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  1. Is there going to be a system in place to see if someone was arrested and what they did?
  2. That sucks, one of my favorite parts about playing Arma life is flying haha, but I guess with 300+ people in a server it could get pretty hectic.
  3. Sorry if these are already asked and answered. Kind of new here but coming from Arma Life servers I love the idea of this game. Do you guys plan on adding planes, or helicopters either for civilian or police use? ( Could have an airport with an Air Traffic Controller job) If this is planned how would the mechanics work? ( Would it be similar to Arma or more to a game like battlefield ) Is the economy going to depend supply and demand or will there be static prices? ( For example if people mine a lot of resources would prices drop? ) I heard that there would be a mining feature which I'd figure you could make items or sell what you've refined. How does this work and what would you be able to make? Are illegal items able to be crafted using what you mine? On official servers are government roles ( Police, Swat, etc ) regulated or is anyone free to play them? Are gas stations going to be automatic or will they be player owned, where owners have to buy gas at a certain price and set their own price to sell.