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Posts posted by KIRBYDUDE

  1. I have bullied an rape victim and so many other people. I have threatèn to kill some on. I have stalkd somany people on facebook. Manipulated somany people. I have looked at woman as if they are sex slaves. I dont deserve friends , respect or a fun life.

  2. I m worrking on some lumines clone game.

    Working out all the bugs is an litlle hard to do.

    I head the idea that the game should have the  name:

    Blockuh dose

    At first i wannted to make that you: Place XTC tabblets. But some people thaught that idea was sick on not so good way. 

    So i sthill rethink my XTC making factory.

    Its great cause i can port it to android. Or even html5.

  3. This speech is just pure fear. Imagine being one of te last five humans on earth. And this Computer start to torture you.

    It's funny. I know a real AM (I THINK THERE FOR I AM). It's being developed at the Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht. They hate me and tortured me.