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Posts posted by Sipowicz

  1. Hey guys and gals of the PD.  I was just looking at all the comments in the Precinct posts and began thinking.  Maybe we as law enforcement officers, we should spend a good amount of time reading the threads about the criminal life.  If we can see some of their questions, and devs answers, we can get ahead of the criminal world.  Just my thought.  (about to go to the dark side of the city.....see you there!?)

  2. On 2/1/2018 at 6:29 PM, LuckyDuck said:

    The point where you have it perfect for real life. However, there is no "Plain Clothed Officers" including "Undercover Officers" as also when off duty if you act and kill in Identity, you will be wanted for Murder regardless to if you are a police officer acting in a emergency. The devs want to keep a clear distinction between "Cops and Criminals/ Civilians" and so the Officer when On duty has a uniform. He cannot arrest or kill in situations of emergencies and claim a "on call" status. He won't be paid for being Off duty and well we cannot have it where people abuse the situation byy going like they are undercover and acting in plain clothes because that is to one sided.

    Since I am not aware of the game mechanics...if, as an officer, you "clock out" at the precinct, you are now off duty.  Do you walk out of the station and to your car to drive home?  If so, what would stop the bad guys from "spawn trapping" the HQ and killing us as we leave the station unarmed??

  3. On 28/11/2017 at 4:56 PM, HairyGrenade said:

    Nope! Unless you own your own firearm as a civilian. Keep in mind any weapon you carry will be visible to everyone and you need a gun license in order for it to not get taken away if a police officer stops you.

    Doesn't being a police officer grant you a license to carry off duty anyway??  **Never mind, answered already.  ;)


    Who issues the gun license to carry?  And how hard is it to get?

  4. On 10/15/2017 at 12:52 PM, cCheerSs said:

    I hope that I'll open something like delivery bussines with trucks and etc., if not, then maybe just a small shop or something, I'm too tired of "killing" games, if I will want to play something that involves killing and shooting I'll play Rising Storm, in Identity I want to simulate calm life, without blood. 

    Maybe I'll be a criminal and use you to traffic my drugs.

  5. On 4/26/2017 at 10:34 PM, SupremeLeader said:

    Don't really care that much. Well, maybe enough to make a comment on it but yeah, not a big deal.

    Also, by the way a businessman can actually own multiple shop locations.

    For example, I am the CEO and Owner of Supreme Clothing, and we are opening shop locations in Roseport and Ash Hill.

    The company I work for used to sell your stuff...UBIQ, in Philly.  We just opened 4 Kicks USA stores in NYC.  Maybe if I am a shop owner in Identity, I can sell your brand too.  :)

  6. On 7/18/2017 at 1:52 AM, Segaside said:

    I think this A decent system to solve what some people have this idea of "Player Slots" or "Classes" and such... Identity is being made to get rid of those idea's that other games and mods have been using for the past decade. This game (Hopefully) is going to revolutionize that with more freedom and non-scripted events that we all love and cherish in our video games! :D 

    But more into how the technicality is going to work. Like the quote above by Jose, it shouldn't be based as A "Slot or Rank". But players that have earned enough recognition or A Badge/Certification in order to pursue those roles. It's A Qualification, not A Rank. You are in the Police force and you should earn these ranks to receive these qualifications for new items,vehicles and opportunities, etc. (In this case, the place for playing the part as A SWAT team member during A reported bank Heist or such)

    To sum it up, it's A Certification you can earn rather than A Job or Role in the end. By the end of the day, you you are still A Cop upholding the Law. :D (Have fun Mafia's... XD)        


    I like this idea of a qualification for being able to suit up in a special task force.  The only problem I can think of is, what if there isn't anyone on the server qualified for a SWAT job?  Do the bank robbers get the upper hand??  Or, can there be  another qualifier that would grant access to SWAT?

  7. On 6/14/2017 at 8:00 AM, Scott_UK said:

    It is very likely that this will be available, I will confirm with Motown though to get you a certain answer.

    I think that would help tremendously.  I would like to play this game with my son, and to play as a "team" would be great.  I hope they can make this a thing.