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Everything posted by Daner2234

  1. Weekly Hopes #1

    oops my bad lol and its not really stone age when hundreds maybe thousands of people still use it discord is mainly for text chat, how is that suitable in game
  2. Weekly Hopes #1

    i dont see WHY its taking so long for a TS what the hell is all this talk about a "TS module" making it sound like a big thing it litrualy takes less than 5 mins to get a teamspeak up and running, atleast then it will look like theres decent amount of communication
  3. Arm3

    Hey everyone anyone here running any ops or looking for a scout sniper in arma 3 or just looking for people to mess around with in exile
  4. Hi everyone

    Hey everyone I'm new here but have been keeping myself updated since I first heard about identity 3 or so years ago, I'm not new to the rpg scene as I used to run a mil sim heavily strict unit, so yeah lol I'm dane can't wait to get to know everyone.
  5. PC Requirements

    Oh yes of course it would be better in the long run IF you have the cash lol
  6. PC Requirements

    You won't need a latest cpu and a 10 series gpu I'm on a x79 build with a 7990 and still plays EVERYTHING on high including gta5 and arma etc so you should be fine with a 1150skt upwards and a 970 upwards
  7. System Build Suggestions

    Hi I've not really upgraded in some time still using a 7990 lol, but I would start with a, I5 1150skt upwards Some half decent ddr3/4 And a 980 Dont listen to people that try and say get a 1080 and a 6core i7 blah blah blah lol I'm using a x79 with a 7990 and still plays EVERYTHING