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Posts posted by Killerbotawsome

  1. I don't really know how to motivate you to keep supporting the game. I personally invested 30 dollars to see the games progress over the years and hey if it becomes a popular game that is really good then there it is but if it becomes a game that is buggy, unplayable, disappointing, and not fun then we got our final result.

  2. In my opinion, the whole project is a patience project. The team is working very hard to make this game and I personally believe they aren't going to scam us or any of that because if they did the whole Asylum community would face backlash and it just wouldn't make sense. To summarize though small team + big idea for a game = Long wait.

  3. I personally believe that investing in a game is like investing in stocks. You should wait to see if the stocks [The Game] go up or down which when I'm saying you should see if it goes up and down I mean you should wait to see if your are happy about the game you invested in by being patient and letting the developers take their time. When you invest in stocks you don't nag the stock which could be apple or google to make good decisions or to make a new you just wait. So to sum this up if you paid money for this game great, wait, be patient, and if you really feel like you want to help go give the developers constructive criticism which is way different that just roasting the whole development team which have families and try their hardest.

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  4. I feel we're not going to get the game in 1-2 weeks which is 7-14 days. I feel we're going to get the game in 3-5 weeks due to the 10-day steam process and also I would much rather the game to be tested many times to make sure all bugs are gone.

  5. Hey, I was just wondering when the full game comes out will there be any form of mod support like the ability to customize the in-game car's skins or to customize the light patterns on the police cars or even get different police cars in general. I've been naming a lot of skinning and accessibility to cars but I'm just curious about how far you will be able to customize the game so it doesn't become old but if you cant at all I fully understand. And yes I did read that it is a possibility in the future but my intent on this post is to have a steady ground on what will be accessible to mod in the game. 

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  6. There will be a progression system in the police force so maybe at some point, you unlock the ability to become S.W.A.T but the thing is you can only be the swat on calls that need them like bank robberies and the way you become it is when the SWAT truck spawns and you can gear up. At least that's what I remember reading somewhere on the forums


  7. I would just stay a safe distance and call the police then wait for them to arrive so I can give them my statement after the whole scene is done. But I'm going to be a cop so whats the point :)