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Posts posted by Frisky

  1. 7 minutes ago, ArivaMatova said:

    Maybe a very stuppid question but I'm finally in the how do I walk and move? I tryed every key on my keyboard but nothing seems to work?




    You may have been frozen or game may have crashed but it is your W,A,S,D keys

  2. Just now, BilboLaggin said:

    Hey guys,

    currently I am not able to play, but when I am in, I love it :) ! I laugh really hard sometimes and can't wait to see the game grow. Hopefully I can add some shots in the next few days.

    Short question: I can't hear people talk - I see they talk to me, but I hear nothing… Is this an knowing bug?

    Best wishes from Germany (so I am sorry for my bad english)




    Yeah sometimes I can't hear people either

  3. Just now, UhnotherGamer said:

    Discord is a little better if you can sift through the B.S. from the real haters. The community managers will reply to people at times clearing some things up and it's quite helpful.


    Lol Idk ive only heard bad things about the discord

  4. 7 minutes ago, UhnotherGamer said:

    I was having the same issue last night. I just kept trying and I eventually got back in and played for another hour or 2 before heading to bed. It's expected for an alpha release and a lot of demanding players trying to connect at the same time.


    Yeah I know but it would be nice to have more than one semi helpful tweet a day.

  5. 1 minute ago, UhnotherGamer said:

    In that case, restart the game. The server database is flooded and they've been working all morning and day to get it fixed for us.


    I can't get in and I have been trying for hours after my naked rampage. Doesnt really help they havent given an update in hours. Their PR is horrible.

  6. 1 minute ago, UhnotherGamer said:

    Enroll me in jelly school 'cause im super jealous. That looks hilarious


    Yeah we formed a mini army of naked police and would trap people untill they joined us in our nude adventures. I hope to do that again since we were all randoms with a single goal. My goal will remain the same though


    To get everyone naked

  7. 2 minutes ago, TPlays said:

    Man honestly. Get your refund and get out of here. We are testers. If you can't understand that I am sorry.


    Lol dude no offense but even the super hardcore people who were refusing not to be on the devs side have gone silent... even they know this game is fucked and that they fucked us. You are disillusioned.


    I wish I was wrong... but explain why main devs are leaving 

    • Like 1

  8. 2 minutes ago, TPlays said:

    That is the thing. This game isn't a beta or an alpha its barely a pre-alpha. when Minecraft first came out all you could do was break and place one block. Now, look at what it is.


    Less than what minecraft is that is what this is. Atleast minecraft had content. this has nothing 

  9. Just now, TPlays said:

    We know what we signed up for. We are testers for a game that isn't even in alpha yet. These are the things people need to understand.


    Yeah we understand we are testers. They gave us a game that isnt even close to being playable.. and it is a freaking walking and kind of chat sim... Also explain the devs jumping ship 4 days after launch

  10. 14 minutes ago, wiebley said:

    This is my opinion/held by me alone and many may disagree which is fine, but let's be human here.


    I'm not being funny, but I personally feel it is a disgrace that Asylum are trying to flog this game on Steam - its one thing to screw up the kickstarter people, they knew what they were in for, but to try and sell this as a game on steam is just dishonest. 


    The community has done its best to try and protect those spending their actual money by leaving the deserved feedback/reviews, but there will be many people out there who want to try it anyway and will end up being scammed with promises that Asylum have not proved that they are able to deliver. They don't know the history behind all the delays, promises etc. 


    Judging from what has been delivered, (ignoring the bugs) can you honestly believe that Asylum have the capability to deliver the following functionality to a level that is playable and fun?


    - Guns

    - Cars

    - Jobs


    I understand that upon release many games have bugs, I get that... But, Asylum have literally shown hardly any understanding of game development. Ignore the the main bugs and look at the game... Look at it for what it is... This is a sub-par university final year project/dissertation, not a game people should invest money in, let alone the additional apartments, dogs, cars and clothing!


    Absolute disgrace in my opinion that this has been put up for sale on steam.


    Lol I just played for an hour with no interaction options... and it was a good wake up call to show how boring the game will be when the fun of all the features wears off... there is nothing to this module once you try everything... I fear this game will tank hard in population once people realize that.

    • Like 2

  11. So I played for an hour.. and man I don't think I can play for another hour even with the functionality TO EVEN DO ANYTHING



    I Have been hard on this game for the last 2 days after their horrible launch and pr skills, and I think I have had the right to be after waiting for 2 years (Much shorter than most people)


    Fair warning Yes I know the servers were and are still glitched but this may give you some insight to how barren this game is without the very few features.


    First off the bugs are insane for having worked on such a small area for so long. So many ways under the map it is crazy.


    While I expected bugs you would think after 4 years and multiple restarts that could at least make it so you don't just clip through buildings like it is water.



    There is nothing to do with features like:


    Movie theater


    and... making a book

    and chess




    Yes I get it, but think about it for a second. How long are you going to spend... playing chess or customizing your apartment to do nothing but stand in it and maybe talk to some one? Maybe you will go to the movies (if it even works) that may kill some time. Maybe draw a dick or 2 on a canvas?


    Lets add all this time together after you are done experimenting and maybe singing a few songs. You can probably do all of this in 4 hours or less.. and that is being generous assuming you are really looking at all the features.


    Then what do you do? From my experience of over an hour of just being a wandering shadow... because apparently they can't get this bug right either..


    It is a very vacant game if you can call it that. Yes it is fun to talk with others and goof around a bit... but even after running around the circle... 30 times it got old fast. Now maybe with apartments it will be more goofy to visit them.


    After  all is said and done... 1 hour without all the features incorporated was all most the people could take that I talked to.


    Now you may be wondering why am I talking about this?


    My fear is that this game is going to die very fast. People will play and use all the features.. then what, wait a year or more for the next module? I know the hard core fans will stick around, and I might try and hop in again (if I even can) but there is just nothing to keep people coming back. Once you spend your time making you apartment or watching a movie.. maybe the firing range will open up in 3 months.


    I hope that identity has some tricks up their sleeves with implementing more interaction than just a tattoo parlor... because from how ive seen people talking in game. The lack of actual impact you can accomplish will drive people away fast.


    Hopefully in the end Identity... can find its identity...

    • Like 1

  12. 43 minutes ago, Order said:

    I say it is temporary because it's glitchy, we are displeased, and this clearly isn't the scope of what the game fully intends to bring us. If the consumer is dissatisfied, and there are clear issues that can be resolved, I see no reason to believe Asylum will turn a blind eye. They only have things to gain by improving this system. And this is only a beta. If this was the full game, your point would hold more merit. I don't believe customization was their top priority; that would most likely go towards stability and gameplay. Perhaps they figured this would be acceptable long enough to get groundwork in.

    I don't like it, but I sincerely believe there are more reasons for why this system is in place other than, to reword your phrase, they did a bad job. I apologize if I sound harsh, I am just trying to reaffirm my stance.


    Im just severely displeased with it because they bragged a ton and showed of their vast customization a lot... saying how great it was... when it is plain awful. That is why it is just pathetic in my eyes. 

    • Like 1

  13. 16 minutes ago, Order said:

    I am not one to usually complain, but I have to admit, I felt my excitement drain a bit while designing my character. It was extremely limited. I have faith that this will be improved, and is only temporary, but it still hurts a bit. No long hair? Really? I assume this is a hair style we'll get to grab, but I didn't think that getting a good base human would cost effort. It feels like I might have to work to make myself, rather than work to give myself luxuries and comforts.


    Who said it was temporary and that they will update the character creation? Lol took them 4 years to even get that i doubt they will worry about the character creation at all from here on out probs only with put out store items you can wear. Devs just did a shit job

  14. 7 minutes ago, Whosdaiz said:

    We will have to wait and see i hope you are wrong :P 


    Really hope so

    Just now, WRThore said:

    I have yet to get into the game, because it's downloading. And now I find out we can't get in at all right now? Hmm, well ... I'll check it out and see what we have going on here.


    yeah it is real great

  15. 3 minutes ago, Whosdaiz said:

    that was down to server issues and the 1 percent who are playing are using console commands to get into the game. I am just saying in my opinion the game still has great potential if the devs are willing to put the work in 


    I think it had SOME potential, idk if id say great after how little support they will probs get after this botched launch of a chat room pretty much.