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Posts posted by TheHolyNZF

  1. On 5/6/2018 at 7:25 PM, Cstove said:

    What? How is that cyber bullying? And the members of the jury can decide whatever they want, it’s their choice wheather they think someone is guilty or innocent.


    If there happens to be a situation where one person keeps on getting charged the max punishment just because of who he is rather than what he did and on the other hand the next player will always be set free of any charges, always. I don't think this system is actually so well thought-out. How is the prison gameplay going to be anyways?

  2. 1 hour ago, Cstove said:

    There still touching it all up, working out all the bugs and stuff.


    They should have something worth showcasing ready already at this point. But on the other hand you're right. The limited time is better spent on actually developing stuff.

  3. (just buy the $30 pack for me, pls)

    I personally would rather spend that money when we have got your hands on the game. With $250 you can do an awful lot of things if the game doesn't turn out how you want it to be. Of course if you want to support devs right on, it's  Your money. Your choice.


  4. 1 hour ago, Cstove said:

    I don’t agree.  The video should release a few days before TS.  Right now there just polishing up TS and finalizing everything for the release, like fixing up animations.



    And about the videos, generally where a picture may tell more than thousand words, a video can tell more than thousand pictures.  For the TS trailer, it can wait. However it would have been nice to see the devs showing the character creation in action instead of a single picture.

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  5. On 11/18/2017 at 5:51 AM, CreatureGaming said:

    Some type of money sinks will be required other than rent. Car maintenance, property tax, etc. Otherwise people will naturally begin to horde cash and when enough is in circlation the server will either have to generate more  ( inflation ) or let the economy stagnate. But I am.interested in seeing it all play out myself. 


    Am what, no. Realism wise, yeah, but gameplay-wise having passive negative income isn't cool.


    On 2/21/2018 at 8:59 AM, Businessmann said:

    @TheGingerOne I am to sure about the military vehicles! I don’t think there will be any but I could be mistaken.

    Could change. Also as far as I'm concerned, it is more about game dynamics, so that it won't turn into a regular GTAO lobby, basically a war zone. I don't see how the unarmed Marauder could endanger the peacefulness of the sessions.

    On 2/19/2018 at 3:33 AM, Villasenor said:

    There will be no unmarked vehicles. The developers want civilians to clearly see who is an officer and who isn't. Also means no undercover work, a detective will have a uniform and investigate.

    It's 2018, don't quote OP, or whole posts if long, and if you do, remember


    Spoiler is your friend!

    Roger? Dismiss, sir. o7

  7. You don't really want to mess with the Animal Rights movements. While human violence might get a game 18+ rating, animal abuse/violence could get it very easily banned altogether. Maybe not, as I think we have other games with similar hunting technologies, yet I hope these won't exist in the game universe.

  8. On 8/21/2017 at 8:32 PM, BrianHamilton said:

    Just to extend on LuckyDuck's comment a little bit, from what I've heard officially, you won't be able to request a trial unless your sentence is over 15 minutes.

    I just hope they both make the jails interesting and being criminal profitable enough to be worth waiting the sentence out in the jails. I for one think that the jail period should be 15 minutes maxium. Otherwise it will get quite boring.

  9. 6 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    In Game Money, there are however cosmetic items of clothing for Real money in the in game store.

    It is going to be realistic and you don't get a (hourly) income, you get paid by doing tasks. However, 1 in-game day will be 3 hours day 1 hour night and so basically 4 hours real time is 1 in-game day. 

    This game is supposed to be realistic as unlike GTA where you get money super easy or like other games. If it was too easy to get an apartment then it would be too easy to get rich and the devs want it to be realistic to get money and not so easy to get everything. You need to work for the achievement of getting a house or apartment.

    "unlike GTA where you get money super easy"

    Ehm... no. I think you have missed the inflation on all the prices in GTAO. There are 110 vehicles that cost $900K+. That's around 1/4 of all vehicles. The most expensive one is worth $6,75M. The biggest profit per hour in GTAO is theoretically ~$200K/h. Done the quick mafs, it takes around 34 hours of continuos (and succesful) grinding to get that one vehicle... Except you have to buy a place to store it for $1M+, thats another 5 hours of pure grind.

    How grindy does this game have to be? If you get the high salary of $200K/year (1 ingame year is 1460  hours if an ingame day lasts 4 hours) and then you pay the taxes, rent and other expenses... It will literally take ages to get anything.

    Edit: All I wish is that the grind doesn't destroy the great concept and promise this game has buried inside.

  10. 6 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    1. There is only 1 airport on the map and it is for future possible uses. No planes to travel from 1 side of the map to the next. 

    2. Bus' are apart of player owned business' which they can be purchased as an asset for the business. The player who owns that business will choose the routes for his buses.

    3. Airports are next to cities IRL and so why would it make a difference.

    Trains are AI controlled and will go to the 3 cities around the map. The devs will only have control over the train network not the bus' and well the airport will only be used for going between future Islands.

    1. If they change their plans to have (preferably player-controlled) aircraft ingame, I personally would find it very boring if we only had one airport -- otherwise why to bother at all if there isn't going to be air traffic? (Besides aircraft cost $1M+, so no-one will have money to buy them)

    2. I'm doubtful about how that will work out. Taxi Cabs might work, but players deciding the bus routes... Quess we have to wait and see.

    3. I phrased that badly. What I mean is that the airports don't tend to be placed right inside the busiest cities if possible. Usually there is ~10~25 km inbetween the city centrum and the nearest airport, international atleast.

    4.Even with AI only controlling the trains, I think there should be more stops than just the cities. I for one love mountain trains. Also imagine a huge land bridge (Like the one in Milleau). I would absolutely love to have such views on my commute.

  11. What bothers me are the realistic costs and payouts. Will I have to work as a high-ranked Police Chief (median pay $72K) for a year round just to have money to buy myself an apt? Then another to buy a car?

    That doesn't sound too pleasant gameplay-wise.

  12. The basic idea is good, however the illustration is bad. The first and the most obvious flaw about the train is that you didn't specify any train stations, where would they be located etc,. Then for the airports, there are 2 basic rules. 1: They should be accessible. 2: They shouldn't be right next to a city. I think those could be solved by having train access to the airports.

    The way I see it, the buses are slow and trains only stop on the stations. That's enough to make both useful for something.

    I have my own concept for the bus routes, stations and airports.


    Sorry, I just had to give the stations names. I searched if the places were already given names, but I only found the official names for the three cities.

    Black Squares are Train Stations, Red lines are railways. Blue lines are bus routes (not much thought given into those), White boxes are airports.

    The idea for AHA and RWA locations follows just my idea. They are near the cities, yet not in the middle and have train stations with them for easy accessibility instead.

    For simplicity of design, only AHTS and RPC have direct access to multiple train routes. The stations are distributed equally around the map to make all places more important and easy to access.

    You can see, most of the Stations are located either in the city or near the edges, just like in your idea. I think 10 stations is pretty good number. They are not too crowded, but still allow for an easy access to the key places in the map. I added one more airport to your map to kind of balance the distances. With AHA and RWA near cities and AIA and ALN near the edges of the map. AIA could actually be separate from the train station to give it a non-official, smuggler -ish feel. I'd imagine it being used a lot to escape from the cops, it being near the archipelago, where I imagine a lot of the drug business will be handled.  ALN is more suited for quite the opposite. A place to fly to when you just want to chill in your cabin or do other peaceful actions.