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Posts posted by akomplice

  1. 1 hour ago, the00spartan said:

    I been waiting for over a year for this game. set back after set back stay strong and recommended to friends. even forked out my own money to pledge for my friends. stop procrastinating this is getting out of control. you guys finish how many tasks in two weeks leaving a handful to be finished. 2 months later the last of the handful one task is left. now here how serious I am. I check the website tracker ever single day. EVERY DAY. you call your selves experienced team of programmers and say you hired more staff. I call BS. you guys have been working the same task for 2 weeks. one task taking 2 weeks too finish. your tracker is bull shit.  the only thing it tracks is well nothing it tracks nothing. its a made up figure of your imagination to buy more time. it means nothing. you cant finish the last user interface task but day after day we see cloths and hair styles and other BS coming out of the studio. suggestion stop developing cloths and hair and finish the module for god sake. I don't care if I cant have a mowhawk if I cant play the effing game. this is ridiculous I have spent over 400 dollars prepping for this game. and yall sitting back spending money and not providing adequate information on your current process or work to your pledgers. step it up quite all the lil BS working on stuff you don't even plan to release with the town square and finish this first module. and im sure I speak for half the community on this one. its our of control. I feel like this is another episode of NO MANS SKY. gonna be a giant flop and lawsuits out the wazoo. stop talking stop making excuses focus on what needs done now not what you plan to release next year. and get the effing game out to the thousands of individuals that have been patiently waiting for the game. end rant/ 


    I agree completely with this, besides what the mods say. The tracker is complete BS.

  2. 7 hours ago, Preston_bodhi_343 said:

    And yet here you still are. So many times I've seen people complain and be adamant the game is never coming out yet you're still here. If you don't believe in any way the game will succeed then go and get your refund.


    We are still here because they use words like "soon" and "imminent" several months in advance, also the tracker is no where near transparent with us, it's quite useless. We can all tell the drive and moral is very low right now. People have the right to complain about this, some people invested some good money.

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  3. 9 hours ago, JoelKeys said:

    You brought Rockstar into this. I never brought up other companies until you started comparing the two. 

    You are talking about DLC's. We had the base game, GTA V, and we were waiting on additional content being released. Rockstar can afford to do this because they are a well-established company and we already had the base game. Asylum cannot afford to be making huge pushbacks because as far as the gaming community goes they still need to prove themselves. We have had nothing from them, and the first module was supposed to be accessible almost a year ago now. If we already had the TS module and they said they needed longer to add, for example, a bicycle shop, I doubt people would be complaining nearly as much. Once we have the base module, we know that Asylum aren't just false promises and so we will be more understanding if they need more time because we can trust that in the end their promise will be delivered. Comparing heists and Identity is just nonsensical.

    Of course they have the right to make mistakes. That doesn't mean we need to just accept the mistakes and give them a free pass. If their mistake causes us to get annoyed, that is well within our rights. You seem to think that people complaining is infringing on Asylums right to make mistakes. That's just silly. They can make mistakes, and we can complain. Also I don't know how you think I am arguing through emotion instead of logic, I have not stated one thing that is opinionated, and if I have I have clearly indicated it as opinion. You are the one arguing with your emotions, which I will come back to later.

    No one is saying we were forced out of our money. But we were told misleading facts which may have influenced our decision to buy the game. For example, we were told the module should be playable late 2017. Now, notice how I used the phrase 'misleading facts' and not 'lies'. This may not have been a lie, but it was certainly misleading. Even if we considered that the game may have been delayed, saying it should be playable late 2017 to a consumer means that even if we give the devs a wiggle period of 6 months, we should be able to play this game by June 2018. It is now July. This is not taking into account the numerous other promised deadlines, which only add insult to injury. 

    As for your next statement, that is not entirely true. Faith isn't binary. You don't either believe in something or you don't. They stated their mission statement and right there and then people decided how much they believed in this game. And here's the best part, how much you believe in something can change. You might have believed in the game entirely when you read the Kickstarter. However after ever deadline being failed and little to no promises being delivered on, that faith starts to decline. Once that happens, you have every right to inform the developers about your concerns. You have every right to give lectures on how you think the game should be handled. Of course, Asylum have the right to ignore you, but you are allowed to voice your concerns in any way you see fit. On the contrary, a lot of people (myself included) started to lose faith but the gameplay videos boosted my belief right back up to where it started. 

    Also, you mentioned that this game is taking longer than we anticipated. This implies we were the ones who set the deadline expectations ourselves and got annoyed when the devs didn't meet them. We didn't just anticipate that this game would have been out months ago, we were told it would be by the developers

    If it wasn't for impatient people bugging them for more information, you wouldn't have the two recent Town Square streams. You are welcome. 

    That is life. This is how it works in every industry, you need to make your shareholders/investors happy, because if they aren't they can withdraw their investment. Kickstarter isn't a charity, it is a funding platform. If people think they are funding something that doesn't even exist or that they don't believe in, they can withdraw their investment. So yes, it is very important you make your investors happy. That's the trade-off of crowdfunding, if they didn't want to have to deal with all of this they should have got a private investor. 

    How exactly does this game leap bounds ahead of what any developer is doing? I mean, don't get me wrong, I am personally impressed with this game but let's not pretend it's some incredibly unique and different game that is miles ahead of the industry. It is just another simulator like Arma Life, DarkRP or any of those RP games. In my own opinion this game does it better than the mentioned games, but let's not pretend that it is some absolute gaming masterpiece. It is a good take on a more niche part of the gaming industry, that is it. Also I hope you are joking about wanting this game to take 10 years to develop. That is just sad. 




    And finally I come to this. All throughout your post are little punches at my character and other ad hominem. Grow up. You say I am arguing through emotion, yet you are the one who clearly loses control throughout your reply. This sentence is just one of these attacks I found, but it adds nothing to the conversation, so leave it out in future unless you want to come across as a childish person who is mad that someone doesn't believe in their vision.

    Seriously, I feel like there are some people on these forums need to realise it is okay to criticise. You don't need to praise everything the developers do and accept every mistake because you are afraid of admitting your investment was risky. You are allowed to be annoyed, criticise, and give negative feedback. It doesn't make you less of a person, and it doesn't mean you hate the developers. They raised $1.2 million. Some random forum users saying they are tired of waiting is not going to personally effect them at all. This is business.


    Off topic, but is Keys a real life business or soon-to-be in game business?

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  4. 13 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    "remember that "testing" doesn't mean "hey i'll launch it and see if it looks pretty! " Testing = launching, assessing, trying to break under stress test, load balancing, quality assurance, maintenance AND if you found a bug, you gotta FIX IT, and then redo all that testing because a fix can spawn another bug. so just because the tracker LOOKS idle, doesn't mean that we have been." - Cyber


    The tracker looks idle because it is not near transparent with us.

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