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Everything posted by LSFAxel

  1. These were the same lies we were fed for the first five years until Town Square dropped. Have they just abandoned Town Square altogether then? Also, Paratus, in a post, stated that development pace will be significantly slowed due to financial reasons. Meaning they blew the 1.5 million we already gave them. Fuck this shit dude. I'd prefer just to get the $50 I backed refunded to me and never have to think of this dog shit company again.
  2. Curious

    Curious why y'all are prioritizing the functionality of paintings when the play button still doesn't even fuckin work for a *lot* of people.
  3. Curious

    I'm a game dev myself, adding functionality for a fucking painting canvas isn't gonna fix the fact that the play button on Steam in mass doesn't work whatsoever
  4. New (vague) tracker. What does this mean?

    I'm looking back at this topic now, laughing my ass off thinking I actually supported this money hungry fucks. "Delay will be short and less than a month", that was posted in APRIL, it only released at the end of November. And the release they gave us was unplayable. 1.5 million into their pockets for a shiny new office, Alienware PCs and DXRacer chairs, and maybe a couple bucks and a used condom actually went into the game itself.
  5. So, a few days ago there was a little bit of text that said "Coming April 23rd 2018", and now to replace that there's this tracker showing half the shit isn't done. Does this mean yet another delay? Or is that all shit they're gonna be working on when the module drops?
  6. New (vague) tracker. What does this mean?

    Look bro, I get it, and hell you might even be telling the truth, but for over a year every game that's been hyped up constantly gets delayed, and delayed, and delayed. "Oh yes we release soon!" they say, for example: Look at Survive the Nights, it took them years to get an alpha out and they got a FUCKTON of cash from pre-orders and such, I'm really looking forward to Identity, it's just sad to see constant delays for a MODULE, not even the full game.
  7. Okay so I'm probably really stupid for asking this but you guys said you had those modules open to tie us over until Town Square drops, but when I try to click those it just refreshes the page. Why?