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Posts posted by Masa

  1. 25 minutes ago, HairyGrenade said:

    There's no final release info we can give out for the TS as there are ongoing bugs being worked on. The plan for the TS is to release it once the tasks are done on this page. The TS will include a Cinema where you can watch real movies, Art Gallery where you can view player's paintings or your own, library to read real books written by other players, chess, karaoke bar to sing or just get some food and hangout, friends list, clothing shop, character customization and apartment customization.


    Thanks for answers, really appreciate that, but lot of things is still unclear.

    First, what about map? TS seems to be tinny chunk of whole map, there will be any expansion after TS beta release or we have to wait for another module? 

    Is there any indication when "full TS" will be ready like e.g autumn 2019 etc. Or how far with work u are with other modules?

    Is there any priority list of features u want to implement? I get the list of confirmed features and it would be nice if u can point out which are important for Asylum

    • Have your own company
    • Run for governor
    • Court system
    • Prison
    • Gang system
    • Lawyer
    • Licences (gun permits)
    • Mining
    • Farming
    • Hunting
    • Drugs
    • Mechanic/roadside assistance
    • Play instruments and write songs
    • Perform songs in concert
    • Clothing design
    • Price fluctuations
    • Creating furniture
    • Shipwreck excavation
    • Firefighting
    • DEA
    • Detective
    • Car dealership
    • Chop shop
    • SWAT
    • Car customization
    • Police computer system
    • Realistic injury system
    • Paintball
    • 3 Major cities
    • Doctors (Separate from Paramedics) Yeah right
    • Newspaper
    • Writing books
    • Street racing
    • Black Market
    • Fighting arenas
    • Police training course
    • Ordering food at a restaurant
    • Yachts
    • Own corporations
    • Motorbikes
    • Cutting down trees
    • Home improvement store
    • Gym
    • Sports
    • Own a trucking company
    • Marriage
    • Housing Market
    • Taxes
    • Sickness, contagious
    • Bounty Hunters
    • Radio Shows (Player Run)
    • ** In game mobile games**
    • Bikes
    • Off-road vehicles
    • Movies
    • Tattoos
    • Painting

  2. 15 hours ago, HairyGrenade said:

    Our roles as moderators aren't to make you feel helpless or show signs of ruling over everyone else below us. If you've been here for a while and have frequently followed the game on any sort of social media pages, you will see that I've been nothing but kind and helpful to anyone whether they have doubts on the game or not. For you to accuse  @LuckyDuck and I of that is pretty disrespectful considering we both have aided this community. What part of my reply stating that game development changes over time displays that I'm saying you're wrong and I'm right? 

    I don't know if you know this, but there is a Task Tracker for the module in which you can follow the progress upon release. The Town Square module will in fact be released before 2019. John has also showcased 2 gameplay videos on the Town Square, so it isn't really just talk, however I can see why you think that on some things when you watch the video. Also, no one said more money is required to continue development for certain content, it merely helps pay the developers already working on the project as well as hiring more experienced people at the same time.

    Lastly, regarding dates, there have only been 2 set in stone dates that have been missed. March 21 and April 23. So technically there haven't been a lot of dates missed. Hope this clears up and concerns and confusion. 




    And now realize only 2 "set in stone dates" was given... so technically u miss 100% of time.

    And what now? U will never give us any date? This bollocks have to stop. How long u want to repeat over and over again "delay can happen" and "development takes time"? Give us finally real info. Whats the plan for TS, which features going to be available now, which later? When u planing to complete core gameplay in TS? Any plans on next module? 

    Its time to take it seriously like any other company, plan everything and start delivering things u promise years ago instead of hiding and avoiding important questions. People's want to finally know whats happening and vogue task tracker not gonna solve it.

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  3. I think they should release some roadmap of TS at this point and get rid of the task tracker. I watched few dev streams when they answer tons of questions about town square but seeing now 2 gameplay videos I don't really know what to expect. They were talking about taking a job, making money, drugs, etc etc. but after videos, it really looks like 500mX500m area with few shops that are not finished yet anyway. really can't see all these activities they were talking about, basically, nothing to do except reading newspapers, customizing apartment and karaoke. no currency, economy, governors, votings, police, jobs, none of what they talk about for so long, they should clear it before launch, what is now and what will come later on.

  4. 25 minutes ago, Drd27 said:

    I don't own Star Citizen but for a game that it's going to have that big of a scale, $45 is not much. You don't need to donate $500 to pledge for a game and if it was a scam or a vaporware they wouldn't release the alpha and continuous update. Maybe some people are in college and they are pledging now so that when they are finished with studying or with college they could play it, some people don't have the time to play all the time on the computer so that's maybe why a lot of people are doing it. At the end of the day you don't want to end up broke at 25 y/o and without any degrees or whatever.


    Its not about releasing alpha its about making easy money so u dont have to make all the work to get same money as for finished product. Thats difference between crowdfundunding / early access and actual company that have to finish product before taking money for it, if u ever work before u know u will never get wage before work is done, because u could take money and work with 50% efficiency, not filling the orders, bankrupt etc. thats how whole world works, hope u understand

  5. 18 minutes ago, Drd27 said:

    You think that Star Citizen is a scam? Wow, you are clearly retarded. A game of that scale requires a lot of time and the fact that they have to split the development team so they can work on 2 games, the multiplayer mmo and the single-player one clearly makes the process longer. If you want to have a game that has a massive scale with a lot of features you can expect it to be in development for a long time. Look at the alpha, besides some bugs and bad optimizations it looks very stable and responsive and it's just alpha(but they are still developing it after 7 years or so..).

      From your point of view you think that every project that requires you to pay in advance and to wait a long time is a scam, if you are so tired of the "fake" dates and of the "lies" that the devs are giving you could just check the website once every 3-6 months because we are tired of the people that just talk shit about the devs and the games. 

    Clearly is not only this game, you have a problem about Star Citizen too.


    Just FYI I never bought Start Citizen, I just heard about it because record crowdfunding money they made and if a game is 6 years in alpha, that's clearly scam mate, u probably get old and forgot about it before it gets released or they just goes bankrupt before beta. all those shiny DLC, fuck they make over 180 millions from crowdfunding and just released 27k dollars DLC, they not even hiding with a hunger for your money, but well, if u like to be fucked like that it's your call, that's why there are more and more companies like that who only know how to ask for more money but never deliver what they advertised



    You make out you have been supporting this game forever telling others just because they have only been here since May that they have no right to an opinion. You only bought the game december '17, well I will rephrase that, you didnt buy the game, you pledged support for a game whether they release it or not, its a risk you take. Then you ask for a refund in March so from pledging to asking for a refund thats only 3 months so you are hardly a veteran either. How you paid for it is your business. You may not like 3rd party payments but they have their advantages as you have just found out but none the less, no one forced you to make a purchase and by which method of payment is down to you. 

    Im not saying that the delays havent been frustrating and they could have been a bit more transparent and communicate more but to me it just sounds like they completely underestimated how much work they were taking on. You cant change whats happened and like I said before you havent effectively bought any game, you have pledged money to help the development. Some devs never even get this far and if it was one of them you would have kissed goodbye to your money by now. 


    Opinions and straight facts are 2 different things, he just trying to bend the facts to make his opinion valid. And I never said im veteran but I went through situations like that few times since I pledged so I  know whats going on, I also paid by card so I expect to get a refund same way that's pretty  simple, idk why I shouldn't have the option to do so and that's awkward as well for me, if u buy something through steam or other online shops, u don't need PayPal to get refund

  6. 10 hours ago, dagtag said:

    Delays can happen in games, and no testing for bugs is not just "pressing some buttons", a bug can exist without persisting all the time, try making a game you will see that for yourself, secondly you seem like a spoiled little brat who always gets what he wants, there is no point in arguing with my previous post as all I did was state facts, facts cannot change and therefor all your thoughts you shared here have no effect on those FACTS. The plan of the devs however as you put it is wrong as well, as someone explained previously not everyone knows everything in the team, they have certain expertise and when the task of a certain someone is done what do you expect them to do? sit on their ass?

    you don't wanna trust in the development? sure go ahead, ask for a refund but don't start complaining about anything and everything. There are people here who have waited just as long if not longer than you and are still patient, so again take an example to us, give the devs some slack and patiently wait.


    Bugs in UI =/= gameplay bugs. And I'm not "spoiled little brat", I just know value of the money, I'm not a teenager without obligations, I have family and I know how hard I have to work for that "extra" 30 euros for my computer game and what else I can buy for it. I also like to know what I paid for, right now I can see only vague excuses about literally everything, even new website, pushing back dates that were pushed back before I was here, lack of communication etc. So I'm getting angry about money I give them because I cant refund, only PayPal transactions can be refunded, I paid by debit card, never in my life used PayPal and never trust 3rd party payment things like that so I'm fucked, there is no way back for me.

    None of your previous posts have facts,  u rather looks like a kid who falls in love with a computer game and u trying to defend it no matter what, not even knowing about an official release date and how important TS is for rest of modules, all that was mentioned by devs many times, u join forum 31 may so u are new here and u trying to teach others about things we went through many times, so I would propose u to do some research before u start blindly defend it again.



    The Module got delayed from the release date, it is a delay. it happened, it happens in games, they are unavoiable unless you want to release a unfinished buggy mess.

    I know it happens, and I understand it, but the thing is Identity has pushed literally every date given, for everything they are involved (gameplay video, TS release dates, new website and probably more) and that not happening in games, Identity is years out of the schedule (as I remember the first date of full game release was for 2018, yet even TS is not released) and u trying to tell me it's happening in games? I don't think so until u want to compare Identity to some scam projects like Star Citizen.

  7. 14 hours ago, dagtag said:

    okay so what you are saying is you would rather have the first module ASAP and then wait ages again for the next module? 


    Yes, since that was the plan made by devs, not by me, and no, they said town square is most important because it contains everything about the game, so all other modules gonna come very soon after TS because its a base for rest of things and contain most of the things they need for full release.


    By putting people on other tasks the modules will release closer to each other. and they never 'promised' anything, they gave an estimated release date, not an official one. 


    No, 23 april was an official date of town square release, that has been said by devs, everything before that was just eta.


    It was just a month ago that we announced the official release date for the Town Square module.




     This argument is not silly, its factual and factual arguments are the only good ones... where are your arguments if mine are so bad? and lastly there are a lot of people who have been waiting since 2014 and are still patiently waiting, take an example to them and wait.



    All they say are just smokes and mirrors, all the dates they give before was just straight lies, whole talk about "we not showing anything because first impression is most important" to show terrible quality "gameplay video" which made worst first impression they could expect etc. tracker is same,  just easy way to manipulate release date. that's just numbers on the board that u can add or remove whatever task is done or not, the best example is "game UI" section, its just game menus, how long u can test it? u just click buttons and u know its working or not, if not, task landing o the board, if its working task is gone, u need maybe day or two to test it,  yet it looks like they testing UI for weeks. it's just a gimmick to show peoples "we are almost there" but truth is that can take how long they want, so we have last 4 tasks but it doesn't mean release is soon, I would say last tasks gonna take longer than all previous tasks

  8. 7 hours ago, dagtag said:

    Okay ill briefly try to explain everything in points:

    - Making a game isn't done overnight, it takes a lot of work and can take up more time than 3 years, definitely with a small development team, they also had to rewrite the code that set them back a few steps.

    - The task tracker has been updated daily(except for weekends and today), there is no visual change because these last segments might be large and close to finished but not just yet.

    -  The website is finished(or close to at least) but the payment provider hasn't replied to their messages, this isn't the development teams fault.

    - The last couple tasks obviously take longer since there are fewer people working on these, most of the developers have been assigned other tasks having to do with the other modules.

    I hope this clears out your concerns, the game will release just have a little bit more patience, you might even get to play the first module within the month.


    Are u serious? They are months out of the clock for release and "- The last couple tasks obviously take longer since there are fewer people working on these, most of the developers have been assigned other tasks having to do with the other modules."? Seems like best idea ever, let's make stuff for later and leave module that we promise months ago. Never heard more silly argument than this one. They should have crunch now, sweating in the studio to finish town square ASAP, yet I can see "final" 6 tasks for about month now.

    • Like 3

  9. 1 hour ago, Cstove said:

    Over 20k people backed the game.  There is deffinently still a ton of support and fans of this game! :) 


    Yes, on paper but do u see this support here? Because i can count on my fingers how many active users is here together with asylum representatives. And if we are on numbers, only bit over 4k backed it on Kickstarter which is not much considering there is literally no competition for them. Don't get me wrong, i would love to see identity on top of steam charts but it seems like its niche game and i will be surprised if they will get enough support to pull it to release.

  10. I think it won't be very popular game. If not there would be a lot of rumours already and tons of peoples interested. Lets face reality, any gaming website / magazine not even mentioning identity, like it doesn't exist, forum is terribly quiet, threads from months ago on first page. Even backers sitting quiet, there is completely no hype and life around this project and from my perspective it looks like already dead, very few hundreds of interested players. Not gonna lie, if town square release date will be pushed back again or they release something with quality of so hyped "gameplay video" i will ask for refund

  11. Hello, i just bought the game yesterday but iit seems like identity missing al lot of answers

    1. im confused by all ETA's, and modules, idk how many of them will be in-game, and how many is needed to run a beta phase? how big they will be?  because on the picture its just small area with few buildings, that will be it? or whole world will be bigger? and how big is whole map? is there any alpha pass? any testing phases, or just beta and shortly after release? it will be early acces or full release after beta? FAQ says that game will be released when 3 modules are ready but even first one is not ready after years of development, but it also says that ETA for beta is when town square is done, so im really confused how it goes...

    2. we will be able to travel freely of it will be more like loading screens between cities, modules etc? 

    3. do we need to pay bills etc, or i can just buy apartament and im free of payments? any insurance  or if i get robbed my stuff is gone?

    4.  drug, ciggarets, alcohol addictions?

    5. do we have a needs like toilet, eating, drinking etc?

    6. if i rob something and police cach me they taking the stuff or they have to find it? like i can have some secret place in apartament that i can hide robbed money?

    7. police know who they looking for? like i kill or rob something and nobody see that, they gonna know that im did that?

    8.  any pc requirements? "if u can run gta 5..." its a little gimmick,  idk how u can handle performance, how the game runs if there is no gameplay no nothing except few screens, comparing this game to gta 5 where thousands of employees working multiple years and game have bigger budget than rest of AAA games together is not helpfull, i just dont want to spend money on it, wait for months and in the end find out that i have to spend tons of money to upgrade my pc to actually play the game especially if there is no testing phase, no stress testing,  just beta test with features ready game that can turn into big floop because of client and server side performance issues...

    9. there is any refund policy, or its just croud funding and u can do whatever u like? like if u find out the game is just bad in beta phase u can push the release date by anothere years and i cant get my money back because of that? just fyi i pay for my copy by official website, not a kickstarter....


    sorry for my english if u cant understand me, its not my native language...