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Posts posted by Hatoful

  1. Welcome to Identity! The module should come out by the end of March, so let's just hope it comes out sooner rather than later! xD Do you have any idea what kind of career you want to do? ^_^ 

  2. You can only purchase module access through the website (which would be the $30 package)! Its not available on steam. However, the modules and the beta are 2 different things. The Town Square module is said to be released somewhere towards the end of march, while the beta is set to release around early 2018!  :D 

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  3. You won't be able to upload any designs into the game. As far as designing goes, you would use pre-made shapes and tools already in the game for whatever design you want to make! For your second question, if by other things you mean what kind of things you'll be able to design, I know you can design your own clothing and I'm pretty sure you can make your own logo (not 100% sure though). Hope this answers your question! ^.^

  4. The beta is set to release early 2018 ! However, I think the beta might be considered a closed beta, seeing as you have to pay in order to get into it. I'm not really sure on the difference between the two, but you do have to buy the $30 package in order to get into the beta !  :D 

  5. 1 hour ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    If there is only one City with a port then that would be Turtle Beach. If 2 Cities then Turtle Beach and Roseport. Have they mentioned Roseport will be near water?


    I don't think they have, but if Roseport is supposed to be like New York city, then the city might border some water. At least maybe in the outskirts of the city!

    • Like 1

  6. 27 minutes ago, Phiedrus said:

    Maybe the instructions are not clear enough, maybe the search bar is not that visible for a first timer.


    I think I read somewhere that the devs are going to do a makeover of the forums, so maybe they will address the issues regarding the search bar when they make some changes! Or perhaps, after a new player makes an account on the forum, it alerts them and tells them to "Use the search bar before posting", so they're aware that there is a search bar! ^.^

    • Like 3

  7. 5 minutes ago, SkinnierSteve said:

    Another thing about the radio I would like is if you can have a talk show on the radio.


    You can do whatever you want on your radio station, so yes you can have a talk show if you want! ^_^ 

    9 minutes ago, Cryogenix3 said:

    I wonder if you will be able to rent out a radio room for a certain period of time.


    According to the first devblog , they are planning on players being able to go to physical broadcasting stations in order to host your radio station, so I'd imagine there would be separate rooms at that station! c:

    • Like 1

  8. 5 hours ago, Gator1964 said:

    If you have to eat and drink, it would make sense if "bladder" is in the game.  What goes in must come out.


    You'll be able to go to the bathroom, but it's not a necessity. Along with showering, it's just a little extra thing you can use for roleplaying purposes! c: 

  9. 53 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    1. I don't think the customisation will be as detailed, but it could be. I am not sure or certain anything has really been given in detail but I could have missed it.

    2. I would hope so and I would think so because there won't be a lot if it was only in the cities but more in every town around the island.

    I read on a tweet that there will be limited shop customization. You will be able to customize the inventory sold and the theme of the shop, so yah it won't be as detailed! ^_^

    Here is the tweet: https://mobile.twitter.com/Identityrpg/status/829561170805813248

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  10. 4 minutes ago, SALAZAR said:

    It is a pity why I wanted play in console ???


    Yah I understand, but they never said no to consoles entirely! They're going to look into it, so hopefully they're able to make it happen in the future! :D 

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  11. 22 minutes ago, SALAZAR said:

    This game not go get out for console,  because of money 


    That's one of the factors, but they also just want to focus on the PC release I'm pretty sure. 

  12. No, you cannot, seeing as the game hasn't come out yet. However, the first module is planning on coming out during the first quarter of 2017 (End of March) if there are no delays. That would be the earliest you could play part of the game, but then you would need to buy the Founder pack, which is the $30 one. The Founder would give you the full release of the game, the beta, and the 3 modules! ^_^

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  13. After the full release of the game, the developers are planning on looking into making Identity available on consoles. However, as of right now, Identity is only on PC. You can look at Motown's official answer here ! ^_^ 

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  14. 59 minutes ago, Herzog said:

    Looking good as usual :) Been a fan from the beginning. Much love to your company and all the luck i can give 


    Thank you very much! I saw that you're starting back up with your MC, so good luck to you and your club! I know it'll turn out great ! :D 

    • Like 1

  15. 1 hour ago, Phiedrus said:

    I don't seem to be able to stay in the same place in the same job for long, but I need to do a bit of everything, and this is something I will most likely be interested.

    I will visit your farm, and while I could probably (and maybe just barely) pay for a meal there, chances are I will ask for some work to do, for which I will ask in return to stay one or two nights and have something to eat. Maybe some story telling after dinner and some whiskey.


    That sounds nice! Anyone is welcome to do a little work here and there, so feel free to stop by whenever you have any free time! ^_^ 

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