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Everything posted by FloroKing

  1. Limo

    Is there going to be possible to be a limousine driver? Or be driven in limousine by anyone else?
  2. Limo

    Thanks for answer!
  3. Limo

    Yes I thought that town square it's about full game, my mistake, thanks for answer
  4. Limo

    Is there going to be possible to be a limousine driver? Or be driven in limousine by anyone else?
  5. Limo

    Is there going to be possible to be a limousine driver? Or be driven in limousine by anyone else?
  6. Another Q

    Okay amazing, thank you
  7. What about light indicators? Will they be added into game?
  8. So, what about boats / yachts activities ( what can you do on them? )? Are there going to be more types and shapes of yachts / boats?
  9. Just question

    Well that sounds crazy, already enough for me, thanks!
  10. Just question

    Oh, what about activities ( or as I asked before '' What can you do on them ? '' )? And if there is going to be more types of it? Or just one you send?
  11. Trucking

    Already got it, thanks;)
  12. I got another question, what about trucking career in Identity game? I mean buying or getting hired to drive a truck around the Country or something similiar?
  13. Trucking

    Oh, I overlooked that, thank you!
  14. Okay, so what I want to know about that game is that, if you can use for e.g. can you use shower or wash your hands? Or cook, or buy a food to eat, and drink cup of water or caffee? I know it's pretty stupid question but I've never seen any of that would be possible in any game, and I also want to know ( because I didn't clearly understand it before ) if this game can be bought after it comes out on Steam?