


    Haven't heard from them because even they can't back this spectacular failure... I was hyped even though I knew it was a glorified chat room... but man i may play my 2 hours and jump out of this fire.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Dazerbake said:

    I cant even get further than the create character I just gets stuck on a screen with nothing to click or do and I guess there is fuck all we can do as its the weekend and they don't work weekend to fix a broken game ffs


    They better be getting their asses in considering their shit pile of a game is sinking faster than the titanic

    • ver.1.22474487139 2

  16. 1 minute ago, Apocalyptos said:

    Very disappointed after 4 years of waiting for the official launch. Full of bugs, unplayable you have to hope can be another 4 years like DayZ to have a content worthy of name. Let's keep faith ....


    Lol hard to keep faith after hearing NOT EVEN GETTING TO PLAY YET. How horribly riddled and unplayable it is. We expected bugs not a pile of shit.

    • Like 1

  17. Lol 4 years... and them boasting about the character customization and features... 4 hair styles... that look like shit. and 2 facial hair features. WOW for an rpg that your suppose to feel so much freedom in making your character... just wow.


    No one should defend this character customization setup... it is so bad for how long it has taken. Say what you want about buying stuff in game to deck out your character with clothes... but wow CAN'T even get in the game and Im disappointed right off the bat.


    I don't want to give into the hate since we know we bought in to a shit tier social module... but come the fuck on.

  18. 3 minutes ago, thiesen90 said:

    What a way to run a Company, is it the 4 delay now? And they blame steam for this delay..


    Yup can't possibly admit they fucked up. I would be less heart broken if they said 


    "we are so sorry guys we were working down to the hour and missed the deadline, and sadly it will be out monday. Instead... bs and radio silence and banning.